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The Weight Loss Hysteria of 2024

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I was debating myself if I should open this topic, but I will, since I think it's important and we need a place to express our opinions and feelings about this very very hot topic and phenomenon. 

I'm getting concerned how society is once again back to glamorizing scary thin women and men. With this Ozempic craze that has been spreading all around the world... every second celebrity is looking like they came from a starvation camp. It is concerning me a lot, since I've been seeing people in my close circle that are using it. And I've heard comments judging other people who are heavier, because all of a sudden being THIN is IN and people are obsessed with it.

I am not saying this drug is bad or isn't needed for people with health conditions that require it or morbid obesity. Not at all. I am talking about how again it is changing the society norms and making people judge heavier people and etc.  

All of this is triggering me. Not to the point that I would need to call my therapist. Yet. But... I am an eating disorder survivor. I battled anorexia more than 10 years ago which is a huge problem for men, since it's underdiagnosed in male population. There is a huge stigma and prejudice that it's not manly or even possible to have this problem.

My problem started, because I was a heavy child and by early high school I was so bullied and beaten up by this, that I started going on these diets I would find on the internet... This lead to... years and years battle with anorexia. At my lowest weight, my family physician was telling me I will die if I don't gain weight. I managed to recover very slowly and by the time I was 25, I was... in a healthy relationship with food.

So yes, lately I've been feeling kinda off and finding myself thinking about cutting calories, since I don't have a skinny-skinny face like all these people on Ozempic. And then I say to myself - ok, stop, you are fine, you are healthy, you are not overweight, and even if you were, it's okay. And then I will see these Ozempic videos on youtube and want to watch them, and then stop myself.

But yes... what do you guys think about this. I know the topic is controversial, but it's all around us. Recently I saw a friend that has basically lost half her body weight by this drug and is unrecognizable. She used to be very overweight... and in talks with her I was kinda shocked how judgmental she has become while not even realizing it. She was giving me tips what to eat or not eat, without me even asking her about it and I told her - please, deal with your own plate and your own issues - I have no problems with food and don't need to be schooled what not to eat. And she apologized. But I sensed that in her world I was now... heavier than her perception of normal... so she felt like I had a problem. This disturbed me. 

So yes, I feel we are starting to live in a dangerous times when it comes to body image. I think this craze will soon go out of control. That's just my 2 cents. I may be wrong, but that's how I feel. 

How do you guys feel? 

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This Mounjaro / Ozempic / Wegovy / craze is interesting, because unlike weight loss fads or situations in the past, I don't see this one as bad as the 2004–2007 craze when everyone wanted to be sickly thin.

I think those using the three options above for the sake of managing their weight and assisting them in weight loss / weight maintaining, then it's good. But those abusing it, a.k.a. the celebrities who really do not see it (a.k.a. the Housewives), are the problem with it.

As someone who has struggled with their weight all of their teen years and adult life, I've never felt the pressure to be thin but the pressure to lose weight? Yes. It's there. And there is something about Wegovy that is... enticing, especially as someone who has an unhealthy relationship with food. Have I lost weight before? Sure. Was it difficult and take a long-ass time? Yes. Would one of these products help me? Fück yes. Would I like to use them? Fück yes.

I think we equate skinny with being healthy... but that is not always the truth. And the same with being heavier with being unhealthy. It's about what's healthy and where you're healthy.

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Thank you for sharing your story and insight! I appreciate it a lot. You touched on very important points! The Bold part is something I wholeheartedly agree with. 

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Of course; I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like anyone who does not meet the "status quo" of beauty is automatically dismissed, and weight plays into that. As a heavier-set person, someone called me "beautiful" the other day and I couldn't accept that, when I should have. Society plays into that, too. Am I running for Wegovy? No. But do I want it? Yes, I do, to help me improve my health (which plays into my weight).

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Let's see...

I was thin until 3rd grade hit.

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I blame McDonald's happy meals.

By 5th grade I was slimmer and by the age of 11 I was into sports golf and tennis. I loved both sports but I sucked at golf. I was only a good putter.

My sport was tennis until after college. I was thin and lean due to it.

When I was hitting my late 30s is when the weight started returning. My family let me know too. With work I didn't have much time for anything else. Until finally I started going to the track and walking 3 to 4 miles every morning with weekends off. I lost 25 lbs and my co-workers noticed right away.  They told me how great I looked.

I don't mind people using the latest drug to lose weight as long as it's safe.

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