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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Mee Too I miss Jane :( I havent watched GH since last week :( I will catch up this weekend though.

About that Jacket I never really didnt like it my problem kinda stemed from the movie chicago. Velma kelly (cathrine zeta jones) was rich at the start of the movie and you could tell that she had money because of her clothing. But close to the end she had on one of the same outfits she had on in jail and her stockings had holes in them. To me tracy having the same jacket on all the time in a way is like saying she is poor. I have no problem with the jackets I kinda like them but I wish It could have some signifigance for tracy. Like a bithday gift or a gift from Dillion, at least have some one mention that tracy has her "lucky" jacket on. Maybe Im asking for to much :(

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coolkid I hadn't thought of it that way,but that would be nice...to have Tracy simply mention once that this or that jacket or earring or whatever was a gift.

But that would mean paying attention to character instead of plot and GaP don't do that.

I don't know....I really am trying not to complain,mainly because it won't do any good.

But the spoilers and comments in the mags from Guza,et al don't leave me much hope that they plan on developing Tracy and Luke as anything more than comfortable married foes.







SPOILERS DISCUSSED BELOW****************************************************************

Ms.Q they also said some people would be involved with the injured,which I take it to mean some people would have minimal involvement and mostly be handholding.

I think that's where Tracy will come in,since Lucky is supposed to be hurt,that she will be there for Luke.

That could be nice,and if it's true JE/TG will rock the probably crappy script.

These writer though...they should be ashamed that all they can do is write for sweeps. And only certain characters in sweeps,no less.

I mean,it's almost the end of the year. :rolleyes:

Gotta get those Emmy reels ready,and I hate to say it but GH really hasn't had any stellar even halfway Emmy worthy stuff this year.

The best thing for me was the early days of Lacy. (WHICH COULD BE SO MUCH MORE BUT THAT'S ANOTHER RANT.)

I really don't think TIIC will go there,because I don't see them as thinking Wally Kurth is important enough to include in sweeps,but someone on another board spec'd that since he is supposed to air on at least some of these days,that he will be involved in the rescue,and someone spec'd he might be killed off.

But again I doubt it,although I can see Ned going in to help,especially knowing Lucky is aboard. I can see Tracy freaking about that,if it happens. That should be good.

But I don't think Ned will be killed off. Surely that would have been spoiled already. One of the posters on SZ runs WK's official site and I think she would have already been ranting about it since by now,it would already be taped and she'd know about it.

Unless everyone was told not to tell.

LOL I'm morbid,worrying about that aren't I?

But you know,like I said,the main reason I can't see them doing it,is that it would mean giving them airtime.

I can't see it happening.






PS everyone visit GM's SB site too; I posted on the TQ thread there today!

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Good afternoon. :)

That's a good point about complaining, ILoveTracyQ. It's not doing me (or the show) any good. LOL.












Isn't WK's last airdate (until who knows when) Nov. 1st? The train wreck begins Nov. 3rd. I don't see him being involved. <_<

As for the train wreck and it's relation to Tracy, I guess it poses the question: Will she be included in the actual event or 2 weeks down the road (in "real life" time), after everyone has been rescued? Based on ILoveTracyQ's speculation, I'm going to go with the latter. Could be some good scenes with TG and JE, but I want Tracy involved IN the action. TPTB managed to put half the town on the train. It wouldn't have been THAT difficult to also put the Q's on board.

And what about the teens? Not that I care about half of them, but how are they going to be involved? My guess? Dillon and co. are just randomly hanging out by the train tracks; the trains collide, and they will insist on participating in the rescue efforts. If that's the case, can Tracy PLEASE be included? Heh. I'm sounding desperate. Guess we'll see what happens.

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Good afternoon Ms.Q.

About WK,you're right,but those are only the published airtimes.

If I know Ned he'll want to be involved.

About Tracy....I don't know,really. I can't see her being "hands on". We'll have to see.

About Luke: He probably will be hands on,I can't see him sitting by and doing nothing.

Maybe we'll get Tracy waiting with Lulu,that'd be interesting.


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Anyone see the ABC MediaNet Photos? Good news: Tracy is at Liz/Lucky's wedding AND she is not wearing a "recycled" jacket. LOL. Can she dance with Luke? Lucky? Her sons? Bad news: JE's hair? :o Eh...She is still JE. She is still portraying Tracy. So WHY am I complaining AGAIN?!?












Oh I agree, ILoveTracyQ, I can't see Tracy being "hands on" either; but if Dillon is involved in the rescue efforts, I can see her making an appearance and demanding that he stop putting himself in danger. Maybe. But Lulu/Tracy sounds good too.

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Tracy can never replace Skye in Luke's affections. She's too much of a screwed up !@#$%^&*] to define Luke.

The most genuine relationship Tracy has ever had was with DIllon's nanny, Zoey, on THE CITY.

Their friendship was wonderful.

