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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I see a niiiiiiiiiiiiiice long chat with me about wardrobe in your future. ;) I prefer the HS dress to "trampoline robe," but I do realize the HS dress didn't go over well with some posters here. The Coleman suit was Business!Tracy. 2 pieces, pastel colors. What was wrong with it? :P And what are the couple other one? Just curious. Maybe the brown fur? (I loved the way she looked in that clip, so I had to put it in, LOL).

About the "Worst of...," green, handcuff outfit would have made wonderful pajamas, and I do love the colors and even the design isn't bad, but it did no favors for her in that position she was in, and so, I chose to put it in the "Worst of..." video. And I didn't like the cut on the red jacket. All that aside...THANK YOU SO MUCH for weighing in. Even if I don't agree with your wardrobe choices for Tracy (heh, that sounds strange), I do appreciate you taking the time out to comment. And you crack. me. up. about the camisole, shell thing, LOL!

Lady Ashton! THANK YOU!!! I don't have a present for you (at least not yet, LOL), but thank you for uploading that. Wow; I cannot believe SHE was apologizing to HIM. And poor Tracy. :( And we really need a LuNacy scene like that (without her practically begging because that was just baaaaaaaaaaaaaad). Anyway, thanks again! If you can't fix the sound, no biggie! I'm just glad you were able to transfer, convert, upload, etc for us. :D

hooked, what an awesome story so far! I can't wait for the rest.

ILoveTracyQ, where have you been? We miss ya! We miss everyone else too; it's just that ILTQ is usually around much more. Hope RL is treating you well.

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I come bearing gifts!

Scott gets creative trying to steal a bill from Tracy


Random Tracy, Larry and Ned scenes from the Dawn/Decker on the run story


Harlan Barrett takes Tracy on an unusual date


Larry and Tracy visit with Ned on the morning of his wedding to Dawn


I figured out how to get rid of the gaps in the videos. 'll fix the Tracy and Paul one and repost it.

Hookedongh, when do we get chapter two????

Enjoy B)


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Ms. Q, Actually, I think there was only one more I didn't like, and that was the floral jacket she wore with Robert at the HS. I'm just not into pastel florals. I like the green suit BUT it is not tailored to fit her properly. As for the Coleman suit, If I remember correctly, the jacket juts out at the hips - eek! You don't put a jacket that accentuates hips on a "hippy" person. I like the brown furry thing just fine, I think she looks good in that outfit. I think the red jacket from last week was cute, and i like the cut, but just not so much on Tracy-but still better than others. Our girl is sexy and she needs some sexy clothes. Her wardrobe could use ALOT of work. Speaking of which did you see that atrosity (sp?) she is wearing in the scene with Paul from the vid LadyAshton posted? Hell I'm surprised Paul didn't want to ger her out of it sooner, that thing could surely cause vertigo!

Spoiler pic below from the vid LadyAshton posted of Paul and Tracy's honeymoon. It's big so If you don't want to see it, you better scroll fast! LOL. And that's only if I copied the url right - with me ya never know.



Thanks again LadyAshton!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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I had trouble with this scene. (Sounds like you did, too, TL)

Sure.. floor sex is always hot, but she is such a noble, beautiful creature.. and to have her begging like that... Yucko! Now you guys know why I have always loathed Paul. LOATHED him. Like Ric, he has NO REDEEMING qualities (oh.. if anyone thinks of any, I DON'T want to know them!!! ;) )

Hey TL -- I am noticing you changed the pics in your signature and edited the fabulous, witty, insightful quote that was there... ha! ;) ;) Why'd ya do that?!?!?!? ;) ;)

ta ta


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Lainey, I got a PM from Ms. Q-tsy with a link to the new rules re: banner size and word count. So I had to resize the banner- argghhh!!! The word count can not be more than 50 words and i think I still I have like 54 there. These rules soooo blow! Kinda cramps my style. I can't tell ya how long I spent Lainey, scaling down your quote-it was agonzing! But the sentiment is still there. Right?

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You're making me sound like a hall monitor, TracyLuv, LOL! I just didn't want you to get into "trouble." :) BTW, I checked out the clip of Tracy/Coleman, the morning after, and yes, the outfit is wide around the hips, so you win that one. :P


SQUEE! Lady Ashton, I don't know how to thank you! I'd post some more chapters of Oh, Baby (I know I mentioned in the breakroom that I'd be doing that soon), but the story is going to go under some major changes, and the next chapter is very crucial in setting all of this up. My apologies, but there will be a further delay. Now, all that said…

OMG! Tracy is so gorgeous in those scenes with Scotty! And so fun! Luke needs to find out, and then he needs to get very, very jealous. I liked this Scotty/Tracy scene so much more than the Paul/Tracy one. There was no begging, and she was smiling! Too adorable.

