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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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To my good and faithful servants, all of whom have taken this epic adventure with me over these past 5 months, I commend you all. Through frustration, false information and disappointment you have all turned to me to aid in your suffering. Lo these past 21 weeks we have endeavored to find our entertainment and solace in other venues, not the least of which as voyeurs on this mythic and magical journey. But now as we enter the final 24 hours of our travels, let me share with you how our mighty heroine and hero have been faring...

and lest we forget...

and now we bid this tale adieu.

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I've visited the blog... Still have to catch up on the Annals.

Right now, though, I am SO frustrated. You'd think Tracy's appearance tomorrow would cheer me up, but I am just So. Angry. About. Another. Thing. :angry: :angry: :angry: (and no, nothing to do with the dental insurance).

Lisa, wanted to tell you...Great pics!!! :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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so once this Laura-Luke-Tracy Seesaw FINALLY tips to the right side (all of here know which side that is).... what are the odds we'll get Sizzling on Screen LuNacy Sex to seal the deal?

I'm betting yes.. because I'm forever optimistic.

I like your last chapter, Remos. Cute.

Anyone else here been disappointed by the Maximus storyline? I don't get it. It's over soon and nothing much happened. (Unless he's somehow connected with Karpov and the visit to his son is just some silly cover. dunno). Even the Diane stuff wasn't funny.

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Woo hoo--cable guide spoilers with our girl in them..


Episode: "Rescuing Spinelli"

Lulu attempts to help Maxie rescue Spinelli from his padded cell; Lulu's plan to get Tracy out of a bind backfires.


Episode: "In Denial"

Maxie and Spinelli deny their plans to bust Lulu out of Shadybrook; Sonny feels he has no choice but to retaliate against Karpov.


Episode: "Luke is Bailed Out of Jail"

A mystery woman bails Luke out of jail; Robin is touched by a surprise bridal shower.


Episode: "Olivia's Son"

Sonny is shocked to learn that Olivia has a son; Luke is open with Tracy about his feelings for her.


Episode: "Dodging Questions"

Olivia dodges Sonny's questions about Dante; Nikolas longs to sort things out with Nadine.

Seems like we know now that Tracy is on

Week of the 13th W TH F

Wekk of the 20th-- M W TH (Laura's first day back is on the 23rd as well)

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Hey Lainey! It started out funny but then today it was just WTF?

Oh did you hear CH's interview on ITZ radio show...she is so cool. she did spill about sebastian roche being let go--someone said she was chastised for it today on soapdish.

She is so friendly and fun and down to earth!

How goes it with you? Traveling a lot?

I say we all need to have a big ole Tracy/Lunacy party in the breakroom TH night in honor of Luke's return!

I tivo'd nightshift tonight. Hope it is good!

Soeone pointee out that the 23rd is when Luke tells Tracy about his feelings for her; and that is also the day of Laura's return and maybe she overhears them?

I am just so freaking happy to know we have Tracy W TH F, M W TH

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Thanks for the continuing spoilers, Hooked. Nice to know how to plan my social life. And the 23rd for the LuNacy love-in.... love it! You can NOT convince me LuNacy is ending. Guza is sticking it to LnL and I'm going to enjoy it.

I've been watching the election results all evening. The Conservatives won a minority again (blah). The Liberals will be needing to choose a new leader soon - they lost about 20 seats. Not good.

And my dear old New Democratic Party have picked up 7 more seats. Jack Layton (nicknamed "The Mustache") did really well. I think it's time to get more involved in politics. Never too young to involve the screamers.

Twitter... anyone know anything? The online commentator is talking about them.

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Here is the story coming up for Laura/Scott/Lulu I am sure it will involve Luke searchign for her somehow. Scotty kidnaps Laura


Here is the other part of SID that mentions Tracy as part of the spencer family--guess there is some sort of adventure that involves Scotty kidnapping Laura, Luke, Tracy, Nik, Lucky and Lulu...


Edited by hookedongh
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I can't get into CH as much anymore. She killed it for me with the anti-obama sh!t. Somebody tell her that was a dumb move. I'm sorta pissed at her. Silly, but true. Haven't been on her website since she answered my question saying 'ahh we just wanna have fun here.' Well, excuse me, but then why did you put that bullsh!t into a video Nancy was going to post on HER website?!?!?! Hello! (sorry, LisaQ. I just have some anger issues with CH these days.) It's one of the things that has been killing GH for me -- no LuNacy and the Diane buzz just isn't as high as it used to be. I guess I expected someone who appears that down to earth to have the "correct" politics. Oy. Ugh.

I was KILLER busy, but it's winding down before it winds up again. I'm taking two weeks off beginning next week. Going on a long trip -- for vacation, not business! Imagine that.

I'll be out of the country with no laptop on the 23. I'll have to watch all the LuNacy stuff online all at once when I get back. It's kinda a cool way to watch, actually. I will know the end, and I can wade through all the bullsh!t!! Just in case my Tivo doesn't record everything --- I assume there will be someone here who can supply me with the relevant clips, should I need them?? yes?



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Sure Lainey. Nex is looking forward to her job I am sure!!

I will compile the clips for you that you are missing while you are gone if you like.

Have a great trip. Glad you are getting some time off and travel for fun!!

I heard CH got in trouble for mentioning SR getting let go on the radio interview the other night. Not suer if that is true.

