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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Do tell... I missed them all, and I won't be around tomorrow.


The only recap I've seen says this...

The Haunted Star is hopping and Luke couldn't be more pleased. Tracy is by his side good-naturedly ribbing his enthusiasm.

Cute and teasing... and Cazigirl doesn't have anything.... *sobs with despiration*

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Hi, DevotedToAMC! Nice avatar. ;)

So I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't have my computer for the next week, so I won't be online. I am going to miss you all terribly, its like I'm fasting again! :( I'll have to hit up the lovely Nex for clips when I get it back. ;) (I can't wait to see pics of your new dog!) I hope everyone has a great week!

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After Sonny came in, Tracy asked Luke why he didn't frisk him. Luke replied, "Why didn't *you* frisk him?" Then, he said something like, "Go let your little self have some fun." Tracy laughed, took a drink, and walked off. So, I guess she did! :D

When Diane came in, she asked Tracy and Luke if she had missed anything. LuNacy said, in perfect unison, "Nah!"

Scraps, I know. Good scraps nevertheless.

They started off the first scene of the show, again following the opening. Then, they were on the very beginning of the third act. Somebody at GH knows what hooks the viewers.

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Thought I would bring this over...nothing backstage for TG/JE, but the last part is of interest (from SD)

It's been a while since I did some backstage stuff, but here we go:

-With ratings down, the changes being made to Skate and Carjax have made certain actors unhappy

-look for a more "likeable" Claudia as the writers and those in charge try to change the reaction to SBr's return. The return has been really disappointing for them, but they are determined to fix it.

-TC is not happy. Frustrated with the Nem storyline after Emily's death, not sold on the pairing they are trying to stick him with.

-MB does not want Skate to end

-SR much happier these days

-tensions are high between quite a few actors-LW, MB, KeMo, SBr, SBu...

-IR not as vocal as others, goes with what they give him.

-Both GV and KeMo frustrated with the situation with Lusam.

-KMu/JT happier with the direction their couple is going in.

-SBu only wants Liason. BH less assertive in the matter.

-NLG is very happy with her pairing and her new friendship.

-BB/JMB like mentioned before clicked immediatley have become very close. both actors love the pairing.

-The same can be said for KS/BA, who continue to adore working together. both actors very happy.

-JD,NB still on their last legs.

-There hasn't been a push for bringing GF back. But VM, RS have both been approached.

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Thanks for the scoopage, hooked. :D

By the way, I have magical powers. I created a new thread at SOC (ostensibly about Spinelli, but with Tracy motives) and within *one* minute, it was merged.

Truly remarkable. <_<

I was advocating Alice as Spinelli's long-lost mother. My thinking was that wherever Spinelli goes, story follows. So, if he's living at the Quartermaines, he's living where Tracy lives...

As it is now, there's nada in development that would give Tracy a story when Luke takes off in a few weeks.

Edited by QueenTracy
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TracyLuv Since Tracy is drunk maybe they'll both go into one of the staterooms or his office to get lucky! He can be drunk too.She is drinking for two. And giddy as a school girl on Luke's arm. There's no way she'd deny him. We can only hope. :P

Hooked I had to get my ass in that bed last night. I had report card night starting at 6:30-7:30 and it was a long day. So we all went to a bar & grill and chilled before going back to school for more work. Of coures I missed you guys too.

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Hmmm... Alice and Spinelli.... that would be an interesting combination.

I think they are trying to have Claudia and Tracy in the same realm, which would be story for Tracy during the summer.

Loved all the one liners today (and thanks, Ms.Q so very, very much). I came in just after the last LuNacy moment. And they have Tracy knowing Kate on a first name basis, and Diane greeting them quite warmly. I really, truly hope there is cause for Tracy to interact more with Diane. Those two would be great. I don't want them close like Diane and Alexis, but sociable none the less.

I have noticed they aren't isolating Tracy like they did last year at this time. Everything was about the crap around the ewcbo, so we knew what was coming. This year there is no hint about what will take Luke out of Port Chuckles, and Tracy seems to be getting more facetime with characters who will be front and centre during the summer months.

Time will tell... I guess.

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DevoteToAMC, Welcom to the TQ Lovefest!

Nex, Congrats on the dog.

I had a feeling our girl was a little tipsy at the end of the show yesterday. haha. They were cute again today. Mama's arm was looped in her hubba's in most of the scenes. :)

I thought I missed something Tracy said during her little "frisking" suggestion today. I looked up the transcript and here it is exactly:

Tracy: Why didn't you frisk him?

Luke: Why didn't you?

Tracy: Those two goons need frisking.

Luke: Go on, popsicle, have some fun. Enjoy your little self.

*Waves* to QueenTracy - It's been a while since I've "seen" you, where you been hiding out?

*Waves to Funny* - missed you last nite.

Anyone for the breakroom for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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Be in br soon TL! Doesn't look like Luke or Tracy tomorrow. I think the party is over

Friday 18th:

Sonny tells Kate about his plan to lure his shooter out from hiding.

Spinelli finds Dr. Devlin's financial records.

Michael opens his eyes while Carly and Jax sit with him.

Jason doesn't agree with Sonny's plan.

Johnny figures out that Ian is Claudia's shooter.

Sonny is not happy to learn about Max and Diane's affair.

Anthony's health is improving and he forms a plan against Sonny.

Funny--I am writing that fic as we speak!!! What should have happened at the end of today!

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