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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Lainey, I feel like I haven't done anything (productive) either. :( Told myself I wasn't going to do any lesson planning or grading 'til after Christmas, but today I decided I would wait a little longer. I'm supposed to be on break. I can procrastinate, right? :lol: Oh, thank you for the kind comment on my video. :)

remos, here is the Quartermaine video on YouTube: CLICK HERE

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Vids and fic and spoilers! A gal could get spoiled by all of this good stuff. Thanks for everyone providing it - you guys are awesome.

Really enjoyed the episode today. How is that even with just a few seconds screentime, TG and TR can make that old comfortable magic click in so easily? I do love the two of them onscreen together.

Hope everyone had a merry merry and all that. Hubby and I spent most of the day finishing up our shopping since we won't see our families until this coming weekend. Now I'm exhausted, and I still have my house to clean before company comes in.

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Glad you enjoyed the video star. :)

Question LuNacy Fans: When did Tracy tell Luke that (she put up with him) because living with him was better than living without him? I was thinking December 10th of last year, but that's wrong. She said something like that before, right??? Slipping, I'm slipping!!! :o

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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This made me laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol: If you need clips, give us a holler. Do you recall the episode though? I'm sure I have (or can find the clip) somewhere. I just can't for the life of me remember when it happened, other than during Luke's heart attack story... I am guessing December 2007, but I'm not in the mood (or that desperate enough) to go through transcripts. Yet.

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I went thru a couple transcripts. its December 19th:

Luke: I'm not listening to this. You have no idea what I went through.

Tracy: What you went through? You were unconscious. I was the one in the waiting room when monica came out.

Luke: I was in hell.

Tracy: Oh, luke, it's so unlike you to be so dramatic.

Luke: Lulu was married to junior baldwin, pregnant out to here, with three screaming kids and a ridiculous poodle. Disco was back. Scott baldwin was an international playboy with his own private jet, and you were all over him like a cheap beaver coat.

Tracy: There is nothing cheap about beaver. Why do I put up with you?

Luke: I don't know. Why do you?

Tracy: Because living with you is better than living without you.

Edited by LisaQ
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Double post, but I didn't want this post to get mixed in with the last one...

LuNacy fans, who are able to watch videos via SendSpace - I need your thoughts. In this recent video I made, I overlapped the music with dialogue (which is an incredibly irritating process in Windows Movie Maker - took longer to overlap audio than to actually create the video - oy). At certain parts, it's not the best it can be (I tried, I really tried). Could you tell me what you think of it though?

And also, should I ditch the ending audio clip? It doesn't "go" IMO, but I didn't want the video to leave the impression that Tracy is only with Luke 'cause she can't live without him... So, I added the audio where she told him that he makes her life worth living and she doesn't know what she would do without him. But as I said, it just doesn't seem to "go," and plus, it repeats words from the first quote, which sort of sounds awkward. You, hopefully, will see what I mean when you watch.

Here is the URL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mbcoja

Thanks! :)

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Okay.. I think your idea and your mood and your video choices are FANTASTIC.

This is truly a piece of art.

Here's the thing.. I know nothing about windows movie maker.. but I do know a little about final cut. Is your audio on two channels (the show on one channel, the music on the other)? If you have the audio on separate channels, you should be able to fade down one channel, while fading up the other one. It will seem less abrupt. Is that how you're doing it?

Also -- look for 'lip flap.' That's when luke or tracy's lips are moving, but the voice over you have edited in is different from what they're saying. I saw it at least twice. It's a little jarring, but all you have to do to fix it is replace the "talking video" with video where they're not talking. There will be no "flap." You'll like it better.

As for the end -- I would get rid of the last voice over bite. I don't think you need it. It's just my opinion.

I hope this doesn't sound critical -- Im just giving you the feedback you wanted. Honestly, I think you have done an amazing job. Your creativity and vision astounds me. You have a feel for this stuff (You should consider working on final cut. There is final cut express and final cut pro. "Pro" is what the pros use, but express is similar and less than 200 dollars. Once you master it, you will have the skills to edit professionally. You certainly have the eye and the ear and the talent).



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first of all... oh, if wishing made it so....... I SOOOOO love this idea. I've wanted him to see someone else as a serious threat since Robert came back and was flirting with her around Justus' funeral, and then when Scotty came back on. Man oh man do I want that!!!

And next... Happy Holidays to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I know I am a little late on that, but better late than never. I haven't been on for a while and I've been a bit busy with holiday and family stuff so I am saying it now. I hope everyone had a great time!

And on the school front... First off I applied to two other jobs, both in NY. I am just kind of curious to see if they'll call me but they are definately interesting. One is in TV, it's entry level learning the business, I would be working in all areas so it sounded kind of cool. I thought it would at least let me get a feel of how it works if i am ever going to get over my stage fright and try for it. The other is an entry level at a fashion house, which I wouldn't want to do forever, but for now I think it sounds REALLY fun and interesting (and for an entry level it pays 80,000 a year so that's always good since my loans are more than many mortgages). Now onto school. If I don't get either of those, which I don't think I will, I am definately applying for next fall. I have a guy who goes to the bank who always asks me about school b/c he knows I was going to go back and he works in the department I want in the school I was looking at. He was asking again today and he was filling me in. he said "so there are a few things... first, I'll end up your supervisor. Next give me your last name, I'm going to get in touch with Mr. M who will be involved with the acceptances. He is the husband of one of my old teachers so he said I'm basically in. He was telling me about how the program runs and what I have to do to go fo free. I knew this b/c I found out at that meeting but he didn't know that. Anyway, If he is he my supervisor and he's having a sitdown with Mr M I don't think I'll have a prblem getting in. I just have to get all my stuff together... and wait to hear from these jobs but I don't have to apply till may at the latest

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Thanks Sweetie, I really appreciate that. Great vid!!!!

And Lainey-me-luv, you have just upped my curiosity into you in r/l (like it needed any encouragement). I'm not even sure what you were talking about, but you obviously know. I was reminded of your encouragement with my writing. You are truly a gift around here.

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Hey, thanks so much for the feedback. Unfortunately, Windows Movie Maker just has audio on one channel. It’s a real b-tch. There is a way to place the dialogue within the music without abruptions, as you might have noticed at other portions of the video. But, it just lets me to do one of these "good" overlaps per music clip. What I might try is placing more “cuts” into the music, which would then provide more areas to insert dialogue. Once everything is inserted, I should be able to merge the music together – not sure though.

I had thought about the lip-flap thing as well. The main portion I am thinking of is when she is yelling at him, telling him that she won’t be anyone’s second choice, etc, etc and as you mentioned, their lips are moving in the clips, but the dialogue is from a separate GH scene and doesn’t match. It's rather distracting. Any suggestions on what clips to replace that with, other than "no talking" ones? Unless… I just use the actual scene from GH.

And doesn’t sound critical at all. I appreciate the detailed feedback. :) As for Final Cut, that’s for Mac, and I’m a Windows Girl. Sony Vegas, however, seems to be the Windows version of Final Cut. I have heard nothing but good things about it. I should have asked for that for Christmas – haha – but I guess I just feared I’d just stop creating videos one day because I didn’t have the time, and therefore, the program would just sit on my computer, taking up space. Of course, currently, I’m on vacation and have a ton of time, but once it’s over, you’ll all notice the amount of videos I’ll be creating will decrease.

Anyway, thanks again – for the advice and for the kind words.

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