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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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^^^ I'm familiar with the video. First time in 8th grade. Last time in 12th grade. Might have seen in in 11th grade. Not sure. I loved the "I'm just a bill" one...LOL. "I'm just a bill; Yes, I'm only a bill; And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill." :lol: But I thought "Conjunction Junction" was lame...

But for the record, in a political science class in college, I could have gotten 10 points extra credit if I memorized the Preamble word for word. And the Schoolhouse Rock song totally messed me up 'cause it goes "We the people - in order to form a more perfect union..." when the actual Preamble goes, "We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union..." Just a little warning - haha. :D

(I had the right version in front of me and counted words and everything, but when it was time to write it, I couldn't get the song out of my head... And yeah, no extra credit for me. Haha).

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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breakroom? 9:30 central...

Memorizing this at the moment with my son!

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


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Hey! Sorry Ive been absent for a couple of days. My step-mother- who is only ten years older than me BTW- had her third baby with my father- who has a child almost the exact same age as his current wife :rolleyes:- which now brings his grand total of children up to eight (one with his first wife, four with my mother, and three with current wife). Anyway, blah, he now wants to pay to fly me over there to see them next week. rolls eyes again

Anyway, Im glad Tracy will be on tomorrow!

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TracynLuke this is for you. Here is a link to your special request via the BR. Remember I warned you the quality on this is quite poor. And also I apologize it may take you awhile to download it, my wmv converter is not working. UG! Hopefully the next time you'd like a clip I'll be operating at full speed again.


Kristin I'm glad you posted. I've missed your updates too!

Congrats on the new half sibling Adddie. Did you talk them out of naming her "Claudia"?

Can't wait for Tracy tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Edited by halee
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Interesting. That's the second Philippia named Pippa I've known to be born in the last two months.


This was on SZ this morning. Cesar Faison write provocative posts with no factual basis. I thought this was amusing, though...

With the news Ethan Erickson (ex-Percy, BUFFY; ex-J, GL) is playing TempNuPatrick while Jason Thompson is off for reasons mysterious, who do you want for some of the other big characters if they ever need to be replaced, even temporarily? And who is your favorite temp recast?

Luke: Roscoe Born, totally! But then he has to come on as a Spencer brother!

Sonny: Michael Sabatino.

Carly: Sarah Buxton if Jennifer Bransford isn't available. ETA: Oooh, never mind Buxton! Melissa Reeves, totally!

Lulu: Jennifer Landon

Robin: Alyssa Milano.

Jason: Grayson McCouch. Although I suspect TIIC would just let the show go dark if Steve Burton is ever unavailable, LOL.

Liz: Amelia Heinle is on Y&R, so I'd have to say Ashley Bashioum.

Tracy: Once upon a time it was Christine Jones, but it'd be great if GH could lure Beverlee McKinsey out of retirement again.

Claudia: Martha Byrne. Also Melissa Reeves.

I think everyone else has either had a temporary replacement already (Gideon Emery, Susan Diol, Nick Kiriazis, Chris Beetem, etc.) or is barely on enough for there to be a crisis.

I think it's interesting who he included in the "big characters".

Edited by remos
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That is funny Remos! Michael Sabatino (Jagger) was the hottest thing around! I would so rather see him as Sonny! I was majorly in love with him back in the day (but I was also majorly in love with Rick Springfield too when I was in junior high).

So this was on GHH2 today. Shirley (the person on that site) seems to have a new source with access to breakdowns. Nothing so new, but thought i would post in case anyone cares about the other stuff.

4/16 Jason and Spinelli find a clue that leads to Ian.

Lucky speaks to Sam from his heart..

Its opening night at the Haunted Star!

4/17 Sonny is looking for someone to pay.

Robin's pregnancy interferes with her date with Patrick.

Luke gleefully reopens the Haunted Star.

4/18 Johnny knows Claudia is full of it.

Jerry and Ian huff and puff at each other.

Jax worries that Carly's denial regarding Michael's prognosis could

have a negative effect upon Morgan.

