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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OMG this is so scary. Okay this is sooo scary. My little one just got home from playing at his friends. I have been out all day today. He told me that earlier, he and his friend were walking my dog on our street (we are in a cul de sac off a main street through my neighborhood...he said a white car stopped on the main street to ask him what kind of dog it was. He told them and then they asked him if he and his friend wanted some candy. He said no and started back towards home and the driver said "it is really good candy." He was only like four houses down and went straight home.

I am totally freaked out now. He said he immediately came home and told my husband, who went out and didn't see a car, etc.

I just called the police to report it. They just came to my house. They told him he did the absolute right thing, etc. THey haven't heard about anyone else today or recently with this happening but I am glad I reported it. I am shaking like a leaf with delayed reaction. The only good thing is that I forgot about my neck pain for a bit. I am so freaked out. He was four houses down.

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I agree with you on all those. I was going by epis that I remember specificall, you filled in everything I was trying to remember (can't believe I forgot the reopening!)

Got on for the quotes. It's probably not great as a quot itself but it was HI-lerious when you watch the scene. When Coleman was hitting on Tracy at Jakes her response was "you're a pig, check back in an hour." and "special delivery, collect your 25 cent tip when you recycle" "when god created eve, he should have quite while he was ahead"... then on 1/2/08 "I don't want to lose you. Huh, the way you were tossing the room you'd prbably find me if you did. I'm not kidding. I want to grow old with you. Don't even think about it." may not be a great quote but watching it it was just such a great scene that it had to be mentioned. It also gets a best kiss nod as well.

for best comedy... tracy and monica's fight over the shirt.

sorry, I don't have specifics for very many b/c as I'm looking through them I don't have a lot of clips for this year at all. I have them on tape so I didn't download them... big mistake cuz I'm going crazy looking. If anyone could post (or repost) any it'd be much appreciated!! Sorry to have you all do this yet again.

nich all, I'm sure I'll come up with more choices tomorrow

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I'm still going with the thought that we have heard an equal amount spoiled about both sides, staying or going, so I listen to nothing till my girls says she's done.

Positive note, did anyone realize this is the longest JE has ever stayed on the show? EVER, she usually has something like a 3 years stint, but she's been around and I thought she has always said she wants to be there now so I think we're ok (boo to all you naysayer who spout this rubbish about them offering her recurring or nothing... she should be the one saying "no, it's this, lose all the new jokers you have on salary but not on screen, have me on to save your collective asses or not at all)

CARRIE-- oh my God, how's he doing, is he freaked out at all or is he ok? Hopefully it's one of those things that freaks you out b/c you know what could happen but nomatter how much a kid "knows" it it just doesn't register unless something actually happens.... if that made any sense. I know where I was going with it but not sure it translated well to print. Hope everything is alright.

good night all

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From soapzone for this week..again the same..

Tracy flimflams Luke when she claims they’re now divorced.

Luke figures out quickly that Tracy’s shining him on.

Next week: Jason entertains a provocative proposition… Is Sam finally utterly bored with cop-Lucky? She may or may not be holding back from her kisses… Sam works Lucky’s last raw nerve… Sam spies on Sasha, right when the Russian lawyer sends her goons kill Jason… Sam plays with fire, as she’s caught by the bad guys. Before they can do harm, she evades them. Then, slips into a ginormous hole… Tracy has Luke’s number… Robin and Patrick organize what they would like to do for Christmas… Alexis harshes Sonny’s buzz with her anti-mob lecture… Claudia holds off on bedding Sonny. She prefers the horniness to be mutual first… Claudia’s off-putting, Sonny-obsessed behavior could have Ric going Darth Vader again… Sonny ain’t liking Jason any better, and Jason’s finding Sonny more and more tedious… Nikolas stands by Nadine’s side throughout Aunt Raylene’s memorial service.

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Oh Hooked - that's the beginning of a number of nightmares as we give them independence, isn't it. My heart goes out to you, honey.

KNH- you explained it just fine. This is a mom's hope - that these little traumas in life will not be remembered by our kids..... but we'll keep them forever.

On a completely frivolous note - which days are we expecting Tracy this week?

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No Tracy, but that's to be expected.

Jake is returned.

LIz tells Lucky how terrible Jason is, then is showering him with praise when Jake is found - some might call this bad writing, but she just sounds female.

Sam puts Jake in Liz's arms.

Mac tells Spin he's to stay away from Maxie, and Maxie says no.

Jax steps in for Maxie/Lulu when idiotic Kate fires them over a dress - one Carly even admits she found out about without involving either.

Tonnes of praise for the last issue of Crimson, how it's superior to the previous one(s) - you know, the one Maxie did almost single handedly without Kate's help or approval (can we get rid of Kate already).

