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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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Aww...ESS....yeah..he oozed sexual....lol..mmmmm....I liked Scott and Brett on OLTL but for some reason I found them asexual...lol

As for Rikkart...floved him at the beginning but his time at Y&R wore off for me very quickly....his character really has no purpose on the show...

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I would have agreed but I thought their sex scene was pretty good - I can't see a lot of actors making that work.

The last time I liked Kevin was with Jana. Emily O'Brien was the best younger actress on the show and she was sacrificed for the dead fish Chloe, who has tanked every story and every pairing she's ever had.

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I liked the scene as well.....for some reason when I see this scene it reminds me of that awful Nuke scene where they are jumping on the bed like some idiots...of course they had there own towel scene which didnt compare to this......

Sorry for getting off topic..maybe I should post this on the OLTL thread..but there isnt one...lol

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They needed to soras Kyle to match Abby but they shouldn't have done it at this point because everything they used him for(aside form picking up hoes) would've been better with oldKyle especially since they said Diane only died a year ago. Kyle was a little boy a year ago who we saw have a special bond with his mother.

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