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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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Late obviously, but I'm with @dc11786 from last month - I think Mulcahey has been playing with something with Cody and Tracy since the beginning. Her name-checking him as a young Gregory in her mind is far too deliberate, and there was a lot of very ambiguous, suggestive stuff between them before that too since March or so. Wouldn't shock me if some kind of May/December romance there had been the endgame and got shunted off (just like the hints of Finn/Tracy back in the day when he first debuted, and it was and remains his most exciting relationship).

Stay tuned for more late dispatches from me you didn't ask for!

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I thought they were referring to Curtis as well.  Makes you wonder how Curtis got through his gunshot wound and paralysis without any narcotic pain pills though. 

I think Cody and Tracy would be fun.  The man deserves fun after dealing with his non-romance with Sasha for nearly a year.

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Lol!  I should have known.  All Curtis needed was some aspirin and a dream of walking toward Laura once more.

I seriously don't understand Finn/Liz's relationship.  It's clear Finn can't casually drink like Curtis, but at the same time Finn just slipped up and doesn't appear to want to make a habit of it so I don't know why anyone is still talking about it.  I know it's leading somewhere but everyone is acting like Finn full on relapsed instead of just having a few drinks after his father died.

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Remember, this is the same GH that said Nina was wrong for turning Drew and Carly into the SEC, even though Drew and Carly were the actual criminals.

Meanwhile, it would have taken me a lot to buy Cody and Tracy as a romantic or sexual pairing.  And I mean a lot.

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I can buy it. They have chemistry together and I liked those curious early scenes with them. It wouldn't be the first (or last) young stud with an older grande dame on soaps.

Also, I still don't like how they've dressed up Spinelli's 'apartment' as one studio storage closet tricked out like an alcove in a Dave & Buster's. Where is the living room? Where is the kitchen? He hosts his child here, right?

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I get it. It's not supposed to make sense lol.  At the end of the day Finn knows he messed with his sobriety, but it didn't really affect anything.  Violet's fine, he didn't drive, he wasn't hammered on the job, he just had a few glasses of whiskey that he was stupidly keeping in his house for whatever reason and moped around for a night.

I think Cody flirts with Tracy quite a bit.  I do think that's just Cody's personality, but I could honestly see him liking Tracy and her uppity, rich life.  It could start as a con to get money and move into real feelings.

I still think it's Spinelli's office not his actual apartment.  Georgie said she had a room there in the past and unless she sleeps under the desk that's not possible.

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I'm almost scared to see the rest of Spinelli's digs.  You know that's a child protective services call waiting to happen.

Let's put it this way: if it weren't bland, unappealing Josh Kelly playing Cody, I'd be more into him and Tracy as a pairing.

Well, we know she ain't sleepin' in his gaming chair.  That's off limits to everyone who comes to Spinelli's.

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It was one sip of champagne not an entire glass and he didn't drink the full bottle of bourbon/whiskey.  It's serious to Finn and I do get that, but it literally affected nothing on the show.  Liz was mad for about a day.  

I know I am way overthinking Spinelli's living arrangements, but I always thought either the office had a separate entrance or that he had an office in the same building as his actual apartment. 

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Liz owned being mad. He was appalling toward her! You notice he was not abusive toward Chase but he was to Liz. 

I could have sworn he tossed back the entire glass of champagne & also that he finished off the bottle that he had been given as a gift. It is worth noting that if not for its being a wedding gift that bottle would not have been there. He would not have gone out & bought one. 

I don't think that was that kind of thing at all. At any rate that one scene with Finn would do nothing to placate dissatisfied fans of Becky. 

I've sat in on twiX Spaces held by either Becky stans or Liaison fans & we know they are crazy but more what they would settle for is interesting. However, it's not odd awkward scenes with Michael Easton. 

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It's cute how we're calling his gaming chair and Playstation his office.  Just as it's cute how we're pretending he really isn't living in his mom's basement.

ICYMI: I [!@#$%^&*] hate Spinelli.

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