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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Nex, and Hooked, you are welcome for the recaps. Sorry, I don't post by segment. I just do it from memory so the order of things is sometimes off. I wasn't going to post a recap until I saw Nex's post looking for one. :)

I guess our girl is on tomorrow. My TIVO description for tomorrow's GH reads: Tracy may not be placing her trust in the right person.

ETA: page 355!

Edited by TracyLuv
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ROTFL Deb at your letter from Dillon.

And HEY ! I happen to *like* Diet Mountain Dew.

DUDES. Try the Mountain Dew MDX. It'll pep you up fo SHUH.

Although I'm always partial to Diet Coke first and foremost.

Okay I liked yesterday. Great acting from TG/JE.

Poignant scenes.

Sometimes, if I concentrate REALLY hard, it's like she, Tony, and the whole Q family of actors, are not on a crap soap opera at all.

PhenOMINAL acting from Ms.Jane yesterday.

I still have not watched Friday and ALAS, I could not bring myself to watch live today on SN, so I'll tape and maybe watch tomorrow.

I don't know. LOL I got home after eight, twelve plus hour days and I just don't have the energy to deal with the rest of the crap on GH.

So....I'll watch later.

Kristin you are very welcome. YOU'VE GOT TALENT KID !

I want a Lacy fic. :)

Or a therapy fic with Tracy and her mystery man shrink. Sorry Deb but I just love the name Simon. :)

Well I'm off to bed. I have a looooong day tomorrow too and my boss is SOOOOO mean to me. :(

Pity me. Sympathy. *whines*

ETA *waves to TracyLuv*

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long crappy day, involving ridiculous situations, including horrible flight delays.


needless to say -- I missed the 3p and the 10p, and my tivo isn't working independently of my hand (i have to hit select). I have tried to fix it, and I might have to change to DVR or get rid of the new digital phone service I just installed. hmmmmmm.

So, that is my long winded way of saying: 'clips! anyone got clips? i need clips!'

Deb, I FLOVED the tone and content of your new fic. Loved it. You're a freakin' genius. I worship your powers.

I was trying to mentafic a piece in the airport today. Nada. I got nada.

And thank you for the avatar! I appreciate it.


Edited by LaineyBev714
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Did anyone besides me notice how fracking GORGEOUS Tracy looked at the end of yesterday's episode? Her face is just so amazing, especially in that last scene where she's being arrested. Great, great day. (I love her interaction with Lulu. Please, please, please, let her have more interaction with Lulu.)

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Daily clips are available here. SomethingMore.net

Tracy has been fantabulous! I'm so glad that Lulu is sticking up for her the way she is. I hope Lulu helps her fight Edward to pay her back for helping her mom. I love it when Tracy sees herself in Lulu and those two work together. They are great schemers and it is so much better than them trying to sell the Lulu/Carly bond (gag).

All the LuNacy stuff was great! I love those two together. I even like Tracy and Alan because they spar so well. I just like anything that gets her more screentime. She's become the only thing I like.

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Somebody **looks around at deb. Winks. Shoots a knowing glance** needs to write a Tracy Lulu bonding scene set a few weeks from now. Where Lulu comes to Tracy for comfort about something, but Tracy is still reeling from dillon's departure, shadybrook, her father's duplicity and Luke's hiatus.. and she just breaks down. And Lulu is there for her! awwww!

And don't say me. I can't write now. Can't do squat 'til mid September. But you can.........


gotta go brave work now.


Sorta wanna go, but not really. Feel too yucky. Need to sleeeeep. Sleeeeeep.

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Hmmm Just a few comments. I usually deal with my show distress in my fic, so here goes. In my fic they bring Laura back and Luke must tell her why he married Tracy. There isn't disrespect to Tracy over it. Laura understands why he's with someone like Tracy - because he NEEDS to be. Nuff said. I did kill off Alan although I went into mourning over it and my writing slowed down to almost non-existent over the whole ordeal. Monica and Alan were one of my fav couples of all time, which says just how demented I am! I floved those two in the 80's. Tracy needs a hot shrink to heal her pain.... hmmmm A new character maybe? I started a spin off fic for Lulu and the kids (in keeping with Summer) and I am bringing Brook Lynn and Dillon back for the whole adventure. I'm also putting Ned in. I'm sad about the Q's and need them back. Oh and I killed Skye off because I can't stomach that character. Emily I can deal with although she needs more backbone to be a real Q, but she's tolerable.

So, I've been spinning Tracy tales in my head for the future and I think I know exactly who I am going to pit against Luke. Tee hee hee Someone who really did play well off Tracy and should have had some time with her but never did. Someone smooth, sophisticated, educated, polished, romantic and ruthless. Just the sort of man to set Luke's teeth on edge and make him take notice. Besides, I like writing about him and it will give Tracy some STEAMY scenes which she deserves.

Okay. Now back to work.

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Funny, I posted about this site a few pages back and mentioned that I signed up and was waiting for approval. It turns out that I had ALREADY joined and was approved last year in November. I knew there was a reason I knew about that site. DUH! Reallly, I am not as ditzy as I seem. LOL

Deb, you are so right, Tracy was GOOOORGEOUS yesterday! Since the 'napping epi I have been watching with held breath and squinted eyes. I knew there was a reason I thought yesterday's epi wasn't so bad. I'm glad that Tracy was smirking at the end. I hope she continues to smirk her way through it all until her hubby returns.

