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LATEST RATINGS: July 16-20, 2018


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Yikes at Y&R dipping below 4 million on Monday. Was that a preemption? It seems like Monday was big or average day for the other shows.


Demos up WOW but down YOY. The 18-34 demos are so small for all shows that the fluctuations seem almost random. Like W18-34 literally makes up around 3 percent of both Y&R and DAYS’ audiences.


Nothing’s really working on B&B, GH, or DAYS.

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Strange Y&R and B&B are down in HH but up in demos; GH is up in HH but down in demos.  And Days, well just down all across.


I suspect Y&R and B&B will be up next week with the Hevon drama, and Steffy finding Liam with Hope, respectively.


And yay caught up with the ratings, I barely saw the previous week...thanks Toups.

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Yes, Toups has finally caught up!

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The Nick reveal was a bust in the ratings.....LOL


When was Hilary's accident? Was it on Thursday or Fri? The ratings picked up a bit for those two days. 

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