Oh, ILTQ, if you still post at TWoP, you should post the above clip for them (if it's all right with Lady Ashton). The reason I say this is 'cause they're talking about Scotty/Tracy over there right now, and someone brought up the quote of Kin Shriner about Scotty/Tracy on the desk. One poster also wanted details of their time together, but no one has responded.

Regarding the Tracy/Larry/Ned scenes…Aww! I love when Larry hugs her. "Let's hope you mix a martini better than a metaphor." And "Ashton! You are such a pain!'" Heh, that cracked me up. And LOL at Lucy/Tracy. "She amuses me, especially when her voice gets so [imitating] high and breathy." And I love Monica/Tracy being civil to one another. That scene at the end with Tracy/Larry in bathrobes, and Tracy picking on Alan is too cute. And Tracy's expression after Larry asks about her having another child? Priceless. I love Jane Elliot, LOL. Oh, I also loved that Tracy had no make-up on. She looks "softer."

Oooh! I always wanted to see the Tracy and Harlan go roller-skating stuff! Tracy is just too funny! But oh dear god!!! The wardrobe! The wardrobe! And the hat? My eyes! LOL! Loved the ending with the kiss. Tracy needs more action like that now. Maybe Luke and Tracy can go bowling. Heh.

Loved, loved, loved the morning scenes before the wedding! I adored the Ned/Tracy sweetness. The hug (was there more than one?), the kiss on the cheek? Aww! Tracy telling Ned that when he was little, whatever he lost was ALWAYS in his jacket pocket…And sure enough, the cuff lings were in his jacket. Aww. I enjoyed the music at the end of the scene too. Also, heads up for those having trouble accessing the clip, use this link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xdrpz6

Lady Ashton, thank you again! So. Much. :wub:

Before I forget, scroll down for Jane Elliot/Tracy praise (it's past the LC/Monica and botox comments and the "Ding Dong, the Headwriter is Gone" section).

Edit: Lainey, *cough* Paul has one redeeming quality that I know of, and I know you don't want to know, but he DID save Tracy's life when Faison threatened her with the deadly virus; Paul jumped in and was stabbed in the process. I only know that 'cause Lady Ashton posted it once, but I thought it was important information to share with you, LOL. *cough* :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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ok, I'm catching up a bit...

Hooked, loved the new story... can't wait for chapter 2 (hint hint!!!)

LA: thank you so much for all those clips!!! I loved 'em all! JE looked A-MAZING in the scotty clip

Ms. Q LOL on the vids!! I was back and forth on some of those outfits in the vids. I thought some belonged in the bad instead of the good and visa versa, but just personal preferance. I liked the black and gold one from after laura went back to crazy land (the "I'm one" one), I hated the coleman suit... things like that. But overall they were pretty good! Thank for doing them,. they were fun.

edit: *waves to Hooked!!*

Edited by knh
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I told you, I didn't want to know!!!

Thanks for the botox blogger link. That guy (woman?) is hilarious. Dead on, funny funny stuff!

Hey.. I know I say this often.. and I never follow through.. but I'm writing! I'm writing. Bug the cr*p out of me friends, cause "Dry" must become reality. I've got three solid pages, and they're pretty decent, and it's going in the right direction. It won't be a long story.. but it will.. BE! Minerva, I leave town Thursday, so if I don't finish by Wednesday night, it'll have to wait until middle of next week.. but Dry is happening. Thanks, MF. I wanted to be kicked in the a**. But you did it, and I am grateful!

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Thanks so much for uploading these for us LA! I am saving them now to watch in the morning when my kids leave for school--ha ha!

I am so tired that I have to go to bed at a normal time tonight. I cna't wait to watch tomorrow.

I can't believe I even posted that story last night so late without even editing it. I hope it made sense. I have to go back and reread it and then work on part 2. I have a feeling this one is going to need several parts. I promise to try to get at least part 2 up before I leave for vacation this week!

Thanks so so so very much again for posting these clips . You know we have been dying for them.

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What's this I hear?... Lainey is leaving town? could this mean we get some solid screen time in the next week or so? Not that I want you to go, cuz of course not, but it has it's benifits. Glad to hear you're writing a story for us!! can't wait to read it

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