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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey, glad we could be here to help. This place is like a little home away from home for me, so I get rather protective when people mess with ya'll. As for the bat, it is a sight to behold--a Kentucky's Homage to Penis Envy.

Saw the previews for today's show, and I'm already working up a really good mad in preparation. I'll try to time my break for around four o'clock, so if anybody feels the need to post spoilers or updates, I'm here...

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Not watching GH; don't plan on checking live updates 'til after the show. Just a heads up. ;)

Thanks for sharing that, ILoveTracyQ!

We were happy to help, tracyluver.

Edit: I lied. I checked SZ. Sonny/Luke scenes. Sonny/Carly scene(s). *pukes* What the hell is wrong with GH? SERIOUSLY?!?






Do you know what this means? Luke/Tracy are still married when Laura returns! *breaks out champagne*

So, it's not the first time Guza or whoever said Luke loved Tracy, but eeeeeeeeeeee anyway!

Also: Week of September 18th: Luke sets out on a mission. Does this mean TG is leaving again until October? So...If JE is offscreen this week, that leaves us only 1 week of possible Lacy goodness. *decides to focus on "grown to love" spoiler*

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spoiler talk

Wheeee !!! so maybe SD was right after all re: Luke/Tracy.

And I LURVE what Guza said about Luke has grown to love Tracy...but can we SEE it please?

Cause talk is cheap.

Also...I don't like how he is still putting Skye into the equation. I don't want her in Tracy's story as a romantic rival at ALL.

Or in any other way to tell the truth but if I have to tolerate Skye to get Tracy and Lacy ah well I *guess* I can deal for now.

spoiler talk over

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Well I tried to get into the breakroom but it's being all wonky and I don't think I'm in the mood right now to chat anyway.

I've only been cussed out about five times today. It tends to zap the strength right out of my "sparkly TQ spoiler" mood. LOL

About today....don't read if you haven't watched...I haven't either but recaps follow:

So Tracy apparently sent someone to hunt him down. It wasn't Sonny's men who found Luke.

And Luke KNEW it was Tracy looking for him and after he talked to Sonny he knew why.

BUT my complaint: instead of going right to his wife....he went to Sonny's???

Avoiding Tracy?

Um okay.

He also made some comment to Sonny about "dropping the dish he was doing" or something like that.


As much as I love Lacy (sometimes...there have been other times I have outright hated Luke's pathetic butt and wanted him to die and/or stay far far away from Tracy)...I truly think it's time to bring a new man in. Not another woman for a triangle ala Skye or Laura. A new MAN for Tracy. Let Luke sweat it out a bit and rethink his position or let her go. She deserves ten times better than this.

UNFORTUNATELY......Joseph Mascolo is set to come back to DOOL (although I don't think it's for sure yet) so my dream of having him back for JE doesn't seem likely.

Of course there's also Thaao Penghlis...who could come back to play the father of her aborted child that she had the long ago fling with........

I may check back in here or the break room in a while. After the day I've had Ben and Jerry are calling my name.


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In my own little world...Luke only went to Sonny because GH has to set up Sonny and Carly's very important role in the "Laura returns" SL. It has nothing to with avoiding Tracy. Oh, and Jane Elliot is on vacation which explains her absense this week.

ILoveTracyQ, I'm reading transcripts, and I'm confused, LOL.

Luke: Hey. Your errand boys were very polite but uninformative. They said it was urgent that I come back here, so -- you know, I know you don't panic or exaggerate, so I ditched the delicious dish I was doing and here I am. I hope this is good.


Luke: Who's the father?

Sonny: Dillon.

Luke: Oh, man. No wonder Tracy sent her bloodhounds out after me. She must be chewing tenpenny nails.

I think GH contradicted itself. First, it sounds like Sonny's men track him, and in the next scene, it seems like Tracy did. And does the "come back here" refer in Port Charles? I think "delicious dish" has to deal with whatever he was doing on his adventure. So he had to ditch Holly. ;) See, I can be positive about all of this.

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The one rare time I'm able to hang out in the break room early, no one's here and it's acting wonky. WTG, Break Room!

The only way the Lulu/Luke scene could've been improved is with the brief appearance of Tracy at the end. No real purpose, just her presence would've done it.

I know this isn't the place to say it, but TG looked sort of really sexy today.

Damn school for keeping me from hanging out here at all hours. I've got tons to do tonight. *crosses fingers* for tomorrow night. Is everyone still reeling from the new routine as I am?

More Topic? Jane has seriously incredible teeth. And I love her cheekbones. I can totally imitate her mannerisms now. It's freaky.