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^^^ yeah, don't know why she would (assuming it's true), 'cause the word has been out for more than a few days. SR's publicists is saying it's false, but insiders are saying Monday was his last day on the set. Oh well.... GH politics...

I just finished watching NSII. I loved the connection between the old-timers, but I'm not sure if I'd want them all back or not. It worked in the 80's but this is just a different decade. Sean did say they couldn't go back, which was nice to hear. Someone reported that Luke said "I wish we could do this on the mother ship". That wasn't said, but I'm wondering if it was Luke or Tony - it does make a difference.

My one complaint - NO RING!!! Glad the 'mother ship' has that one right, at least.

So, I'm prepped for this afternoon. One more hour and we start the Tracy Marathon (that's what I'm calling it and you can't change my mind B) ). Today, tomorrow, Friday, Monday, Tuesday (I would bet, even though her name wasn't specifically in the spoilers), Wednesday, Thursday... that's 6/7 days in a row! At her yearly rate that's more days than she's had over the past 5 months, and we might burn her out! :P

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Yeah that JE is such an air hog! LOL

So this was posted from I think soapnet...cracks me up the part in bold!

Tomorrow is a big day. In addition to the "All My Children" tornado, there's must-see action in Port Charles. Why? Because Luke (Anthony Geary) is returning to "General Hospital"!

When last seen in May, Luke had been set up on money-laundering charges by creepy Trevor Lansing. After Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) got him out on bail, Luke (as is his style) skipped town. He hasn't been seen since.

Which is a bummer, because he missed out on a lot. His daughter Lulu (Julie Marie Berman) went totally bonkers and got committed, wherein she reunited with her mother, Laura (the one and only Genie Francis). How awesome would it have been if Luke had been there for that? But Laura was just a vision ... right?

Maybe not. Starting next week, Genie Francis is BACK as Laura. YES!! We are so stoked. So you know Luke's going to get all up in that story.

But first he's got to deal with the little problem of a Mexican prison. And his wife Tracy (Jane Elliot), since she's the one that finds him. Can you picture Tracy dealing with the Mexican cops in her Eileen Fisher outfit? We're so into that.

Are you excited for Luke's return

LOL on the Eileen Fisher outfit--should have also said and the bad Conan' O Brian hair (credit Halee for that one !)

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Stats: Vets - Edward, Monica, Tracy, Scott

Sc. 1 nothing

Sc. 2 nothing

Sc. 3 - Q's in their living room. Tracy comes in excited to have a lead. Monica and Edward are not amused, saying all other leads led to nothing so what was so amazing about this one. And if it's so good, why is she still here? Tracy tells them she's just waiting for confirmation then she's going to Mexico to get him. Monica and Edward continue to be disinterested and Tracy asks why they aren't excited. Edward goes into a long song and dance about how without Luke his cigars have been in their place, and if Luke wants a smoking jacket he can get his own. Tracy gets frustrated with them saying Lulu needs her father. Edward and Monica scoff at that idea, saying Luke pushed Laura over the edge so how can he be any good for Lulu? Monica continues saying Luke even boasts about not being a good father so how can he possibly help. Then Edward says Tracy might try being noble, but she's actually getting Luke for herself because she's the one who really needs him - seeing Luke is the only one who can handle her, for the short amount of time he's actually around. Tracy says why would that be the issue since he could be arrested the minute he returns. Edward continue agreeing saying he's got a warrant for his arrest for money laundering and skipping town. Tracy takes Edward's hand then slaps a phone into it. She tells him to star dialing and call in every favour he can to get Luke cleared of all charges, or SHE will cause a whole lot of trouble.

(Hair is awful - yes, this is from me - and I'm not sure if JE is acting or not, because Tracy's eyes are shinning the whole time talking about Luke coming back.)

Sc. 4 - Edward saying he's not going to call in any favours for Luke, saying he needs those favour just in case the family needs the help. Monica agrees with Edward, saying Luke is Tracy's husband so Tracy should deal with it not the Q's. Tracy turns on her and says Luke married into this family just like Monica did, you "gold digger". Monica goes on her 12-step trip saying they are not going to enable Tracy and her unhealthy relationship with Luke. Tracy says only Monica could leave rehab with new ways to annoy her, to which Monica replies she learned new ways to deal with Tracy. Tracy turns on her and says if Alan was having an affair and was in trouble, she would expect the family to help him no matter what. Monica has nothing to say because she knows Tracy is right. Finally Tracy turns to Edward and says this isn't about herself or Luke, it's about helping Lulu.

Sc. 5 nothing

Sc. 6 - Edward says he does have a soft spot for Lulu, the witness stand broke his heart. Then help Luke comes home for Lulu, Tracy implores. Monica and Edward start trading barbs saying Luke isn't going to do anything for Lulu and that it's all about Tracy wanting to control Luke any way she can. Tracy looks at both of them and tells them to get over themselves, neither of them are strangers to lies and manipulation to keep a marriage together. The phone rings and Tracy gets the news she wants. Excitedly she tells them she is going to get Luke and while she is gone Edward is going to call in those favours and get the charges dropped. OR, Tracy will call the members of his club and tell them he's stooped to Internet Dating. Edward sputters 'that's ridiculous', then Tracy says "SellHighandSplit" - and she'll share the picture in the Speedo. Tracy smiles triumphantly, Edward knows he's had and Tracy leaves smiling.

Sc. 7 nothing

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