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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh soooo true, so true. Tracy is the caregiver for sure.

I can't wait until Tracy realizes Claudia is her spawn. They are leading up to something with these two. I actually find myself enjoying Claudia when she is with the Q's. Just keep her away from the overexposed-three, and she's a good character.

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Seems to work for me Halee..

From SOW


Claudia and Johnnny vow to keep their evil dee a secret

Alexis chides Diane for sleeping with Max

Jason burn all his photos of Elizabeth and Jake

Lulu tries to explain her true feelings to Logan

Lucky assure Sam he wants to be with her

Can't miss: Wednesday, April 16

Luke reopens The Haunted Star (Hope our girl is there)

Next Week

Sonny bars Max from Diane

Nikolas looks to the future

Carly faces a hard truth

Anna learns she's going to be a grandma.


For Lainey and other Diane fans (article on NLG and CH)


Edited by hookedongh
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Today's recaps...

Nex, #1,3,4 and 5 (#7 is Jason telling Monica)

The vets continue... Mike and Coleman sighting (okay, he's not a vet, but you know...)

Tracy tells Luke she didn't expect him back so soon. Claudia turns to Luke and says Tracy is trying to pay her to get lost, but she's not interested in leaving Luke's sphere. Tracy looks caught and uncomfortable.

Luke walks past Claudia and looks at Tracy, "do you really want to do this now, Popsicle?" Claudia is amused "You call her Popsicle?" "When she's really bad I call her Spanky Buns". Claudia is suprised and asks Luke what Tracy calls him. "Delusional" Tracy answers. Then she turns to Luke and asks him if he wants Lulu lying in a hospital bed with her skull split open instead of Michael, because that will probably happen is Lulu stays around Johnny. Luke looks intense. Tracy is angry.

Tracy continues and says Lulu is a headline waiting to happen. Luke says they can't get in the way of Lulu's choices. Claudia says it's just a cover for her jealousy. Tracy then walks past Luke and gets into Claudia's face "You are a bug on my headlight, something sticky on my shoe..." Lulu walks in and asks what's going on. Luke says they are talking about her favourite subject "you". Lulu tells Claudia she told Sonny that Johnny had nothing to do with Michael's shooting. Claudia is unamused and asks why Lulu is telling her. She says she thought Claudia would like to know, and she thinks Sonny really heard her. Claudia flatly says "Thanks" and leaves. Tracy looks over at Luke - point proven.

Lulu tells Tracy no one should interfer with her dating and her Dad will back her up. Luke agrees and Tracy walks to the other side of the room in frustration. Luke says Lulu is free to date whomever she wants. Dating is dinner and a movie, perhaps sex. Dating is NOT spending all morning trying to keep peace between two rival mob factions. (Luke is yelling at Lulu by this point.) Dating is not getting in the middle of a mob war. She will be next if she keeps this up and that this obsession with Johnny is just stupid. He didn't raise his kids to be stupid. Lulu is taken aback for all of one second, then says "Well that's okay because you didn't raise us". Tracy looks on from the side of the room amazed that Luke is actually yelling her argument at Lulu.

And we're left hanging again.

Monica and Jason have a really nice scene at the end.

Diane and Alexis were hilarious. Diane wants something "sweet & sticky" to drink, and that is the gag that continues through with Coleman - whom Diane fantasizes about sleeping with.

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Am home today to do recaps. Hope you don't mind remos.

And oops, remos beat me to it. This is what I get for proofreading and previewing post and proofreading and previewing post... (I bet there are still errors in this, but oh well...)

Was gonna delete this post since we already have recaps but don't feel like deleting everything I typed. Hope that's ok.

Scene 1: Continuation from yesterday. Tracy didn't expect Luke back so early. Claudia tells Luke that Tracy wants to pay him to stay out of his life. Claudia doesn't need the money and doesn't feel like going.

Scene 2: Nothing.

Scene 3: Luke calls Tracy Popsicle. Claudia is all, "You call her Popsicle?" Luke says he calls her "Spanky Buns" when she is bad. Claudia asks what Tracy calls Luke, and Tracy steps in and says deluded for being involved with Claudia. Tracy brings up Lulu. Reminds Luke of Michael who's in a hospital bed with his skull shattered. Tracy wants Luke to imagine that's Lulu. She tells him Lulu might end up like that if she continues hanging out with Johnny.

