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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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I also am very sick of the complaining, especially this year. It's the second go around. They know what to expect. Marcellas is driving me the most crazy. I am so glad I don't pay for feeds and just visit joker's. :lol: Six people were rejected so they could sit in that house. Stop complaining!

As for Danielle, I thought she was playing the same exact game as BB3 really. Save the fact that she wasn't evil in the DR's and she wasn't throwing all the competitions, but her strategy and game talks are still the same. She still stirs the pot. So I was confused about the "BB3 Danielle is back" thing.

I don't really see how "Janelle looks like you could buy her in a tranny sex toy shop." could be taken out of context or coaxed out of her by Producers. That sounds pretty straight forward to me.

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Big Brother a big nightmare

Tara Merrin

Calgary Sun

August 5, 2006

Diane Henry says Big Brother: All-Stars should be renamed Big Brother: The Torture Edition.


The latest evicted houseguest, who rose to reality fame on BB5, says the producers of the show made her summer painful.

“It’s Big Brother — let’s make you miserable. It was the worst four weeks of my entire life,” she says.

“It was not fun. Leaving the house (Thursday) was actually more of a luxury than a disappointment.”

Forcing the contestants to eat BB slop (some kind of corn-based oatmeal) and waking up the house every 15 minutes with annoying and loud messages from viewers before the veto competition this week, was only the tip of the iceberg, she adds.

“I was in the house with a lot of spoiled-rotten people so the complaining was just outright ridiculous, which, in turn, made it worse for us,” says Henry.

“The more you complained, the less they were going to give the house some alcohol … and they wouldn’t give us activities, something to keep us occupied, eccept for some kid’s toys.

“I’m hoping from this week out, we’ll start to see some All-Star stuff — it’s kind of been sucking so far. It just really wasn’t the same experience (as BB5).”

Henry, 24, says the only negative thing about getting kicked off the show is being out of the running to win the $500,000 US prize.

Not only is she jobless (making it almost impossible to keep an apartment in L.A.), she owes thousands of dollars in student loans, medical bills and car debt.

“It would have made a world of difference and just changed my life. That’s the biggest disappointment,” says Henry, who has a degree in communications and marketing.

“I’m not trying to be the next huge actress. I just want to stay in the entertainment business no matter what.”

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I seriously think James has the mental age of a two year old. When things don't go his way and even when HE'S responsible, he pouts and cries like a little baby who had his favorite toy taken away. Marcellas said something like he wonders if people still love S6 this year b/c they're playing so hard. Huh, Marcellas does that mean they play hard by WINNING competitions or they lie and talk trash constantly like YOU?? Oh God, what a hypocrite. Wtf are they supposed to do, roll over and play dead? :blink:

And I think that S6 are still the underdogs, b/c I know some don't like them as much as last year b/c they're dominating the house but they're still targeted and are underdogs if you think about it.

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Dear Diane,

Welcome to the Real World where some of us have real bills and hold down real paying jobs, We too have real student loans and car debts too. In some cases some of us don't have medical insurance. We work our asses of to make thirty thousand a year and our grateful to have two weeks vacation and six days of sick days. SO Diane go off in your pretty little world and kiss my white Irish Ass.

With Regards,


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Well I still like all of Season 6 except for Janelle. It may be the editings fault or whatever but I still say what she did was stupid. And them showing even Howie and Kaysar questioning her decision didn't help either. What James did is just James - I have come to expect it from him. I never have really liked him and still don't, but I respect him more than Janelle at this point. I never thought anything could turn me on her.

I still see them as underdogs too, and everyone has had big targets on thier backs from day one. But I just see the decision Janelle made as a big mistake. Whether Mike or Will can win HOH's or even want to is beside the point. Will is a manipulator and Mike is a freeloader on the back of Will. Janelle had a chance to strike and get rid of Will but she didn't. Of course the whole house did at one point too. They are all stupid in that sense.

Diane and some of the floaters are not playing their A game this year. They could have been easily manipulated. Will is playing the same game he did before. It will serve Janelle right if he beats her this year.

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You can manipulate and strategize all you want, but if you don't win HOH or POV's, then you're not going to get much done this game - nine times out of ten.

Janelle and Kaysar talked about putting up floaters before she got HOH. So, really all Will did was convince Janelle to do what she wanted vs. what her group wanted. Not like her group should talk, James and Kaysar both had opportunities to get CT out. James opted for CG instead. :rolleyes:

PS. If you are unspoiled and thought this season has been boring and are considering skipping tonight or Tuesday's episodes....don't.

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