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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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HOH I don't think can go, no matter what, even considering the Coup d'etat.

I think the winner of the Coup d'etat ONLY changes the nominations if he or she wants too and I don't think they can nominate the HOH for eviction because the HOH is the ONLY for sure person who is safe EVERY week.

The winner of the Coup can take him or herself off the block aswell as their fellow nominee and replace the two nominees with whoever they want. They also can replace them if they are not on the block, only change one, or do nothing at all.

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hence why they rigged the comp.

Janelle never should have played. She and Will answered questions wrong. If the equipment was as faulty as was noted than everyone who didn't get a question wrong should have been allowed to redo. But Janelle lost that comp fairly! And now Danielle and Erika are screwed over, and hopefully suing, because of this sloppy attempt to keep Janelle on the show.

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That was my understanding too Mitch, but some were hoping that it was the other way and Janelle could win it and nominate Erika and send her packing. It is just funny to me now that the shoe is on the other foot, and I wonder if they are hoping the same thing now. Because now the wishes can come back to bite them in the butt.

I still think that since it was BB's fault over the HOH that Erika should be given a safe week this week since she won the other comp. Esp. since the new winner Janie was eliminated from the other competition not by an equipment malfunction but because she answered the question wrong. Howie, Boogie, and Marcellus being knocked out might have been an equipment mix up but Janelle and Will both missed the questions they got knocked out on.

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Karma's a !@#$%^&*]. Here's to Erika & Dani winning the POV and the Coup.

Watching Janie's expression if Howie walked out the door would be hilarious.

And like he'd tell you if they rigged them. :rolleyes:

And like you throwing a hissy fit. "OMG THERE NOT RIGGING IT. ITS NOT RIGGED. IT'S NOT RIGGED. Get over yourself.

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I for one would not be throwing a hissy fit if someone else won and it was because of a mistake or faulty equipment. The game needs to be fair. Thats the thing here. You are upset because your favorite won by mistake. SO they did it over and corrected it..and they lost. They should have played smarter then shouldn't they?

The show is NOT rigged. GOod lord, there was no guarantee Janelle would win a 2nd time. The Sov 6 is down to two people...what are the chances one of them would win? People really need to stop blaming others and stop the accusations just because their person lost.

It is a game. And the only reason I am defending the show is because of the lies that some are spreading because one of their faves lost....boo hooo.

Just because your player is not smart enough to win a 2nd time when they only won the first time by default is not a reason to blame the game and accuse them of rigging. So these are rigged huh? They told Alison and Eric and Holly and so on that in week 5 or whatever this is, that they are going to play a part in a contest and if it does not go the way that BB wants...they will just redo it. Ya, thats logical.


I still think Erika should have been given a free pass...but thats my opinion./

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What the hell does that have to do with anything Danny? I'm a proud and biased Janie fan but what happens to her in the game happens. I'd prefer Janelle out of the house so the hate against her would stop, because I'm really sick of the trashing. I wasn't happy about Erika winning the first HoH cause Janelle was toast but I wasn't bashing her endlessly or saying the first HoH was rigged, etc. I'm just sick of everywhere I go there is talk about how this is bullshit, it's rigged, etc. Who gives a crap anymore? It's been almost 24 hours, it's time to move on, that's all.

Erika can still win veto. Nothing is set in stone. She could also win the coup d'etat, so she's not out yet.

If my favorite goes, I won't go apeshit. Why should I? It's a GAME. Erika fans are mad, I get that, but enough is enough.

And what's funny is I doubt the haters would be saying anything about it being rigged had Marcellas or George or James or Will or Boogie won. It's because they hate Janelle they're going on and on and on about it. I frankly do give a [!@#$%^&*], I'm sick of All-Stars anyway. Seeing Marvin and Jun and Nicole made me realize what a shitty cast we have and made me hate this season even more.

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Tell me how it's fair if Janelle lost out on a question she got wrong and Erika won. Julie Chen announced her as HOH.

Look on Survivor when Burton was stripped of his immunity. The producers didn't let everyone else compete. They let the last 3 (Lillian, Sandra & Darrah) compete.

Denial. It's really sad that you believe that Reality TV isn't rigged. Sure it's not a 100% rigged but Producers munipulate challenges.

Funny, because alot of people who don't like Erika also think it was unfair for her. Simple fact is they wanted to redo the HoH they should of started from where Howie was eliminated.

IT'S RIGGED BECAUSE THEY LET JANELLE PLAY AGAIN. She was eliminated for giving a wrong answer. There was no technical problems with her being eliminated. Howie, YES!

I respect that you'd be fine with it but the majority of BB Fans wouldn't. There was a huge outcry with Howie but there won't be for Erika.

Had Erika not won the First HoH and was declared HoH, I'd be fine with her going. Your right it is a game. But the fact is she was screwed out of the HoH. CBS should of at least had 2 HoH's.

As much as I hate Janelle, I would of been pissed if was her who won the First HoH and had it stripped.

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I totally see your points Danny. It's like a lose-lose situation for everyone. But it was clear the buzzers didn't work right. CBS admitted that, and something had to be done. I do think they should of re-done the competition from the question Howie lost on and gone on from there, with Howie still in.

And yes, competitions are "geared towards certain people" IMO. I firmly believe that, hands down.

But there was no guarantee Janelle would win the second HOH competition, so that's why I'm tired of hearing people bitch. That and the fact it can't be changed again, so what's the point of going on and on about it. We all know Arnold and Allison won't change the results now.

Would I be livid if Janelle was the original HOH and was stripped of her power? Most likely... I dunno, I guess I just let things roll of my back easier than others. This whole thing was a big clusterfuck, IMO.

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