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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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You're a brave man,cousin Keith, to not let our icky talk scare you off.

A brave,brave man. Here's a fresh white chocolate macadamia nut cookie for you(or your fave,whatever that is.)

And I wish Dave and GM from SB (and the former SON) would post over here. I know how much Dave loves him some Tracy Q.

And one or two more guys in the mix(assuming all the rest of us are wimmins) would be cool. But I understand why they don't.

Message board politics and loyalty and all that. I need to post on SB more often.

BTW MinervaFan Dave started a City fiction story but I don't think he's updated it in a while.

Dave writes more in the style of a recap of what is happening than an ongoing dialogue type story.

I don't know how to describe it,but he's very talented.

And lol MinervaFan,it's good to know you like cream cheese because it goes well with just about any kind of bread.

You're welcome for the zucchini bread....I happen to love it, people might go ewww gross if you've never tried it,but the texture to me is very much like banana bread.

*waves to angel and hands her a fresh slice of zucchini bread also. I hate PMS. I sooo sympathize with you. :(

*sips third cappucino today*

*taps foot*

Sooo....no Tracy Q today,hmmm?

Sadists. Blah.

ETA *waves to angel and nex*

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Thanks ILoveTracyQ, you're a doll! Thank god today is my last day with it!! So I should be in a good mood (once this head ache goes away lol)!

Have fun nex4evr!!!

Tracy needs to be on soon!! Uuugghhhh, I can't take much more of this!

eta- *waves to LaineyBev714*

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I'm bored. Let's play a game. First person to post all the correct answers wins a virtual ice cream machine--the electric ones, not the crank kind.

The JE Trivia Contest

1. In what state was JE born?

2. On what show did JE make her soap debut?

3. What does JE choose as the favorite character she's ever played?

4. After her daughter is out of the house, what career would JE like to pursue?

5. To what famous singer has JE been romantically linked (although she denies the rumors emphatically)?

6. How many Daytime Emmy Awards has JE won?

7. At one point, when she wasn't acting, JE took a job in the educational field. What was it, and how did she like it?

8. If JE had to choose something to wear, which would it be--fashionable, but uncomfortable clothes, or sweats?

9. Who does JE credit with teaching her how to take direction as an actress?

10. What soap diva is JE's best friend in real life?

:) I know--I've read too many interviews.

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*smiles at all the action* I took a nap after work, woke up, checked the board, and squee! It's so nice to see so many posts! Enjoy yourself, nex. We'll miss ya!

So...I wake up just in time to possibly win a virtual ice cream machine? LOL. Yay!

1. New York

2. A Flame in the Wind

3. Carrie Todd Marler

4. Producer

5. Elvis Presley

6. 1

7. Teacher's aide in her daughter's classroom; she loved it.

8. Sweats

9. Gloria Monty (?)

10. Deidre Hall

I could list some details about the above, but I don't think that's required, LOL.

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NO! I love that! This supposedly happened in 1969??? (During "Change of Habit"?? I've never seen it. Must see it now)

Or are you kidding? Tell me you're not kidding, because I'm loving the idea of this wayyy too much!!!

On another topic..... can somebody tell me how I can get a lovely Tracy Icon to go beneath my name? (Avatar, is that what you call it?!?!) I've seen icons on a few sites (posted by some of you guys), but I have no idea how to "grab" them and then how to get them under my name. (I believe someone gave TravyLurver a tutorial on how to do this several pages back, but I can't find it. And what is proper icon etiquette? I see talk about grabbing and giving proper "credit," but I'm not exactly sure what that means either. Would love some advice... I need me a cute little Jane Elliott picture under my name! :D:D:D

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Hey everyone! A little shout out to Ms. Q-thanks for the memorial clips. These are going to go a long way to getting me through my withdrawls! I'm sitting here waiting for my professor to post the exam I was supposed to start taking 40 minutes ago. She's taking her sweet time. MF- I loved the little quiz, by the way.

I don't really have anything to say, now. I've written 2 papers and have 2 exams to take today before I start my last paper, so i am kindof just on to read and not think now, but it's always interesting anyway.

PS: Surely someone taped soap talk. I can't believe we haven't been able to get lips up here yet. I'm dying... can't wait to see them.

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LaineyBev, this excerpt came from an interview with the director of Change of Habit.