I always love me some Tracy/Lulu scenes. I hope Lulu ends up moving back in with her step-mama. Deb, I second what Lainey said, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write a TraLu bonding fic.

As far as Luke not saying ILY before he left and us not getting anymore LuNacy kisses, I choose to believe that Luke gave her a nice goodbye kiss offscreen. I'm sure he didn't say "well see ya Trace", and then wisk Laura off. Tracy's smile to Scott when he found her in the chair was too great for her not to have had a yummy kiss from her hubby on the way out. That's my story and I'm stickin' with it.

There are two polls over at SOC. One for most entertaining female character, Tracy is in the lead, of course :) , with 28 votes and Alexis trails behind her with 12. The other thread is for most entertaining male character and has Luke in the lead with 25 votes and Ghost Alan as a close second with 17.

Edited by TracyLuv
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I sent you a PM with feedback for your story. I very much enjoyed it. I like stories that take place mostly in the mind. I liked that you contained it to two scenes, but conveyed so much about the character, her past, her likes, her fears, her hopes and her conflict with her "friend." It was a very tight and strong piece. Well done!


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I'm fairly sure the mods at SOC are going to get straight away sick of me if they aren't already.

Which doesn't bother me a bit if I'm bugging them to stand up for our girl.

Okay, this is a vent about SOC and the deleted Tracy threads that I just have to get off my chest: it's not that negative but read at your own risk:

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Deleting LuNacy (sorry, love that name almost as much as Spacy LOL) threads is silly. Laura is out of the picture for now and Genie may never come back. Luke can't be by himself out there. Luke and Tracy together are great and it was a stroke of genius on TG's part. I never would have thought of it and the first time I tuned in during Dec. 2005, I laughed myself silly over the idea. I LOVED it! LnL1 were the reason I first started seriously tuning in during the late 70's and when they left, I left shortly thereafter. So, if I can love LuNacy, no one has any business having a problem with it. The relationship is completely different, so believable and brilliant! It works. There isn't only one type of relationship for Luke. It's never been that way in the past. Now there are inherent story telling problems if Laura comes back, just like there were last year, but we can handle those when or if they ever happen. The fact is that if they are Spencer fans, they should want Luke to go on without Laura and Tracy allows that. He needs someone like Tracy after losing Laura. Tracy won't let him lay down and wallow in his pain. She makes him keep going. She makes him fun again! That is why they are so great. That and the unexpectedness, of course.

They need to get a grip. Tracy is the best thing to happen to Luke since Laura left. She probably saved the character from obscurity.

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Okay, here we go. A recap if anyone is interested:

The scene begins just before Scott walked in yesterday w/cops with the line about Lulu and Dillon from Monica I think. Then, "Tracy Quartermaine Spencer you are under arrest ... yada yada..." Edward says no one is being arrested without a warrant. Scott produces one. Edward looks at warrant: "Well I guess everything is in order, go ahead get it done. I want my desert." Tracy: "Daddy!" Alan says: Told you so. Scott pulls her up out of the chair and the cops cuffs her and starts reading her her rights. She says that she just snuck Luke in to say goodbye to Laura and scott said "then where did they go?" Tracy: I don't know maybe they went to get some gum (me: ROFLMAO). She says she went into Laura's room and started snooping around, saw the wig, put it on, saw, the robe, and sat in the rocking chair (Tracy was VERY funny here too especially when she did a hand motion for the rocking chair LOL). Scott says she's going to jail for a long time. Tracy says "dont everyone rush to help me at once". She responds to a comment Alan makes. Scott notices and says something. They take her out. Lulu: What's wrong with you people isn't anyone going to help her?. Edward: I want a large piece (of cake). Monica: Just a sliver for me Alice. Ed: Is there icecream?.

Down at that station... Scott says he has Tracy and Luke where he wants them. Tracy tells him that he doesn't have Luke or Laura and that if her release isn't' arranged for, she will tell them he killed RW. Scott says there is no proof and that she wouldn't because Luke would feel guilty and their marriage would be over. Tracy tells mac that if she's put in jail she will sue. Scott leaves. Mac, says that the report says that she and Luke kidnapped Laura when Scott is supposed to be managing her care. Tracy: Scott can't even manage his own hair (LOL). Enter Lulu, she has Tracy's bail. Tracy: where's my father, what is so important that he can't bail me out?" Lulu: desert.

Next scene Tracy comes into the den alone. She sarcasticallyl thanks the family for rushing to bail her out. They say its about time she pay consequences for the things she's done. She asks why lulu went to bail her out and monica said that for some misguided reason she wanted to. Alice said that Lulu is indebted to Tracy for not only helping Luke but for helping her mother.

Next scene: Tracy says something about having run ELQ so well that with her in jail it will suffer and that they shuold call in favors with a Judge Rodgers. Alan makes comments and Tracy responds to him freely just like she does when Luke is around. Ed suggests she take a nice hot bath. After Alan makes another comment to Tracy she says to him "if you are not going to leave, I am" and walks out. Monica leaves den a few mins after Tracy. Ed pulls out his cell phone: Hello, Judge Rodgers I need to talk to you about my daughter, Tracy.

Thats it, she's not in previews for tomorrow.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Oooh, Evil!Edward rears his ugly head once more. I was wondering how long it would take after Alan died for Edward to forget he loves his children.


DEADWOOD Quartermaine is back.

And it looks like Little Tracy finally has a storyline of her own! Whee.

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