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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Some more scoopage before the storm....

Yay for the scubbies! That sounds really good for them!!

You have anything on anyone else or only scrubs?

Tracy fan as in Tracy Q fan? I did hear something interesting about her. No one is really going to believe Lulu that Laura is coming in and out. But Tracy will believe.

Does Tracy actually speak to Laura or just see them talking?

I don't know if she does either but she does believe Lulu when no one else does. I really don't know any more details than that. Sorry

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Oh, now THAT is sooooo much different from the other drop, and this sounds more believable to me. I couldn't see how they would manage to have Tracy see Laura within the next now-6 days, but this makes sense. I also couldn't see her keeping something like that over Lulu's head and away from Luke. If she didn't love these people that would be one thing, but she does love Luke and Lulu and as much as it hurts, she wouldn't keep the truth of Laura from either. She knows how much Lulu misses and wants her mother, and Tracy would do anything to have her own mother back so she understand Lulu's desire at her most basic of levels.

I hope in their various rewrites that they know viewers are not happy with the way Lulu has been treating Tracy/the Q's, and will write them having a better relationship.

Wouldn't you just love it if the ewcbo continues to be written as an uncaring bitch to her sons, but Tracy is the one who comes across as Mother of the Year. Poetic Justice, my friends...

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Sounds like a productive phone call, hooked! Not sure anyone will get through on that number again after the Liaison fans get through, though! :lol: I doubt that most will be as polite and cogent as I'm sure you were. (That opinion is based on what I've read from them on SD... :huh: )

And thanks for passing along the ratings. Still no bump from the ewcbo? Not even a teeny, weeny one? Wow. All that PR and nothing. Maybe they should have listened to all the fans who were saying: Use the characters you already have, and stop with the "bring backs" of legends in their own minds. And I know where they can start. Ms. Courtroom Observer herself... Tracy!

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Some more from this person...

Thanks! I think you made some scrub fans very happy!!

Good. Its hard to know what to say. I was told to just keep my mouth shut about anything that might be interpreted as bad for the couple so I shared the good Scrubs stuff earlier today and someone said they weren't watching anymore because of "wacky hijinks." So I'm a little nervous now.

well thanks for what you dropped about tracy. I appreciate it. Have you heard anything about luke's return?

I think he starts back to filming next week. Don't know what he's filming though.

Thanks. that is good to hear.

have you heard any rumors of any other returns?

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hooked and nex, my apologies to you both. :( I wanted so much to talk to you in the breakroom this evening, but I wanted to get my lesson plans done first. And then I got bumped... And I had been gone for so long, I didn't bother logging back in.

TL, wow, a whole lot of prettiness in the banner. Oh, this is shallow, but that outfit Tracy is wearing during Oopsie Daisy looks like it's been inflated, doesn't it? I've noticed it before but never said anything...

QueenTracy, ooh, pretty avatar!

angel, fun video! Keep 'em coming.

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ABC Hotsheet Spoilers for next week...

Lulu tells her brothers that Laura is awake! Patrick learns he's got a sibling.

Lulu's starting to get hopeful about the future, especially now that Laura, more lucid than ever, is by her side. So, when she tells Nikolas and Lucky that their mother has recovered, you will not believe the twist that awaits the Spencer/Cassadine clan. Across town, Noah returns, which means Patrick's gotta deal with daddy drama. This time it's the revelation of an unknown -- but very familiar -- sibling: Dr. Matt Hunter! Plus: Johnny's trial wraps up, and the verdict is in the hands of jurors Edward and Epiphany; Jason and Liz get romantic; and Carly tries online dating. For real.

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