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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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From Joker's: "The veto comp probably went like this: You were given things that you could give up or take to get or lose points (put people on slop, no hot water, cots instead of beds, 24 hour confinement, not compete for veto next week, get a phonecall from home, win a trip somewhere) and whoever had the most points left at the end probably won"

CRC, people on Joker's just REALLY love Janey.

This just in: Boogie and Will threw POV ceremony.

Boogie cannot compete in the POV next week.

Boogie and Will are going to push Marcellas on Danielle and get him out!!! GOD, I WILL SO ROOT FOR CHILLTOWN TO DO THIS!

OH MY GOD!!! JANELLE CHOSE TO PUT THE WHOLE HOUSE ON SLOP FOR A WEEK TO GET THE POV!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!

Take that, !@#$%^&*]es!

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I would SO love:

1. Marcellas and James on the block because that way I won't f*cking care who leaves.

2. It would be amazing, if Mike, Will, and Janey, Kays, and Howie who find out about James' betrayal by then, vote his ass O U T !

Have fun in 24 solitaire, Danielle.

Boogie may have won a Plasma TV during the POV. God between him winning the POV last week, the $10,000, and the t.v., ....I don't like his good luck streak!

This is definitely turning into BB6 VERY fast. It's going to be Howie and Janey vs. EVERYONE again! :lol: I can't believe she did that with the slop! LMAO.

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lol...I love the fact that Danielle is on solitary confinement too. She thought she was going to be sitting pretty in her HoH room

Marcellas is probably regretting giving Chicken George the food pass bc he hates slop. I knew this would come into play this week.

Im still scared that Dani might put up Kaysar bc that was another name Boogie throughout there

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If James go up against Kaysar, God, I don't know.

Janey, Howie would definitely keep Kaysar.

Will and Boogie might vote out James since they've already thrown around the idea of [!@#$%^&*] James over.

George might be tempted to vote out James since James nominated him and was kinda mean at the beginning of that week.

And Erika might be tempted to keep Kaysar since she likes him so much.

James could go if he goes up against Kaysar.

Ok, apparently the whole house is not on slop, but Kaysar is one of three people on it.

James: " the bigest b#tch in this house is driving me nuts."


[!@#$%^&*] off, James!

People on Joker's are saying that no one knows who won what. So they don't know if Janey really won the POV, but I doubt she'd be wearing it if she didn't win!

I guess Danielle yelled at Janelle during the competition for putting the whole house on slop.

Danielle's HOH so she can eat whatever she wants. Dani is just mad her plan failed.

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Janelle: "I could tell Danielle was really upset I won the veto. *Giggle.*

LMAO. I love her giggle!

James tells Kays he wants to go home. Then, by all means, James......

James: I'm going to talk to Dani about putting up Marcellas.

Kaysar: Turn on the bible-swearing charm.

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Janie: "I love how I came off the block and she has to go into isolation for 24 hours." HAHAHAHA.

This is *SO* amazing! If Marcellas goes up, he is going to blow the whistle on James SO fast to the S6. James, Dani, AND Marcie are ALL screwed!

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The challenge appears to be something like..............the players were VERY far away from a screen with small text. And they had to read things and chime in yes or no. And then first person to ding in, each got it. And I guess, the person with the most Yes's at the end won?

And I think Danielle thought it was something good and dinged in yes, but got confinement.

Danielle says it's going to be KAYSAR who goes up. This is actually kind of good because I have *NO* idea if James will definitely be safe against Kaysar.

George, Erika, and Marcellas are going to be key here.

Boogie, Will, and CG think James tanked the POV because he knew he had the votes to stay. They think he's cocky. I really think Boogie and Will are going to try and oust James.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if George, Erika, Will, and Boogie are the F4 at this point.

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