Luke enjoys being back in the game but Tracy has a bad feeling


Week of April 21st

4/ 21 Spin and Maxie play detective.

Sonny puts a nix on Max and Diane's budding relationship.

4/22 Jason saves Spin's behind.

4/23 Jason and Claudia actually do have something in common....

Anthony wants them both dead!

Carly reels from the news that even if Michael awakens, it is likely he will

have irreversible brain injury.

Johnny breaks it off with Lulu and has a confrontation with Sonny.

4/24 Jason and Claudia find themselves in close quarters as he

fights for their lives when a hitman comes calling.

4/25 Anna Devane learns she is going to be a grandma!

Claudia uses the time she is trapped with Jason to try to gain his trust

and place the the blame for Michael's shooting on Anthony.

Her story about her momma being sent away for not

having the right stuff for mob life (unlike Claudia herself, of course)

leaves him unimpressed. Her strategy backfires and she is left with a

dire warning, while he makes a beeline for Liz.

Week of April 28th

4/28 Sonny is reminded once again how fragile life can be after his latest near-miss.

Claudia's situation takes a turn for the worse.

4/29 Lulu-less, Johnny focuses on Ric.

Johnny reveals a peek at his inner-Anthony.

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So I was all set to go to my latin dance exercise class in my clothes and all and my friend just called me and needs me to take me to the ER because she and her dog were playing and she thinks the dog broke her nose! So off to the ER I go....that is one way to get out of exercising!!!

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That's not Michael Sabatino... he was Lawrence Alamain on Days, is is married to Crystal Chappel.

So... Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sweet. But I'll be travelling to a family do on Friday so I won't get to watch (or do recap). Nex, I'm counting on you!!!

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Hooked Michael Sabatino wasn't Jagger, that was Antonio Sabato Jr. MS played Lawrence Alamain on DOOL for one.

He would make a good villain, as Lawrence was one, but he'd be better suited to play Lorenzo than Sonny.

I loved all the vids, now that I have caught up on the last thirty or so pages. Especially Ms.Q's Tracy B-Day tribute vid, only complaint, no Marco. Otherwise, perfection !!

Happy late birthday to everyone.....sorry I missed it !

I was wondering about the TG interview where he is praising JE.....I clicked on it and all I got was a short clip of LnL at the beginning.....and then Cindy whatsherface blathering on....no TG clip talking about JE. Can someone re-post it? *bats eyes*

I loved the shots of Tracy and Ashton in the vid, Ms.Q. It looked like they were really laughing in one, I wonder what about.

And yeah...the Marco stuff? Still gold after all these years.

Loved the Daytime Confidential podcast about Luke and Tracy and about Tracy being the only one with self awareness.....

Well I've gotta get back to work. Happy Tracy Wednesday !!

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You know I adore Marco. :) And trust me, he would have made it into the video if I had Marco clips in WMV format, but I don't. :(

So, is it really, really true that she's on today, tomorrow, and Friday?! I will be working tomorrow and Friday, but I can provide an additional recap of today's if you all want.

ILTQ, here's the video with Cindi Rinehart (I couldn't find it on her site, but I found another link to it): http://video.aol.com/video-detail/cindi-ri...eary/2028677864 (JE mentions come in at about 4:30)

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Thanks Stace!! LOVED when he said they are perfect together! whoohoo!!

Hooked, hope your friend is okay.

Have my fingers crossed for some fabulous Tracy today!

and I wanted to publicly congratulate BSG on her winning of the Martha Stewart cutest cupcake contest!! whoohoo!! You go girl!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Go BSG!!!!! ER was totally gross and waste of time. Spent two hours there. totally threw off my day.

Let me clarify...I would say TQ is on today and tomorrow. The other spoiler about Tracy having a bad feeling was not listed for the 4/18 date, but just under it in a list of other things.

Sorry if I gave false hope impression!

God I hope we get something nice form Luke today. A hug, a kiss, a flirty type deal. Something--it has been far too long!

I saw a promo for Gh in the ER today with michael's eyes opening...ughhh...so sick of seeing carly at his bedside!

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