Avatar Directions:

Click on My Controls (top, mid-right of the screen)

In the left column under Personal Profile, click Edit Avatar Settings.

If your icon has a URL, enter it where it says Enter a URL to an online avatar image.

If your icon is saved on your computer, click Browse where is stays Upload a new image from your computer.

Click Update Avatar.

As for credit...You can put it your signature.

Signature Directions:

Click on My Controls (top, mid-right of the screen)

In the left column under Personal Profile, click Edit Signature.

In the box (it looks like the box you type up regular posts in), you can choose to type "Thanks to ______ for the avatar." Or "Credit for the avatar goes to _______." Something like that. I think most of us here don't mind if you credit or not.

Click Update my Signature.

knh, good luck with the exams and paper. Some of us here have several clips saved to our hard drives or CDs, and if you're going through Tracy withdrawals, we'll gladly upload them. About SoapTalk...Still no response at HellaGood. However, Scott Clifton was on SoapTalk on July 4th, and Geena posted the clips today. So if Jane was on July 17th, Geena should be getting them up eventually. *crosses fingers* If I had a way of making clips, I would.

Kind of OT--Had dinner with my mom and sister tonight. We all went out to a nearby restaurant. Sounds nice, right? *sigh* It would've been nicer if they didn't insist on talking about GH almost the entire time. My mom adores Nem. She adored them when Nikolas's kiss cured Emily's cancer. She adored them back when 12 (?) characters had to die, just so they could get married. She adored them when their love, strong as it is, made the flowers grow. And well, she adores them now and went on and on about Evil!Nanny, Nem's love, blah, blah, blah. And I've mentioned my sister is a JaSam fan. Why did they have to get stuck in an elevator today? Why?!? So she could ooh and ahh about them over dinner? *pouts* I just miss Tracy. :( 5 episodes in 6 weeks. That's it. If I were Sonny, I'd so throw some barware right now, LOL.

Edit #1: No comments on TR's soap that's expected to premiere around the same time as JE's contract is up? It's too perfect guys. Come on, LOL.

Edit #2: *waves to Keith*

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See I guess I'm lucky...my sister watched GH back in the day when her middle daughter was firstborn and she tried the stay at home mom thing.

I mean,we grew up watching it,but due to mostly working during the day,she hadn't watched regularly in years and hasn't watched since she went back to work and that' s been several years.

My mom watches the ABC soaps but she's like me,she can sometimes find something more interesting to watch or she'll clean house or run errands while it's on.

Now she did subscribe to SOW for a while and would keep the issues for me to read,but truthfully we just don't sit and talk about GH or any other soap.

Your mom and sister must REALLY love GH, Ms.Q. LOL

I can tell you I don't think my mom cares for Tracy either,she thinks she's funny but other than that doesn't really seem to like her.

I think she appreciates JE as an actress,though.

My mom loves Luke and probably Robert,too.

And besides those two I don't think there's much she cares about,GH wise.

She hates Sonny and Jason. :)

Oh yeah and she rolled her eyes when NL won her Emmy.

But other than that, LOL..... I really don't know how she feels about GH.

Long live Tracy Q ! And forgot to say have a safe trip, nex.


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Hey all.

I've grown up watching GH as well, so I guess I have an excuse for my being obsessed. I'm 21 now and I've been watching, through my mother of course, since I was 4. I used to sit there while she was folding clothes. She was never big on kids song or kids shows, so i had Springsteen, Lynard Skynard and GH. There was a brief period when Alexis wasa favorite, and while I still enjoy her for the most part, this was while there was no Tracy. I loved her since I saw she was on then. I wish I remembered more than general things now, but oh well! She's fantastic anyway. In response to Ms. Q., any clips that people have would be great. I have looked for them and interviews and anything else online, but I can't find anything that hasn't been put here already. I have been taping the show to watch her for a few months now. before that I was able to watch when it was on and never thought that i might want to watchthem again, which of course I do.

We had a monster down-pour today and I almost lost power an hour before i was scheduled to take my exams. Lucky for me, things tend to work out in my favor, it cleared up not 5 minutes before and I got to take them both before the deadlines! I only have two papers left, a week to do them in, my cousin's funeral on sunday and them I am back in the land of the living with all the normal people who sleep and eat regularly! being an insomniac pays off for things like this, but it sure sucks otherwise. Anyway, to make an already long story short, I think my exams went well and thanks for the good wishes.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Talk to you soon.

oh yeah, and if anyone does post clips, is it at all possible to make sur ethat they are from megaupload. For some reason those are the only ones I can get to save correctly. I can open others, I just can't save them. If this is not possible, don't worry about it. I can just watch them. Thanks so much to everyone.