The last episode, Zoey was going to travel the world with Sydney's son and her farewell scene with Tracy she gave her a wonderful embrace and Tracy was taken aback but truly touched when Zoey said "I'll miss you, thank you."

Tracy is most certainly one of daytime's greatest characters.

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Popping back in. I've read the replies, but I haven't had the time myself to post anything in a couple of weeks. It's so wonderful to see some of the old school SON Tracey fans coming out of the woodwork. We gotta keep this post on top.

I watched last week's scenes just the other day, and I lobsterloved the kiss and "take a bus" line. Why oh why can't the writers allow these two characters to slowly fall in love and fight it with EVERYTHING they've got. That's what I want. I want to see Jane Elliot front and center again. As my glittery thing in my signature say, Tracey Quatermaine is my Goddess. We should all be able to see her shine.


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I loved the Zoey/Tracy friendship too.

But "defining" Luke? I don't get what you mean.

And my opinion only,but I don't believe Luke loves Skye.

He lusts after her,true enough. But I think that's all it is,and all it'll ever be. He just doesn't care enough to commit. Of course this is GaP's GH,next week he'll be at her feet professing his undying love.

But he HASN'T ever said he loves her. Kinda strange for Skye to keep hanging onto a relationship with a man who can't say those words.

About Tracy taking front and center,or the spotlight,or any prominent role in GaP's GH: it ain't gonna happen.

She might get lucky and have Luke fall for her in his own way,and she might fall for him,but it'll never be a conventional relationship,and even as Luke's woman of the moment,she'll never be more than that.Not on this GH.

About the spoiler Ms.Q...Ned is NOT supposed to be involved.

A mixed blessing,I guess.

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I learned from almost the beginning of my General Hospital viewing days that if it ain't mob-related, we ain't gettin' it.

I mean, why would we want to see someone who is over 40 and has more talent in her pinkie than at least 80% of the today's canvas of actors?

Why would we want to see that when we can see gun-fire and mob wars?

Why would we want to see that when we can see Sonny is God and never does any wrong?

Why would we want to see that when we can see Emily whining everyday. (Does anyone here even acknowledge anymore that she is part of the Quartermaine family because I sure as hell don't. When she became the screeching, whining shrew she is today, she became deadtome.)

Why would we want to see that when we can have she-who-shall-not-be-named that is shagging Sonny everyday?

I can't imagine why we would want Jane Elliot/Tracey Quartermaine and the rest of the Q's for that matter, when we could have all of that stuff everyday. The only reason I tune into GH these days is to see Tracey. If I get some Tracey/Luke interaction even better. Through in Skye and Lorenzo and I'm a really happy gal. Show me real Ric and Alexis, and I think I've died and gone to heaven.

But none of those characters make GH must-see TV unless it's got Tracey on. So while I'll never get my wish, I'm a glutton for punishment, and I keep hoping one day we'll see Jane Elliot on with substantial airtime and a REAL storyline.


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Thanks for the info Ms.Q.

Can't wait to see our girl at the wedding.

Spoiler Below:







*************SPOILER DISCUSSION BELOW************************************************

The week of the train wreck,Tracy supposedly advises Skye to "go for it" and go away with Lo.

This tells me our girl must be falling for Mr.Spencer,unless there's more to it.

How do you all feel about that?

Me..I love the JE/TG vibe.

But Luke treats our girl...not nice.

So I'm conflicted.

Also,Luke goes after Skye,so my guess is,Lo,Skye and Luke are all on the platform and see the crash?

Anyway,Luke going after Skye....*sigh* ...I'm kind of tired of the back and forth.

And since Luke plays "hero",as much of a hero as he can be,anyway....I can see Tracy worrying over him,while he doesn't give a second thought to her.

Maybe it'll play out differently,and I'm sure JE/TG will rock those scenes. But I really don't want to see Tracy mooning over any guy,much less Luke Spencer,who can't be bothered to give her the time of day.


Well...we get to see her. That's a plus,right? B)

**********************************END OF SPOILER DISCUSSION******************************

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Hi ILoveTracyQ. SlkyCaramel (from here and SZ) posted several clips (a few of which include JE and one that inludes JE/Anjelica) in the NLG/Alexis Davis Lovers CP at SZ last night. You may have seen them the first time around, but I thought I'd share. :)












It does sound like Tracy is falling for Luke, doesn't it? What a shame he can't also fall for her. At this point, I'll take anything that puts JE/Tracy onscreen...I think. LOL. So if Luke goes after Skye, can Tracy go after Luke? LOL. Anything to involve her in this train wreck.

I've also read spoilers that Lulu has harsh words for Luke on Nov. 4th. That's the day after the crash, right? If Lulu and Skye are both on scene, it looks like they will be waiting together. Why can't Lulu wait with Tracy like you suggested?!?

One more spoiler. Apparently, the Q's are going to gang up on Alan and tell him to stop inteferring in Emily's life today. Ugh. All the Q's...In one room...Wasting their breath on Emily. Eh, at least Tracy should be on. :D

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