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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ILoveTracyQ and anyone else who hasn't seen the tentative banners for the TQ/JE Site...






Any font/screencaps requests? There's so many screencaps out there; I didn't know which ones to choose, LOL!

Edit: I'll be in the breakroom for a bit. And MinervaFan, I'll try looking for those clips. :)

Edit: Luke/Lulu on the docks Part 1 and Luke/Lulu on the docks Part 2.

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Um...my opinion only but I hate the first photo crop of her with the really short bob. Can we do a "curly haired" pic instead?

Not being bossy. My vote/opinion only. Entirely up to you Ms.Q

Also....I'm not quite sure what you mean on FONTS. I mean I know what fonts are but ?? Not sure what you mean in terms of the board.

Screen Caps....i have no idea. I don't know what's been capped and what hasn't.

I'm not too fond of them as a rule....

I like the one if there is one...the day Luke left...when he and Tracy were on the Q's patio..from a "picturesque" standpoint that one could be good.

MAybe some from Vegas with Dillon/Georgie and some with Luke.

I don't know.

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BTW, I need to reiterate what I said in the chat room about the banners, MsQ.

Middle Pic is teh purty. Please don't send Middle Pic away. Of course, now that you've told me about the scene it's from, I totally want a clip of it.

Mid-Morning ETA: I have been struck by the Plot Bunny from Hell. Much with the angst, much with the drama, Edward, Ned, Dillon, Luke...TracyTracyTracy..... I am calling pest control to get rid of this bunny, because I see a multi-chapter fic that would make Mother Freedom look like Pat the Bunny in comparison.

Stop meeeeeee........

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Unpopular opinions...ranting and just general meanness ahead: you have been warned:

I've said before that I used to post at TWOP but voluntarily withdrew my posting privleges so that I can't reply. I did this for my own sanity. LOL

Anyway....Ms.Chicklet's fic there, some of us are familiar with.

Well I happened to lurk this morning and saw it had been updated and decided to read the update(I can't remember which was the last chapter I read....but I went back and scanned the previous five chapters).

Anyway.....all these people on TWOP are praising this story as being so much better than Guza's crap.

But when I read it...what I saw was chapter after chapter after CHAPTER of the same characters...kinda like Guza.

I mean a BUTTLOAD of the Spencers. (and since I posted there long enough to know she loves the Spencers)

I think Tracy has appeared in maybe five chapters out of forty?

And Alan and Monica less than that?

And not only that...but the story is kind of repetitive and boring...kind of like Guza's.

There have been parts I liked...I like the Tracy/Coleman stuff a LOT. All five(give or take) chapters of it.

Now that sounds mean I know...especially coming from someone who doesn't write fic. But hey if you're going to put yourself out there, you should be willing to accept the criticism that goes with it...right?

But....if you're going to criticize something but you demonstrate that you can't do any better...shouldn't you at least concede the fact that TIIC DO have a hard job?

Because I can admit that. I can admit that I wouldn't want Guza's job for all the tea in China.

And it just kills me when people praise something that is the exact SAME thing Guza is doing.Not the same characters but using some characters WAY more than others.And then talk about Guza and how piss poor he does his job.


Rant over.

And to keep this on topic...Tracy Rocks !-*

Link to the story in case anyone would like to read:


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Sloooooooooooow day. :(

Thanks for the feedback on the graphics. You probably all got Tracey's email that we're going to settle on one main banner, so those other ones don't matter anymore. Heh. They're still pretty to look at, right? LOL.

About the fanfic...I liked her first one better that had Monica/Tracy teaming up and saving AJ. Oh, and I think Tracy got to threaten Sonny (By the time I finish with you, you'll be nothing but a grease spot on the docks.) Something like that. Anyway, I don't have the link at the moment, but I'll post it when I find it. :)

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I'm in The Break Room for a little while.

I have to say, I don't have as much trouble with Luke as a lot of people here, although I think he's sort of out of line. Lulu is really working my nerves now. I mean, yeah, she is in a bad place. But COME THE HELL ON. She...

  • Lied about Georgie and Diego
  • Plotted to break up Georgie and Dillon
  • Callously destroyed the marriage of a boy she claimed to care about
  • Positioned herself to be in the exact right place when his life fell apart
  • Took advantage of him in a weakened state and had sex with him
  • Continued to lie and sleep with him.
  • Got pregnant.
Where exactly does she get off with this "poor me" attitude? Yeah, teen pregnancy is horrible, but it's not like she stumbled into it. She stood upright and WALKED into it.

