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American Crime: Discussion Thread

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I don't think Kevin or any other boy raped Taylor but I do believe they drugged him before he got to Eric. And if we learn nothing else from this show, we can see how strong peer pressure truly is. Kevin's parents are no punks, and his mother is overbearing as hell, but what his boys expect of him ranks higher.

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If Eric penetrated Taylor after he was drugged, that would be rape, as Taylor already expressed he could not consent to Eric, and if he was drugged there would be now way to consent to Eric for the sex to be consensual.


These kids are idiots who have no concept of right and wrong, and they are running around unchecked because their parents are so uninvolved in their lives and they let their kids do whatever they want. Kevin is two brain cells away from being brain dead.

Edited by Skin
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Kevin got all his misogyny from his mother.  The show made that very clear. Whether or not it's what she intended, it's what she's taught her son for years and the premiere made that clear.

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I don't think Kevin's biggest issue is his misogyny.


Kevin can't understand basic principals to keep himself out of trouble and is continuously shown to be unintelligent. These actions include but are not limited to spending thousands of dollars on jewelry for a girl he barely knows, and not understanding that he is lawfully accountable for his actions as an 18 year old man, and he needs to showcase responsibility and restraint for his actions. He is over privileged because of his class, but he fails to understand the weaknesses of his privilege as a black man.


In short, he is not cognizant of the world around him. I would consider that to be his greatest flaw.    

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It's not rape if Eric doesn't know Taylor was drugged.  He could have thought Taylor got buzzed before the action started.  Eric is coming off as a young man who's frustrated that a hook up is causing him this much trouble.  He seems more annoyed than anything.  If Eric didn't know that the other guys drugged Taylor, they are guilty of rape and not Eric.  However, that would be difficult to prove since Taylor went there to hook up with Eric.  

Edited by ChitHappens
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It is rape if it is proven that at any point in time before the penetrative act occurred that the individual was not in the place where they could consent legally. Point blank. It doesn't matter if the other person didn't know they were drugged. It's still considered rape, under the legal definition. Taylor cannot consent, means that any penetration is not consensual, equates to rape. It doesn't matter if the other person thinks the individual consented, when they didn't/couldn't. It's still a date rape.


The others boys would be an accessory to the crime, and they would be charged with drugging Taylor.


It's sad, I actually like both Eric and Taylor, but I think it's clear that Eric is a rapist. Even if he doesn't understand how that can be the case. Even if Taylor did ask for Eric to be rough, even if Taylor went there to have sex with him, that does not give Eric cart blanche access to Taylor's body. That's not how consent works. It's clear that a lot of people in America don't really understand much about consent and engagement (it's clear as day, that the in-show police officials and investigators don't) but this case is not an exercise in consent.  

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How is it rape if Eric didn't even know the guy was drugged? And what was Eric supposed to do? Stop everything in the heat of the moment and ask the guy to clearly state "I want to have sex"? I mean to me that sound ludicrous. I don't see how Eric is at fault for anything aside from thinking Taylor was probably tipsy (like he was and they were having a drunken hook up) but that's just my opinion. 

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You clearly don't understand consent laws, if this is such a difficult concept.


Eric clearly stated in his report to the police that he was of sound judgment and of (relatively) clear mind that night - he wasn't drunk. Taylor indicated he was not cognizant of what had happened to him that night, and he has the GHB stained clothing as direct evidence of that, showing that his judgment was impaired, along with all the pictures on social media. Taylor cannot consent given the fact that he was drugged with GHB, anyone who touched him after the drugs were ingested into his system is a rapist, according to the very concept of consent. It's rape. Whenever anyone cannot provide consent it's rape.


It doesn't matter if Eric doesn't think that it was rape, or if Eric thought Taylor was really into it. He still raped Taylor because Taylor could not consent to the sex due to the fact that he was drugged. What are people missing here? I can understand Eric not understanding consent, he is a teenage boy who doesn't understand much of anything. Seems like there are tons of people who don't understand the concept. But if any of the above happened he is still a rapist. The law does not protect the ignorant. He is still culpable of his crime.


It doesn't matter if Eric didn't know Taylor was drugged. The sex could not be consented to because Taylor was drugged. That's what makes it rape. Taylor is right to say that Eric violated him because he couldn't consent.

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Or maybe you're just looking at it in black and white when there's clearly shades of grey. 


You can have your opinion and I'll stick with mine. The laws really aren't that perfect or crystal clear in my opinion and don't cover a decent range of situations....so for you just quickly reach your conclusions is just that. 


Yeah this episode was terrifying....and omg 

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