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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Monday: Sonny tries to cope with his near death experience. Things go from bad to worse for Claudia. Lulu witnesses Johnny’s dark side firsthand.

Tuesday: Claudia convinces Jason to help her. Lulu washes her hands of Johnny. Johnny sets his sights on Ric.

Wednesday: Claudia takes the stand at Anthony’s trial. Maxie sabotages Lulu’s work at Crimson. Tracy fears Luke will end up in the middle of a mob war.

Thursday: Kate is keeping a major secret from Sonny. Claudia clearly has her own agenda. Nikolas and Emily share a loving moment.

Friday: Carly refuses to accept the truth about Michael. Anthony shuts Claudia out as he asserts his power. Jason and Spinelli are hot on Ian’s trail.

At least we know next wed. the 28th.


So since this in the IL at SD, some of you may see it, so I might as well bring it over here--this was an anon and I didn't even ask a question at all. She jumped in... It think this is someone who posted stuff a month or more ago about seeing Tracy alone and Luke alone but not a lot of them together and that we would see more laura mentions before his vacation. I don't really see the Laura issue being played up at all, and who knows about this person anyway...plus they were so cute last week...but here was our exchange...I was thanking M&M for her info about no Lunacy this week (even though that is nothing to be happy about)

M&M: Can I just say thank you for being so nice and patient with everyone and not losing your cool! You are so nice to even give out any information and I really appreciate all of it--good or bad or whether I like it or not!

Other anon poster: Not M but I know you didn't like hearing that you would be seeing Luke and seeing Tracy but not a lot of Luke/Tracy together. Sorry to tell you but that will continue. And yes, there is a reason for it.

Me: I don't think I want to know! They were so cute together this past week. Don't tell me Tracy is dying or JE is leaving.

Them: That's something I can give you reassurance on. As far as I know JE isn't leaving yet.

Me: Thanks for that. So are they breaking them up? Lay it on me...I can take it. I mean I am TracyFF so that is cool as long as she is still around. Although without TG, there goes any airtime for JE! I just can't see why they would bother breaking them up. Who are they going to pair them with--Tony is gone so much. They will never pair Tracy up again. Tony raves about loving working with her every chance he gets in interviews. I hope it just means they aren't sharing much screentime together because luke is about to take off again. I can't believe this would involve Laura coming back in the next month or so.

Them: I never get a straight answer about GF but she wouldn't be coming back next month. As far as I can tell, they aren't breaking them up exactly; but you'll see less of them together. I can't really comment further.

I freaking hate this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was the purpose of all this?

My only hopes for this:

1) They are not breaking them up exactly

2) Guza would not miss a chance for a lunacy break up/angst storyline for Laura returning...why tear them down before that?

3) Why did they bother building them up again (like luke moving back in and them being all flirty this week--why not just keep them apart)

4) Maybe this plays in to the spoiler we saw about we will see that Luke loves Tracy before his vacation...maybe in order to keep her safe, he says they need to be apart or something cause if he is on the run from a mob thing...she would be in danger maybe?

5) They want to separate them a little bit because they made them so close now, that it would not make so much sense for him to run out on her for four months

6) This person is a s*&$ stirrer and was trying to just bait me...

Take your pick...sorry to be bringing some negative stuff around. i was so happy yesterday with the lunacy spoilers. I have asked some people to check on it.

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Morning all... I just couldn't stay awake to chat last night. It was a great weekend, but also a long weekend.

Hooked, I'm not bothered by this in the least. If Tracy was ONLY with Luke, we would get nothing this summer b/c they can't do the Shadybrook thing twice in a row.

Now, as for baiters, I fully expect them to be there. That board is 3/4 fiction. Honestly, what we've gotten from there is pretty lean. Unless someone has given actual dates with their information, it has usually been false. And we get off easy compared to Scrubs and Liason, where the baiters/fiction is heaviest.

We just have to sit back and enjoy the ride... and pump up the fic writing to fill the gaps. B)


Oh QT... Just looked at the banner (wondered what all the fuss was about). LOVE IT!!!!! Perfect!!!

Edited by remos
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I knew you would be the voice of reason Remos! I have got to stay away from SD. I was perfectly happy. And in reality, when this person said that about tracy and luke not sharing scenes it was at least a month or so ago. Yes, Luke has had some scenes without her, but they have had some together. Whatever, I am trying to focus on the fact that she said JE is not leaving (yet). I have some "friends" checking this out hopefully. Mabye this poster didn't think we realize they have to make up a reason why TG has to leave this summer. I think in a way they were trying to undo the closeness that happened during the Heart Attack stuff to make it more plausible that he would take off on her for so long.

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tracynluke, Welcome to the TQ(S);) Lovefest!! You finally made it!

QueenTracy, FABULOUS Banner! I LOVE it!!

Funny, Thanks for the continued "baby LuNacy" fixes :)

remos, I agree with you, the best luNacy stuff is NEVER spoiled.

hooked, and halee, get down from that ledge!

As far as them having scenes apart until he leaves, he nor she have been on all that much as it is. So between now and the time he leaves, I doubt that there will be many scenes with them without each other, never mind with each other. This does piss me off to to no end and I am calling the comment line to tell them so. We wait through an entire summer and misc vacations of Tony's for Luke to come back to have scenes with Tracy, and then when he's here, they are hardly on.