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DingDingDING! MsQ wins the virtual ice cream maker!!!!!!!!

On the thread that's being discussed--I didn't grow up watching GH, although I did sporadically watch Days, Another World, and Santa Barbara when I was in school. I came from a large family, so somebody out there was usually watching GH, AMC, Y&R, and GL--so I'm familiar with some of the older characters.

Fey's mom watches GH and Days regularly. Her reaction to Tracy is practically Quartermainian--nothing she does is right, ever. She loathes TQ, and really doesn't get why Fey and I like her so much. (I'm sure if she knew my level of obsession with TQ, she'd probably forbid me to see her daughter--but well, we've got a six year head start on her.) She likes Sam and Jason and Sonny (although not too much Sonny and Emily, but they're breaking up anyway....)

And even she thinks the show sucks right now.

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Hey Tracy fans, one and all--- I was wondering if anyone can tell me where i can get clips from when Tracy was trying to trick Luke into bed after they were married (5-31-05 and 6-1-05), when she kisses Jax and when, less likely to find) when she was sleeping with Scotty when they were trying to break up Lucy and Alan in 1990? I can't find them anywhere, so I don't know if anyone has them.

Thanks so much in advance

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Yeah, they do. Of course, I'd probably love it too if Tracy averaged as much screentime as their favorites. I guess I'm just jealous. And my mom will also admit to thinking Tracy is funny, but that's the most I usually get out of her on the Tracy front. (Well, she did admit to liking Tracy/Lulu in the beginning...Squee!)

As for Sonny/Jason...she loves 'em, just not Sonny's SL right now. She was glad that NL won the Emmy. Says she isn't as bad as an actress as I claim. Even if she considers her decent, there's a fine line between "decent actress" and "worthy of winning an Emmy" actress, but I'm not going to argue with her.

About JE...My mom doesn't think she's anything special (:o), but she doesn't think any of GH's actors are. Says she watches to watch; not analyze everyone's ability. My sister on the other hand? "What's the big deal with Jane Elliot? She always overacts." I sometimes wonder if we're related, LOL.

knh, I'm sorry about your cousin. :(

Clips (Most of them are in MegaUpload; 2 of them are in SendSpace)

July 1996

Tracy pulls Jax into a kiss.

Credit to Shazzer.


Jax plans a dinner on the terrace for Tracy; later, Tracy kisses him.

Credit to Arie. Thanks to kenna for sharing it.


Tracy wants a night to remember.

Credit to Misty. Thanks to smirks for sharing it.


Luke/Tracy discuss leather restraints and trampolines.

Tracy taunts Skye at MetroCourt; Luke/Skye listen in on Tracy/Coleman having sex.

Credit to Misty. Thanks to smirks for sharing it.

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Hey, I second that emotion on the Tracy/Scotty scenes. I would love to see those.

I remember something about them being together, but I was little, so I wanted to find the seens and I haven't found anyone who even remembers it happening. I checked it out so i know I'm not just making it up, but I hope someone's got them.

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Hi all,

I found the dates I had for those scenes with Scotty, just in case anyone does have them. I have a few around then that I was looking for as well, so I'll just list them all.

-March 18,1990- Tracy drunk, talks to mother's portrait

-July 9&10, 1990- Tracy and Scotty plot then end up in bed together.

-July 12, 1990- Tracy tourments Lucy

-July 18, 1990- TRacy and Scott argue and break up

-Dec 18, 1990- Larry proposes

-June 24, 1991- Paul and Tracy on date

-July 23, 1991- Bill, TRacy, and Julia play games with someone (don't know who)

-Aug 13,1991- Paul proposes

-Aug 22,1991- Tracy is worried about marrying Paul

-Sept 3, 1991- Trcay seduces Paul

-Sept 11, 1991- they argue and make up

-Oct 28, 1991- Tracy and Paul's wedding day

ok, that's all. I'm sure most people won't have these, but I figured I'd post all the dates just in case!!


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