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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow slow saturday on the LF!

In the midst of my packing I just mailed a letter to JE, Guza and Frons! not that it will matter, but saying Tracy needs more screentime!

All done packing and going to retrieve various kids. Hope to catch you guys for a chat tonight before I take off...

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Hi nex! Were you ever able to find 4/29 clips?

WTH, the storms were supposed to be over, and yet the sirens are going off again... Grrr... My sister and I are in the basement, but the rest of the family is just hanging around upstairs... Hello...TORNADO sirens. Great, I've just been informed that the sirens before were for a local town. The ones now are FOR US!!! :o

Sorry for another mainly off topic post.

On the topic of Tracy, I was thinking about Oh, Baby and my other versions of what could happened. How many of you knew that in the original version that there was supposed to be a snow storm on Christmas (then later Christmas Eve) and that she was going to go into labor at the mansion? Maybe that would've been more fun.

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I'll try to be around later. Tonight is the night of the Dove Sleepover (it's promoted throughout the country and they are showing special girly movies with no adds tonight on a few channells). I could have 7-9 of my Guides here tonight, and I doubt there will be much sleeping. They are a great crew who need minimal supervision, so hopefully I can play with you instead. Sleep for me is obviously not going to be an issue - it's just not going to happen.

I am holding out hope that we get more TQ then last summer - at least this time she's not being locked away with people needing excusing to see her. I won't be amused if they brought her back just to prove that they could.

I do feel the responsiblity to make sure the other, dare I say 'real' GH, will be kept going in the Annals. I can guarantee you she will play the lead!

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Plot point in a mob war, my love, plot point in a mob war. Once the Star is gone though (and I'm not 100% convinced) what then? What will Luke do when he returns? Where will they spend time together? Will she finally get an office to work from and Luke bothers her there? I mean storyline wise, what's the point of blowing up the star? It's neutral turf and it the only high-end social setting for the characters. Then we will only be left with Kelly's and Jake's. Sonnybucks isn't large enough for anything.

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They can always rebuild the Haunted Star like they did the MetroCourt (formerly the PC Hotel). Why burn it down in the first place, I don't know... Hey, when Jax rebuilt the hotel, he named it after Courtney, his love interest at the time. Maybe if Luke rebuilds his boat, Tracy will get her name as part of it. :P:lol::D

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7 girls, tonnes of junkfood, 3 boys who are enjoying the snacks... and I get to drop in to visit you folks. So far so good.

I've got to say I'm impressed. I'm not sure if Dove USA is doing anything similar, but this is really well done. They are showing movies all night with 'self esteem' discussions in the place of adds, and asking girls across the country to text them. They've got a running tally line for text comments across the screen and one of our girls actually has a cell phone with her so she can text. Right now they are watching the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. I'm trying to get the times of other movies, but WTV (Women's Televistion - inspired your Oxygen channel I believe), and YTV (Youth Television). CMT is also involved but I'm not sure what they are showing. During the one break that I've seen, they have an author who most of my girls recognized, talkig about what can get in the way of self-esteem. Now personally, I don't think any of these girls have that problem but they all told stories of girls who do, so it does it home on some level.

And I get to play on my 'puter.... happy me!!!

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Hey All. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Someone requested this scene at YT if anyone wants to watch. It is when Tracy sets up Georgie to find Dillion in bed with Sage. Nasty, Nasty, Tracy!


Now I am off to try and put my 6 year old nephews to bed who are both currently hopped-up on cupcakes. I was going to complain until I just read that Remos has 10 rugrats under her charge. So I won't!

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Hey guys...I am going to pop in the br for a bit in about 10 minutes after I give ice cream to my kiddos.

Say around 8:45pm central. hope to chat with some of you guys before I leave.

just found out that our hotel in barcelona has free wireless so the first ngiht and the last two nights at least I can check email for free. I am just sure my inbox will be overflowing with some recaps and spoilers! LOL!

Remos, when you update the annals, will you email me the link!

Be in the br in a bit!

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halee, thank you for that!!! That was part of an episode in December in which I missed (and never got to see the clip). Lindze Letherman was so good. Jane, too, of course, and what a nice outfit! Would you hate it if I requested the rest of Tracy's scenes in that episode (assuming you have them)? No rush at all. And if it's too much trouble, don't worry about it. I am thankful for all the awesome Tracy clips you have provided us with.

And hmm, cupcakes...Hope the kids didn't make too much of a mess. I wasn't too fond of birthdays when I worked with little ones 'cause the birthday boy or girl would bring cupcakes with frosting, and ahh yuck...So much to clean up. Dirty hands. Dirty faces. Dirty white tables...

remos, glad you are having a good night.

Lady Ashton, good point on both accounts... We could use some fun (non-interrupted) LuNacy dancing this time...Though, I guess Luke won't be around for it if it happens in July.

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Ms. Q, get up here. The girls are reading magazines and commenting on the bad hair on some of the boys. Sounds of 'eww', 'gross', 'that's disgusting' are quickly being followed by hair care suggestions. They're waiting for you, babe. I'm just not the one to comment on this.
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LadyA I missed you!! Okay...it is 9pm and am heading into the br. Sometimes when I open it I am there all alone and you guys are in your own breakroom somewhere else. So I will wait a bit, then log out and back in if nobody comes!

Remos--I will miss the blog/annals while I am gone. I might have to log in at an internet cafe just to catch up! Hope you dont' mind I made Dillon coming home. THought it might give you something to write about the next day....you can delete if it doesn't fit with what you want to do


Shoot. Have to go pick up my son. Be back in about 15 minutes. Let's try breakroom at 9:20 central again?

Edited by hookedongh
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