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*bouncy bouncy bouncy*

EEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tracey (who does Wally's website) wants to start up a JE/TQ site.

She wondered if we'd be interested in participating.

Would we???? :blink:

LOL I told her we WOULD !

She wondered about who photoshops and makes banners and stuff and I mentioned YOU Ms.Q and you MinervaFan because I wasn't sure about everyone else.

I don't think she has a membership here but she may give me her email address again so that anyone interested can contact her. :)

Yay !

([email protected]).....that's her email !

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No Tracey didn't know about us before but she does now. I doubt she'll come to post though.

I thought about MF's site but figured maybe she'd be just as happy helping Tracey with hers since Tracey said Fanfics are welcome and they need several people to help with the site.

MS.Q have you emailed her yet? :)

spoiler talk

And TG IS apparently leaving again on 09/18/06...I thought he was STAYING. *sigh* so we might get a few Lacy scenes before he leaves but then he'll be all about Laura. I hope we get good angsty Lacy stuff but Guza said months ago Lacy were in love and I haven't really seen it from Luke yet.

Although he might be avoiding Tracy because remember how they parted.......

I choose to believe he's avoiding her. :o) because of THAT *kiss*. :)

but *sigh* to maybe one more week of Lacy scenes before he's off again.

And Tracy *better* be on this week. :(

spoiler talk over

ETA *waves* to nex and VIDS !!! VIDS should be welcome on the site too. :)

Ms.Q...you're Tracy/Lulu video...I've tried several times and each time it tells me there are no free download slots available.

can you help?

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As much as I'd love to do a JE/TQ site, honesty forces me to admit I don't have the time or resources to do it right now. I would be THRILLED to help Tracey in any way she needed with a site--including any and all of my TQ fanfic, if she wants it. (I also have a Change of Habit fic I'm working on, but it's slow in developing.)

To be honest, I wanted to do the JE site for two reasons--one, there wasn't one already out there and there needs to be one. Two, well, when I did my fansite for Broadway diva Dana Ivey, I wound up getting to correspond with her online (she responded to one of my emails today). I can't say that a part of me didn't hope the same thing would happen if I built a JE site. Still, my pipe dreams of celebrity encounters aside, the most important thing is that JE gets a site that is worthy of her, and I can't do that right now.

So put me on the Tracey bandwagon--I'm ready. willing, and able to help in anyway possible.

*waves to Regency*

So, at least our girl got a mention today.

Oh, and MsQ, did I mention what the crossover was with? Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood!

Tracyluvr--I responded to your PM. If you want to talk some more, my AIM handle is "trekficgrrl" or you can email me at minerva_fan AT livejournal DOT com. (Fey said you could email her, too, at fey_spirit AT livejournal DOT com.)

That's about all--I've got ten zillion dishes to wash before bed.

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Well MinervaFan just email Tracey. She's got the details. I'm glad you want to help.

And BTW...since Tracey knows Wally and runs his site...(she also knows Jane) maybe that message from Jane could happen.

It COULD happen.

It might be a little presumptuous at this juncture to ask Tracey about that but since it'll be a JE site I'm sure she'll contact Jane about it.

And thanks Ms.Q for re-posting the vid. It was kinda sweet. Good music choice.

Tracy *almost* makes me like Lulu.

And did I say Tracey was *not* a long-term Luke/Tracy fan?


She's an oldschool LnL'er.

We'll have to work on her. :)

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Hmmmm..... You're the second person to say that. hmmmmm. I don't get it.....

Hmmmm... I feel exactly the same way... Maybe I do get it.

Hey... you guys hit the breakroom early today. No fair! Hope you had fun.

My thoughts on today's show? Luke had some weird lines:

'I dropped the delicious dish I was doing.' !??!?!?!?!?!?!??!? WTF?!?!??!?! BARFFFFFF!!!

It was a total diss of our girl. VERY disappointing. She needs to divorce his a**! Seriously. I had mega hate for him today.

And then later to Lulu: 'I heard you were facing lions, and I thought you'd need a whip and a chair.' I appreciate the sentiment, but the line is... dumb... (there I said it)

Why did Jane take off the week TG came back? She has the right to vaco whenever she wants, but I'm totally disappointed. Why this week of all weeks??

**Goes to sulk**

(actually, I'm going to try to work on that piece of fiction that is coming out really lousy and has begun to take up too many hours. Minerva, I think I will take you up on the beta reading thing. I'll PM you when I'm ready.. I'm not ready yet.. ugh..)

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