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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I know PA is legitimate, I'm not suggesting otherwise. But even insiders are open to their own perceptions.

Those spoilers sound good, and consistent. I can't wait to see how the rest of the month plays out. So far Tracy has assumed the superior position and Luke hasn't challenged it. I wonder how Luke will react when he finds out she couldn't go through with it regardless of her bluster. I really hope he laughs with glee and finally gets physical with her. I can't see him getting annoyed with her lie especially since they are together for Christmas.

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let me just ask this... was that addressed to someone called Kiss My Ass... cuz that's hysterical!!

Ok, I know this has nothing to do with anything on here but I have a question for anyone who can view it. I have an old english professor who i on my facebook and she sent me a message that is titled somethin like I was shocked by your behavior. I am pretty sure that has to do with the video link she sent but I can't tell b/c I can't view the video. I am posting it on her, if anyone can view it can you at least fill me in? I'm pretty sure it just some stupid forward but I have no clue so I can't not watch it. I tried to download the update it said I needed but it won't let me.

thanks so much


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Oh I know you weren't saying they weren't legit...and it was her summarizing...

So today IR announced on his site that he re-signed for another year with GH. So that makes MB, IR and Sbr all within the last week or so....no mention of pay cuts. I think whatever goes down in terms of elimanting cast or dropping to recurring will be leaked out after next week....just my take though. Probably made official after the holidays.

Remember how they fired SD for xmas! I read online that JFP fired Cassie from OLTL via fax when she was out on maternity leave. They are so nice there at GH--all heart!

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I remember the story LL told about the way JFP fired her - the woman needs some campassion workshops.

I don't think we will hear anything about the pay cuts, nor do I think we should. We know it's coming but that information really is private. GH doesn't comment on contract negotiations so why would they mention salaries. It's really not our business. The only reason we even know as much as we do is because Agnes Nixon said something and then the insiders started with their firings because of cuts. Prior to that we heard nothing.

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Night knh..we are in the br if you want to join in for a few..

Article in SOD about TG...in the behind the scenes section this week

Don't Luke Now:

GH's AG celebrated his 30th anniversary of his first day on the show last month. While he sought out projects to distance himeslf from his GH persona in the early days, that's not so important to him anymore, "I think of Dr. Frankenstein and the moster, and in this case ,the creator and the creation have melded into one," he laughs. "I can creat you someone else, as I believe the Carpool Guy shows, but for the five to 10 seconds (of recognition), "its that guy" it takes you out of the movie, and most directors, understandably, dont' want their viewers distracted." he explains. "After I had been on GH for about 15 years, I was doing Jesus Christ Superstar onstage and in the secene after the crucifixition, they were mechanically moving me about 10 feet above the audience into the clouds. As I'm hanging there, I was passing row 10 and some woman goes, "Hey Luke. Where's Laura (laughs).

Tracy made classic lines this week too with her comment about

Tracy: That toxic glow on the horizon means we're over Los Angeles"

Under Record this: GH Photo of Luke/Trayc form this week medianet photo

GH War and Pieces....

On tuesday, december 16th .....and Tracy refused to fall for Luke's latest stunt. "Luke is termined to convince her while Laura was his past, she is his future, says Anthony Geary (luke)

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From soapdish...

Any Lusam scenes after the pit? Please

Lucky will probably be [!@#$%^&*] Liz while Sam lays near death

No but he does escort Liz to the wedding and then supports her and drives her home early after she suffers a panic attack.

Are the Qs at the scrubs wedding again this time? What about Luke or Tracy?

Luke, Tracy, Edward

Monica is at GH

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Thanks for the Spoilers, Hooked, and they finally make sense. I knew it didn't make sense for Luke and Tracy not to be a the real wedding when Robert and Anna were going to be there. That was the original information that was 'spoiled'. Even Guza wouldn't be that stupid.

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Thought I'd share this JE praise from someone on another site:


Do we have upcoming LuNacy dates? December 10, 12, 16... When is the Scrubs wedding? LuNacy will be on the 24th too if that's when the Xmas episode airs... Any hope for NYE?

Did I miss a breakroom party? I went to bed super early (before 8) last night... :o

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The breakdown for Christmas is usually families - which is why it's so wonderful that LuNacy is there with all the young families. NYE tends to be the couples establishing their relationship, so they weren't on last year and aren't expected this year.

I haven't thought out a breakdown of dates for for the rest of the month, but we are assured they are on every week. And I believe TG is around in January because they asked him to take all his vacation over the summer, so we should continue weekly or bi-weekly into January, I'd imagine.

So, be impressed - I'm about to go to #4 of the 5 events I have to do today. This is the Feast of St. Nicholas, so the my children - whom usually crawl out of bed at 9 every morning - were up at 5 for their stockings. I've had two cups of coffee this morning... that's how not-ready I was for this day to begin. Mikey has the littles screamers going to downtown Toronto for a political rally (with thousands of their closest friends) and I'm taking the older two screamers to a Carol singing at the mall. How I hate malls this time of year.... But, after that's over we get to have a nice Christmas dinner with our church family, so it's all good.

How are the season preparations going for the rest of you? Hooked and TL, Chanukkah istarts the 21st, right? Is that also Solstice this year?

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