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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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That would be a GREAT compromise and I wouldn't mind them coming to that conclusion as well.


I don't think Carly and Jason have been to bed...other than that almost moment before Sonny post-Nixon Falls walked in...since the 90s. They have just always been THAT close. But now that he has children (and babymamas), it does seem odd, but it's ALWAYS been that way. 



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I know I would think that was out of character, lol.

Again, though, I'd love to know why Jason and Carly are so...obsessed with each other.  (Just like I'm still waiting for GH to tell me why Heather has always been so damn crazy - and no, no "poisoned hip" explanation will do, lol).  Jason and Carly don't need to acknowledge it for themselves.  In fact, it's probably more intriguing if they DON'T acknowledge it.  But I feel like the audience should have some sort of idea, so, at the very least, we won't get so annoyed every time Jason rushes to Carly's aid at the expense of everyone else.

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Unfortunately yes.  Back in the SJB days and Jason didn't realize that meant he was cheating on Robin.  I don't even know.

I don't think the show has ever really made any believable excuse to me about why Carly/Jason are that weird about one another.  A lot of blah, blah about being bff and never letting one another down and so on and so forth.  I have a best friend.  They wouldn't buy me a hotel and/or pretend to be dead to work for the FBI to protect me.

Thanks, I really do try.

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Thank you.  I honestly don't remember everyone that Carly has slept with.  Life is too damn short for that, and I've got my own problems, lol.


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Oh, I totally agree!!! If Jason and Carly were not obsessed with each other, we all would side-eye them during this return. 


I still hollered in my head at the fact that as soon as Drew found out Jason was alive, he broke up with Carly and left with the quickness. And Drew has been around for their history as long as the rest of us. HOLLERED. Because...what he said to her as he broke up with her WAS...ALL..TRUE




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I agree.  Nobody told Jason to go shoot guns and kill people for a mobster.  And just because he's brain-damaged, that doesn't let him off the hook either.  Actions carry consequences, and it's long past time for Jason Morgan to face some of his own.

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I know they have established it over and over, but the question is why?  Starting from the days of Jason marginalizing and disregarding his entire relationship with Robin for Carly/Michael.  It has never really made sense.  It was just a thing we had to accept as viewers because he loved Carly and the kid and was keeping them safe from EVIL AJ.  I do think the initial point was to actually pair Carly/Jason back in the day, but 25 years later it still doesn't add up.


One can only hope lol.

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I'm still amazed at how quickly Store Brand Jason bailed.  I mean, no lingering feelings between the two of them, no playing "Will they get back together?" games with the audience.  It was just, "Peace out, girly!  Oh, hi, Nina, have some of my shirt!," lol.

Yeah, even if that has been Jason's motivation at least, someone needs to remind Stone Cold that Michael is a grown ass man with a wife and kid of his own now, and that neither he nor his mom need protecting anymore.

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Hey, I love store brands, too!  But I know when I'm buying Wonder Bread, and when I'm buying Great Value Bread, and why, lol.

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But seriously...lol...yeah. No lingering feelings. No Get back together. Just stormed out. And left...right into hate sexing Nina. Shocking, but can't hate Drew for that. I mean didn't the last time Jason come back, Sonny and Carly immediately drop him, too? I wasn't regularly viewing then.


You remind me of Anna clocking Carly, too, when Carly was hiding Jason at the house and stalling for him. Anna even knows at this point. lol.


I wouldn't be surprised if at some point, a character will now call Jason out on that very thing. Watch. 

lol. Same way about my beards and especially my oj. 


Not hating. Just found it unexpectedly funny. 

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I wasn't watching then either, so I don't know.  But I do feel like Drew should display more anger or angst over having to live in the shadow of a "twin" brother who's really a common criminal.  Drew should feel very resentful toward Jason's return, how that affects his status in town and so forth; and in turn, that jealousy should be propelling Drew to make some very foolish and life-changing decisions.

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There's ample scenes, and also dialog, where they've basically sworn allegiance to each other, works both ways. But, as Jason recently said, Carly is not the only person he would do this for. He suggests that at one point (obviously not now) he would have done the same thing to protect Sonny. I am not sure if I buy this or not. But Jason did say it recently. 

But, those scenes & that dialog do not answer the question why as y'all are asking it. I would suggest that the why is because of the experiences they have gone through together. That it has been so much that it has bonded them in this special way. I think, that they think, that they totally see each other & understand each other, and most other people do not see them & certainly don't understand them. I believe they have an "Us Against the World" kind of persecution complex. And, they reinforce it in each other. 

Now, last but certainly not least, supposedly Korte is fascinated with Jason & supposedly Patrick is fascinated with Carly. Hmmm? Obviously right now the show is trying to sell Sonny as a bad guy but not Jason as a bad guy! Since Jason was Sonny's enforcer for years they are doing some fast foot movement to make this dance work out the way they want it to. Is it working? Jason fans, Carly fans & Jarly fans all say yes. Liz & Sam fans say NO. Those unallied with any of those groups seem split, some yes, some no. 

I think it's pretty interesting. 

Well, if you don't deserve it, then no one does!

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