If Luke and Tracy will be having scenes apart from each other, although I don't like it, it may be good if it is setting Tracy up to be on while Luke is away.

Let's hope the spumor about Luke proving he loves Tracy before he leaves is true. Remember before he went away for a month we got an ILY, 2 kisses, and an @$$ slap :D all in one epi (and don't forget the B&W Ball stuff). Hopefully we'll at least get something just as good to help tie us over.

Edited by TracyLuv
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TL--That was a very optimistic outlook from you this morning! I am most impressed mama!!! You calmed me down too!!

So this was from Soapzone News column from that Carol Weber Banks..

Things don’t look great for GH fans yearning for a way out of the mob and the Sonny/Carly/Jason trinity. Head writer Bob Guza wrapped up upcoming May Sweeps as being almost all about these three and the mob. Mob-related: Nobody’s dealing directly with Michael’s coma. Jax and Kate may turn to one another, Carly to Jason and/or Sonny. Jason refuses to put Jake in the line of fire like Michael was put in, so he extricates himself from Elizabeth, which only sends her straight back to Lucky as the safe choice. But Lucky digs Sam now, not Elizabeth. Lucky and Sam don’t agree about keeping Jake from Jason. Ian turns into a sort of temptation and escape for Sam. With Elizabeth out of the picture, Jason finds himself running into Claudia more, and maybe connecting with her as people, not mob extensions. Ric messes with the Zacchara mob family through Anthony. While falling for Alexis more and more genuinely, Jerry still morphs back into the more evil Mr. Craig to deal with the Ian fall-out, nearly annihilating the woman he loves. Logan messes with Lulu and Johnny, while messing with the Zacchara mob for Ric.

Luke’s Haunted Star seems the perfect setting for the mob conflagration, which scares Tracy and draws in Scott. Tracy’s gonna fight a losing battle. Non-mob-related: Anna takes up with Luke, to lose herself in adventure and what-not with her grandma status looming high and imposing. Robin and Patrick deal with the pregnancy as real parents-to-be. Nikolas gets over Emily and starts looking sideways at the very different Nadine. He’s also said to be done with his tumor problem. Spinelli seeks to win Maxie’s heart and appear sexier to her.

The Anna taking up with Luke in the short term is nothing more than supposedly them commiserating about getting older, etc.

Maybe somehow Tracy will get involved with Scott when Luke leaves. That is what they did last summer. I can see her trying to think of a way to get lulu away from johnny is by maybe getting logan involved again. Maybe logan doesnt' look so bad next to Johnny now.

Remember that drop I brought over that said JE loves her storyline with Luke but would like more? Maybe the reason they are showing both Luke and Tracy more separately is to try to accomdate Tony's wishes to be more than just a heart patient and sponging off the Qs, and to help tie Tracy in to a few more characters.

I went to work out this morning and thought about it a bit more rationally. 2am is never a good time to think rationally when I posted that. So the good thing is if this person knew anything at all--and some people have commented to me that that drop was so random--she wasn't saying that tracy was not going to be on at all or JE was leaving GH.

I think we should all call the comment lines today and bitch about no Luke/Tracy all week and how they are hardly on together and we heard they are not going to share many scenes together, etc..

You know from this description and the magazine descriptions, sounds like they will share some scenes about her being scared and him maybe rebelling. SUpposedly Sam is going to be hired at the Haunted Star. Maybe it is to run the place while Luke takes off. I do like Tracy/Sam smackdowns.

Edited by hookedongh
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Not sure this will work or not, but here is a GH 45th anniversary scan with the Qs..


This one's for you Nex with the big WK photo! So hot!


One more


I nver saw this from soapnet...only one quick shot of tracy in it for a split second, but it is TG talking about the heaven, hell, pergatory thing. He says it is the most fun he has had on the show ever.


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In my offical capacity as title holder of the "Miss Positive" crown, and in my almost daily task of talking Hooked (and others) off the ledge... It is my duty to remind you of important facts, and to move the following motion:


SD should be renamed "BS"

And whereas...

Three things are true in life 1. Death, 2. Taxes, 3. TG's summer vacation

I move the following...

1. That we suck it up, buttercups, and accept that LuNacy will be having their summer break soon.

2. That the metaphorically suicidal stay away from tall structures (I'll have vacation time too, ya know).

3. That we initiate a Summer of 2008 LuNacy Fanfic Festival where EVERY DAY someone has to contribute a piece to the collection in one of the following categories...

a. email

b. letter

c. phone call

d. gift

e. "Tracy goes to meet Luke" story

f. mini-vid

g. other creative suggestion

4. That said fanfic contributions must be a minimum of one each day, but no maximum number will be stipulated. Thus when 10 people want to contribute in one day, they are welcome to do so.

5. That a counter be set up to count down the days until LuNacy will again grace our screens. Based on previous years, the counter will initially be set to coincide with Canadian Thanksgiving, and adjusted accordingly once we have accurate information as to TG's return.

6. That this process will need to be initiated by the mover, and to that end the following contribution has been made to set the mood and further clarify the requirements: Confessions... the fourteenth.

Do we have a seconder?

Calling for the vote.

All those in favour? Against? Abstain?

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