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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Did you have pumpkin in there Stace? He has been using Popsicle too much lately! He needs to rotate out. I loved when he said "spanky, spanky buns" the other day at the HS.

I love the Luke stuns Tracy with his words. I wonder if that is at the Q mansion or at the HS. He better put those freaking rings back on!

Okay, my husband is out, my kids are watching American Idol, I am about to uncork some wine (I made it til Wed) and open the breakroom. It is 8:15 central...

Remos--I tend to talk a mile a minute. Sorry you couldn't get in a word--LOL. Thanks for reviewing my story today. I incorporated your suggestions and sent it on off for critique

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According to Bob Guza, we shouldn't miss the May 1st episode!

Guza poses the question of what happens to Max who supposedly swore undying devotion to Carly, when Sonny finds out he slept with Diane.

Guza says the scene with Max, Jason, Diane and Sonny where it all comes out had him literally on the floor watching the taping. He says he wanted to call Brian *Le Grand Fromage* and ask him for another hour. "'I'm just going to let these four people rip on this one issue of Max having slept with Diane.' It was unbelievably funny."

Lainey---for you!

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From SOW

Jax wants to adopt Michael and Morgan.

Claudia takes the stand in Anthony's trial.

Lulu washes her hands of Johnny.

Sam tells Lucky her painkillers no longer have any effect.

Alexis shuts down the Haunted Star.

Can't Miss: Thursday, May 1 - Nikolas says goodbye to Emily.

Next week: Alexis grows suspicious of Jerry. Tracy is jealous of Luke and... Anna? Jason demands answers from Ian.

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Thank you, Remos.

This is GREAT!

Thank you, Hooked.

I'm telling you -- I jumped on the LuNacy train before it was "cool."

And now I'm on the Dax train before it pulls out of the station.

That whole storyline is to die for funny.

CH is a fabulous little actress.. and they really need to give her a contract.

(Move over Jane Elliot, and make room for Carolyn Hennesy. Really, she's that good........ almost!)

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Forgot to say happy birthday BSG !! Hope it was a good one.

I am officially just waiting patiently for JE to retire or quit or whatever. For Tracy to die. Whatever. The sooner the better.


(although I wish JE nothing but he best in her personal life, I have run out of patience with Guza and this show. I'm done.)

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I get that... I really do. I think many of us have expressed the same sentiment in one way or another. It's hard to root for a show that seems content to tear down what they start to build, and treat strong women like the are garbage.... why do we watch this, again???

I'm still not convinced about the Max part, but I agree about the rest of it. CH is wonderful, and has the second best facial expressions on the show (tied with Spinelli).

I'm really, really hoping for some scenes where Diane, Spinelli and Tracy are together. THAT would be amazing to watch.

Again, curious punctuation. I tell ya, it will be interesting but not what they are trying to suggest.

Sorry I missed everyone tonight. I had to lie down and by the time I returned, all of you had gone your merry old way. Perhaps tomorrow night...

Hooked, you're welcome. It really is coming along nicely. If I had a voice I would have just talked over you... it's all good. :D

Edited by remos
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I can't wait either, hooked. What's so great is that we're getting so many differently worded spoilers for the "I love you". They're making a big deal of it, and I love it. Of course, he's said it before and we knew it already. It's going to pack a lot more of a punch this time, though. They're billing this like the main event!

Also love that so many other characters are mixing in with the story with The Haunted Star that includes Tracy.

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I third the motion for some Tracy scenes with Tracy, Diane, and Spinelli. That's a trio to die for. JE and BA were hilarious in what little we saw of them last January.

Still think Spinelli would be perfect as Alice's long-lost son which would make him a Quartermaine. Honorary Q...same difference. We'll take them however we can get them, right?

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He,y Ms. Q ~

A few more thoughts on the nicknames...

During the legendary "You are my escape, Tracy" scene at Wyndemere, Tracy said, "I am not a Spencer. I am your wife."

If you want to add a little Robert, there was a scene with LuNacy and Robert the episode before the renew vows/Luke jumps out the window, goes to the Markham Islands. (May 2006, but I'm sure you knew that already. ) TR, adlibbing I would bet, was talking to Luke and referred to Tracy as "Sparky Butt". Don't know if that would dilute the LuNacy-ness of it all. Hmmm...

Edited by QueenTracy
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Oh... girls come with their own sets of issues... believe me. I actually prefer the rock and slime collections to the search for the 'right' brush or the melt down when the hair style fails.

I wonder what load of trouble Anna is going to bring with her this time. If she's getting Luke tied into soemthing with AZ, I bet Tracy will want her gone before she even unpacks.

We're well over a month (almost two months) away from TG's vacation. Wonder how all of this will play out ('cause they never give it to us straight in spoilers...)

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Re: Spoilers

Sounds to me that Wubs is speculating based on the Soap Opera Weekly scoop. Speaking of...Glad to see that our girl is important enough to get a spoiler mention in SOW. Yay!

Re: Nicknames

I will keep Robert out of it, 'cause I want to keep it all to LuNacy. But someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Robert also call Tracy "Sparks" when Luke wasn't around? That seemed more endearing that just mocking Luke's name for her.

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