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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Yes, and I have been lurking here for years. Longer than some have even been posting. I am a Tracy Quartermaine fan afterall, and have been since before this Lunacy vs L&L drama ever began.

But rest assured, since it seems to be of such interest, that the information I post on SoC never comes from the Lovefest. It comes from a very dedicated Luke and Laura board that keeps abreast of any information dealing with Luke and/or Laura. It so happens that we are tied in that way.

Thanks for the fooder for my initial post. After being side mentioned enough times in this thread this is the perfect point to come out of lurkdome for.

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I haven't been able to resist for years ;). I don't plan to stop now.

The Lovefest might not be "safe" for people like me, who love L&L and Tracy, but not LuNacy, but it's still THE place for primo info on Jane, Tracy, and some great fanmade material.

BTW, while I'm here, I'd like to thank whomever the wonderful poster is who did the "One Thing" video for Jane/Tracy. I look at that video frequently; I can never get enough of it.

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Hey J, welcome out of lurking and into our zone. I think it's probably like being a Tony fan and being at other sites that are really LnL sites.

A wild goose change I'll buy, or sending him to find someone/something with meaning for the fall. They can't have him kidnapped from Tracy again, and he's not running without telling her. Whatever it is I hope Tracy isn't automatically gone once he is. Besides, isn't it pretty early to think we have any true knowledge about his vacation schedule?

As for the rest, TG is consistent - gotta love that about the guy. He might be a Company Man, but he's behind the message all the way. He's Mr. Chatty-chatty these days. I guess he's happy.

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The Netherlands.

Really? I didn't hear about the volcano - I've got to get out more! These past few weeks I've been totally focused on getting my kids turned around again and Yay for me!! Ruah is human again! Don't know for how long but she's not hissing or looking down her nose or setting her jaw at me. I have no idea where my cute little princess in pink disappeared to..... sigh...

I need TL here to commiserate about daughters. Anything I should know about sons Hooked, aside from being extremely moody and weepy?

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Oh come on Funny - Luxie was really cute yesterday and you've got to love Helena this time around. I just died laughing when she corrected Alexis and said "whom". The Diva turned to be and said "she sounds like you - just... you're not so evil".

And I know it won't last but Carly ripping Sonny a new one today was priceless. She was FINALLY on the money - Sonny is a bully and selfish bastard who has no problem having others sacrifice themselves for him so he can keep all the power.

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Sorry Remos but I don't waste my time with this show unless one/both are on. This show is mob central and I don't really like anyone else that will keep my interest. Love Helena and like Alexis but not interested in most of the show. And Luxie, well i don't like Lucky or Maxie. So they are gag-worthy to me.

Edited by funny1
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Luxie are doing nothing for me, I just don't see any romantic chemistry at all. I am open to Lucky/Maya though, if the cards are played well.

As an old CarSon fan I've gotta say, that bit of the conversation was classic CarSon. I don't want them together, simply because the spark LW and MB have isn't romantic, but that was a good little segment.

Too bad Carly's a piece of trailer trash who is obsessed with Jason to the point of derangement. Watching Sonny, who's pretty much a waste these days, call her out on that was worth the price of admission. I haven't liked Sonny that much in years.

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Agreed - it wasn't romantic chem. (I think that was only with GV really) but I like their interaction. I LOVE sarcasm.

Also agreed - LW and MB just aren't suited, but it was nice to see Carly speak the truth to Sonny even though A: she probably didn't realize she was and B: Sonny is still a dick. I don't think that Sonny's a waste though - we're just now seeing the natural decline after years of the "Good Mobster" garbage. Sonny's a hypocritical thug - he's a mobster not a philanthropist. Carly only works with the Spencer and Jackes (although with the Q's she's okay). She's wasted in SaSon's world.

Hey Hooked, anything on this spoiler?

SD again. I wish we'd get that long overdue apology to Tracy if Anna really is returning. Me, I'm thinking this is crapola, but it would be an interesting turn of events.

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An update on Star's Miracle...


Just wanted to add a quick update.

First, I would like to remind everyone that Dennis, Colin and I are raising money for the March of Dimes March For Babies, which is next Saturday. We have raised $60 so far and hope to raise over $200 to help other families like ours and to save the lives of children like Colin. To support us in the walk, visit my March For Babies page at the March of Dimes website.

Speaking of our awesome little man, Colin continues to progress well. He's completely off his oxygen during the day now, and he's only using 1/16th of a liter at nights. Most of the time, we find the cannula above his nose and his sats are staying well above where they should be. We're thinking by the end of this month or next, he'll be ready to ditch the oxygen entirely.

Colin has had a few outings now that winter is over. We took him out for the first time (outside of his MD appointments) to an Easter Egg hunt on April 1. It was sponsored by United Cerebral Palsy, the organization that provides Colin's physical and occupational therapy. He really enjoyed the event even though it tuckered him out.

He spent Easter Sunday at Great Aunt Fran and Great Uncle Don's house and had a good time playing. He also got to eat applesauce for the first time that day for Easter dinner.

He's now experienced a handful of fruits and seems to like peaches the best. At just under 14 lbs., he's growing like a weed. Physically, he's developing pretty well. He rolls from back to front and front to back regularly now, and he also looks like he's about to crawl any minute. He babbles quite a bit and sometimes it sounds like he's saying the word "Hey," so it probably won't be long before he's talking.

We took him this week down to Perdido Beach, where I had to attend a work conference. He liked the sun and sand, but it was a bit too cold to dip him in the kiddie pool. He enjoyed riding around in his buggy and flirting with all the people at the conference. We'd like to thank Nancy Martin, one of the many wonderful folks I've met through my job over the years, for bringing him the cutest outfit all the way from Astoria, Oregon. Making relationships with people all over the country who show such care and support for Colin is just one more reason why I have the best job.

It's been fascinating to watch all of these changes in such a short period of time. He continues to amaze us with his tenacity and sheer will to catch up to where he should be.

We want to take a moment to say something about one of Colin's primary nurses in the NICU, Lauren Morgan. Lauren fell in love with Colin and spoiled him rotten, and during the course of Colin's NICU stay, she became a good friend to us and our family. She will be moving out to California soon and we will miss her greatly. As for our other nurses, they are all equally amazing, and we promise to bring Colin by for a visit before too long.

Edited by remos
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Thanks for the update on COlin. I went to that site and tried to donate $ but it kept saying error and to call. :angry:

Never mind. It worked finally.

Can put the anna return rumor to rest . It stemmed from her appearance on Wendy Williams show today and she said NOTHING about returning to GH. She was there to pimp a hair product.

Edited by hookedongh
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