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DAYS: Jason47's 48th Anniversary Tribute

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A heartfelt thanks to Ted & Irna for creating a life-long show for so many fans

To Betty & Jack & Al for continuing to guide the show for generations of fans after

To Bill & Pat & Jim for creating so many beloved characters and stories

To Mac & Frances, the heart and soul of Salem to this day

Though you may be gone, you all continue to live on in the hearts of "Days" fans

We'll be loving you, Always....


Jason47's Days Website is proud to present the 5th episode of "Days" from November 12, 1965. The show's entire first week of episodes is now available for fans across the world to watch. Please visit http://www.jason47.com for links to all the episodes.

Also, make sure to check out a special new section just posted, a collection of quotes from the "Days" cast, past and present, about what "Days" means to them! All that and more at http://www.jason47.com

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Maree Cheatham was only 23 when this taped. What a difference in acting ability and maturity level of her character compared to the actresses and characters we see today. Even the 40/50 somethings these days seem less adult. I suppose it's a reflection of how society has changed in real life in comparison to those days.

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She was only four years older than Charla Doherty? I'd never have known it. I guess now everyone wants to seem younger than they are (or at least that's what the industry sells). At that time it was often the opposite.

These episodes are very interesting to me. I never knew Julie had a crush on Tony Merritt's father. I also never knew what a huge !@#$%^&*] Julie's father was. I have a feeling the Hortons would not have been a happy family if he'd stayed around. They seem extremely tense here.

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This is new to me too. My first memories of the show aren't until around 1967. And I don't remember any of the Julies before SSH for some reason. Guess they didn't make much of an impression on me at the time. Julie's father is definitely a jerk. No wonder Addie fell for Doug when she met him!

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Doherty's doing OK, but Julie seems a little like a cog in a wheel. I guess I should watch some of the 1967 stuff that's around (I haven't in several years) to see how the performance is at that time (was Doherty already gone by then?).

My biggest shock was seeing Steve. I hadn't expected the whole part of him being the ideal child.

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Yes, Steve was certainly different when Stephen Schnetzer was playing him. I do remember James Carroll Jordan playing Steve as well but he wasn't on long enough to establish the character. I would love for Days to get Schnetzer back. He could come back as Steve and be a bit villainous. He's in the right age range if he were to be paired up with either Kate or Marlena. I saw a clip recently of Schnetzer on youtube discussing a play he's doing in Cleveland right now. He's still quite handsome.

I think the only other clips I've seen of Doherty are the ones (I think from 1966) in which Susan is confiding in her about her pregnancy. Doherty is okay but she is not a match for Denise Alexander.

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The whole thing with Steve annoys me because he could still come to Salem now and cause trouble - have a daughter who is also troubled, but in different ways than he is. I love Stephen Schnetzer but they could even recast if they wanted to, as he was only on DAYS for a year or so. I wish they'd consider bringing in more Hortons from that side.

I think Doherty's doing a decent job with the material but I do think SSH gave the character a certain inner life the writing may not have at this point.

The strangest part of these episodes for me is that I don't quite feel like Alice and Tom have any real handle on who their kids are.

I tend to wonder how viewers at the time felt about the father and son story with Marie. You can see why all this, the miscarriage, and then Tom Jr. drove her to a breakdown.

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