Scene 4: Claudia insists that "Old Spanky Buns" is being dramatic. Tracy goes on about Lulu. Being around Johnny will be tragic. Luke says there is nothing he can do to stop her. Claudia says "Popsicle" is using Lulu as a means to cover her jealousy of Claudia. Tracy gets in Claudia's face and tells her she's a bug on head light, something stinky under her shoe (comment: kind of lame insults for Tracy; she could've done way better). The only point of the conversation is her stepdaughter Lulu.

Enter Lulu. "What are you talking about?" Luke: "Your favorite subject, Princess. You." (comment: Heh). Claudia fills Lulu in. Lulu says she met with Sonny and told him about Johnny's non-involvement in the shooting. She said that Sonny heard her... (comment: Since I haven't been watching, did Lulu tell Jason and Sonny overheard? 'Cause Lulu said Sonny twice...Am wondering if JMB messed up). Claudia leaves. Tracy: "I rest my case." Says Lulu will be mob roadkill if she doesn't get away from Johnny.

Scene 5: Lulu: "Who I date is no one's business." Luke agrees but wants to discuss the concept of dating...Dinner, movie, concert, having sex or not, but spending mornings organizing a truce between rival factions of organized crime. That's not dating. That's insanity. (Note: Tracy is in the background of this scene and gets a close-up once). Lulu put herself in the middle of a mob war. That's stupid. Luke didn't raise her to be stupid. Lulu says he didn't raise her. Luke says next time it won't be Michael with a bullet in his head, it will be Lulu. Lulu doesn't even know if she wants to be with Johnny, but if she does, it won't be because she's afraid. Lulu walks out.

Scene 6: Nothing.

Scene 7: Nothing, but here Jason tells Monica about Michael. LC looks so cuddly/huggable.

Previews: Nothing.

Overall comments: Not enough Tracy, but JE rocked her parts.

Edit: I also didn't like the digs at Robin (or Tracy). Tracy's old but Luke's not? Right. So, is Alexis gonna get dissed tomorrow?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks guys. TQ was getting some good love on the boards. Doubt she is on tomorrow. Don't think i saw it mentioned in the breakdowns.

Did she yell a luke for telling her pet names to Claudia or something like that? I thought someone posted that.

I saw the LLS (long list scoopster) said they heard as well that SD has asked to be on more, and they said he returns as Tracy conscience in SOW and had a photo of SD. THe good news is, where alan goes, Tracy has to be. I am sure it won't be anything major, but a little something is better than nothing!

Some insider named Chow was on soapdish last night spilling all kinds of stuff about sweeps being about seduction and misunderstanding. There was a bunch of lists of characters involved and whether they had misunderstandings or seduction by their names. Luke/Tracy/Claudia had misunderstanding by their names. A bunch of what they dropped was discredited very quickly. About Lulu breaking up with Johnny and going to Logan and catching him having sex with maxie, etc...stuff that was false about Liz and Lucky, etc...so I wouldn't believe it.

Nobody seems to know about sweeps at all. Also, the good side of Tracy/Luke/Claudia being involved is Claudia is the new it girl so it is good to be associated with her.

Remos--as much as I would LOVE for claudia to be TQ's long lost daughter, I am trying not to pin any hopes on it. However, it would be very ironic huh if Claudia tried to seduce her mother's husband (ala first carly did to bobbie) to get back at her! Now there would be some creativity on TPTB part huh?

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Not from what I recall.

I was kind of hoping for a birthday mention today, when Luke asked Tracy, "Do you really want to do this now?" Was thinking he might say something like, "Do you really want to do this now? It's your birthday. We should be celebrating." Wishful thinking, I suppose.

TL, you are hilarious. Legendary cry baby. :lol::D

Strange that Sweeps is less than a month away, and no one knows a thing... What if it's nothing special like Feb?

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Ms.Q and Remos, great recaps. I just saw it. I also did not like the jabs. Especially Robin's, that was uncalled for. And, geez, Tracy is not some old maid here... TIIC needs to calm down with the grandma remarks...

Nex, thanks for yesterday;s clips!

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