As for the freaking stupid ASSININE Enduro Condom storyline, here's a NY Times headline for you:


That's right, because it was the Enduro condom that MADE you break up your supposed best friends' marriage and seduce Dillon, right. Honey, maybe a "defective" condom increased your chances of pregnancy. But if you HADN'T slept with one of your best friend's husbands in the first place, you'd be 100% NOT pregant.

I know this may be unpopular, but I'm THRILLED Tracy was not on today. Because if she had, no matter what she said, she would have been lumped in with the "EVIL QUARTERMAINES" and would have had to kick her husband's a##.


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I have to tell you, I think I'm in the minority opinion on Luke too. I was Mega-hating him when he first came back and made that NASTY comment about 'the delicious dish he was doing.' But I really like how Luke has been there with unwaivering support for Lulu - no judgments, no SH**, just support. I really like that they decided to portray him that way.

What I DON'T like is that TRACY isn't there!!! WTF?!?!? Damn near every Luke/Lulu scene is dying for her. She could have come "clean" by now-- she could have told Luke she went looking for him after deciding that all she wanted for Lulu was her dad, nothing more. She could have sided with Luke against the evil Qs, furthering herself from them, and aligning herself more with Luke. She could have.. she could have!!!!!!!

And she could have been a support for Dillon without actually agreeing with him. Luke was there for Lulu. What did Dillon get? Edward!!!! WTF????

Also, I HATE how every third word on that damn show is now LAURA! No Tracy but.. LAURA, LAURA, LAURA, LAURA. She's not even back, and I'm dying over here. DYING.


Tracy, come home!

[ Minerva .. check your mail. I sent you my story. Please help it. Thanks!]

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Lainey, I got your story--was hip deep in my own fic tonight, but saved it to disk and will definitely get to it tomorrow.

New Fic on the Ficathon: Prompt #30: Fall I was going to do Young Tracy and Young Larry for this prompt, but the evil bunny from hell attacked my imagination, and I decided to save the Tracy/Larry story for later. This one is dark, angsty, romantic...an AU story where one of Edward's dirty tricks has a serious consequence no one could have ever foreseen. Contains MUCH LuNacy love, so be brave, young readers. Be brave.

ETA: Like the banners a lot, MsQ. Number 2 and 3 are my favorite (the blended ones, not the variations). I especially like the Polaroid one, but then, that's always been one of my favorite effects. Nice cropping job on the main image, btw.

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Meh...I watched yesterday live for the first time in a looong time and I'm just tired of the ways the writers have Luke subtly putting down the Q's.

There were at least two references to them being monsters or animals...and several more in past shows since he's been back.

Yet he and Lulu continue to eat their food...live in their home,etc.

So no...LOL I don't like him right now. I really don't see the point in rooting for him to stay with Tracy...if he's going to talk like that to her family. Because it's not like he makes a distinction when he says "family of vipers".

Hello...he's talking about Tracy too. :(

anyway....I liked the story MinervaFan. :)

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MinervaFan, I like Banner #3 as well, but I talked to Tracy, and she's not too sure about the repeating images. She likes the polaroid one though. :) Anyway, I read your story, and you're so evil for giving us that much LuNacy love. *sigh* What could have been...Oh, and Edward can die. I might have more detailed feedback later.

ILoveTracyQ, what's the meaning behind your new username at SoapZone? LOL. Just wondering. As for Luke, I'm still not watching. Maybe there's a reason we're not seeing Tracy. GH doesn't want Luke trashing her...yet. Gotta put LuNacy together and then BAM! Break 'em up so Laura can return.

*grabs microphone* angel, coolkid, ClinkBoom and anyone else who hasn't posted in a really long time, WE MISS YOU!!! :)

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What "Medulla Oblongata"?? LOL

You've never seen "The Waterboy" or "Young Frankenstein"?

The Medulla Oblongata is what controls our rage and/or baser impulses. I think.

What can I say I was bored.


I like the very last one best....could we sort of change it up and use the big pic of Jane in the last one...but use several different ones of the polaroid shots to change it up?

Instead of the repeating images?

Or even use the large one of Jane and pics of her with other people...you know action shots...the shot of her in bed at the Vegas hotel comes to mind. LOL

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I know what the medulla oblongata is; I just didn't understand why you chose that as your username. ;) Thanks for the graphic feedback. So basically, you think I should use the main photo (as with Banner #1 and Banner #3, and instead of the repeated images/images in groups of 3, I should use the polaroids instead?) Oh gosh, I hope that makes sense, LOL.

So...Per SoapZone. Dillon/Georgie are on, and Dillon HIT Georgie (with a box???). I'm so confused. And from reading recaps, Dillon is relieved that Lulu is getting an abortion?!?! Dillon, I love you, but hypocrite much? *shrugs* I uber-hate TIIC. Oh, and Tracy? Please. COME. HOME. NOW.

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