Ric and Sonny Pas de Deux over Claudia.

And that's it (I believe).

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Apparently there is an actor's meeting this week regarding budget cuts and some will be let go and at least one contract player won't get a renewal next spring (I think this is MW).

I have also seen today that Tony is gone, Jane not sure bout, Rih not going anywhere, Kemo is there til August and they have not heard of JT or Kmc leaving. This was in a response to a post someone wrote.

I guess we will get some leaks/fake scoops from this meeting, but I would guess confirmations from the soap sites soon.

If Tony and Jane leave, I just hope they exit together.

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My thinking (not that is matters in the least) is that they are pushing it too close to the end if they are not going to have TG around after January/February. They will not let their biggest name and multi-Emmy winner leave with merely a few scenes to wrap up his tenure. Tony said very carefully that "contract talks" hadn't started - but I'm sure he's already told them he's open to staying and not ready to leave just yet. They ended LnL for a reason, and TG wouldn't be talking about character growth for a character he knew was going to be ending. I think it's all a bundle of hot air. If Erick S. and Susan L. have taken a paycut, there is no way in hell Tony G. is going to be seen as the greedy-gus.

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knh, those are some good lines from that episode at Jake's. I also liked "Here's to men - falling off the face of the Earth." Something like that. It was hilarious. :lol:

What about this for speeches? It's kind of short though...

I know what Lulu means to you, Luke, so I'm going to paint you a little picture, okay? There's a boy lying in a hospital bed with his skull shattered. Now, imagine for a moment that that child is not Michael Corinthos, but it's Lulu -- battered, broken, and near death -- because that's what you're going to have to live with if you allow John access to Lulu.

Or what about this one?

Knowing that you love me, hearing you say it when I know that isn't easy for you, it means more to me than I can possibly convey, and I love you back. Look, Spencer, you are my favorite mistake, and honest to God, I try to accept you as you are. I honor our marriage vows, even though I don't know what they are. And I could divorce you for abandonment, infidelity, fraud -- but I don't. I hang tough. There are those that would say it's because I don't like to be wrong, but you and I know different.

Or this one: The ... is where Laura had 2 short lines.

Laura: So, are you saying that I would be doing Luke a favor if I left him to you?

Tracy: You would. Don't misunderstand. We all know the legend of Luke and Laura, because it has been rammed down our throats ad nauseam. Personally, it makes me puke, but that's another conversation. The question here is how much do you have in common now? I mean, even before you got sick, how much time did you spend together?...Am I wrong? Did I misinterpret this part of the story, too? Because I was given to understand that there was conflict, that you wanted the house with the white picket fence and the flower beds, and Luke couldn't wait to hit the road. So let me ask you the question again. What did you and Luke have left?

Here's the rest of it after Laura speaks again (this time for more than one line):

I'd love to tell you. Laura, we're cynics. We have an appreciation for the absurd. We keep each other interested. And no, it is not the consuming mutual obsession that the two of you enjoyed. But let me tell you that what we have works for me. And the tradeoff for Luke? He doesn't have to be a hero. He gets to be himself.

Parts of the Johnny speech with ... representing Johnny's dialogue.

Meet Laura Spencer, Lulu's mother. Don't worry about making conversation. She doesn't speak. She doesn't move. She's like the living dead... She has no idea that we're here. She does not receive or transmit. It started as a little mental breakdown brought on by the trauma of a murder. Does that sound familiar to you? And it progressed to psychomotor disassociation. Is that what you want for Lulu?

And the rest of it:

Johnny: It doesn't have to be that way.

Tracy: Why, Johnny? Because she's too vital, too strong, too full of love? Johnny, it's like the -- the flaw in a gem stone. You don't even know it's there until it cracks in two. Let me tell you something. I love my stepdaughter. But even if I didn't, I would not wish that on anyone. How can you risk it?

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I wish I could chat but I have an art party to go to tonight and a happy hour for this thing for my husband so I have to scoot...

dropped from sd just now..

*pops in, looks around*

I can confirm:

Tracy is still confused about her feelings for Luke.Johnny is determined to find a job and make an honest living.

Claudia isn't quite ready to sleep with Sonny -- even if it means making the marriage legal.

Claudia is spooked as Jerry continues to tease her with evidence of her involvement in Mikey becoming a veggie.

Robert comes home to PC for Scrubbies wedding.

Jason says no to a deal -- because he won't turn against Sonny.

Sasha tells Jason what she wants in exchange for Sam.

Carly lets Sonny be with Morgan for Christmas.

Maxie tells Spin he is her BFF and she cares too much for him to mess up their relationship with sex.

*runs for cover*

play nice


These are for the next two weeks.

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