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Scrappy is a broke ass punk! Friends and family of mine have seen him outv and about at Wal Mart and Food Depot many a time. I laughed at them shopping at the Natural Foods store last night knowing they can't afford that.

My friend also saw Mamma Dee at Golden Corral but sheis the Queen of the South? GTFOH Mamma Dee!

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Speaking of which while I love me some Joseline, my godmother works at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport (it's in Atlanta) and apparently Stevie and Joseline were flying using buddy passes. For those who don't know what those are (I didn't as I don't do planes lol)

Stevie likes to act like he is balling, but can't even afford first class. SMH.

Someone did LHHATL hoes!


Rasheeda's needs to be changed to Grandma Hoe! :)

Edited by Eric83
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Finally they are starting to integrate Tracee into the group. Too bad its the irrelevant chicks that weren't in the first 2 episodes

Man she looks old as hell in this pic. LMAO when Jos said "I know she likes to gossip with her old ass"

Ariane is a messy bitch. She instigated the drama that went down between Rasheeda and K. Michelle.

I like Rasheeda's new talking head. Her hair looks great

Jos "What you need to do is go get Molly Maid to clean your house, find my motherf--king contract" laugh.png Also LOL when she said "why you up in here looking like a damn Malcolm X"

Mimi looks like a damn fool not telling Stevie where his daughter is living. I would think that is grounds to get the courts involved. I cant ride with her on this bc she looks stupid to me.

Scrappy is such a punk. Cant believe he didn't side with Erica on this. His mother is way too disrespectful and he doesn't see it. Asking for the ring back? Get the F out of here. I cant with ugly ass Mama Deee calling for the guards in her talking head

Jos on Benzino: "First of all why would I f--k with someone that has no neck?"

New Hairstyles this episode: 1; Hairstyles to date: 6

Edited by Cheap21
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I forgot to address this. How is she going to get all hype about Stevie living with Joseline? Then she proceeds to force herself into Stevie's house. Now all of a sudden it is not Stevie's business who she is dating and who is at her house (1 bedroom apartment) Yes the hell it is! WTF?!

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"Wannabe Keyshia Cole, slow ass bitch" LMAO! Team Rasheeda! Even though I still can't stand her that much, there's no way I could root for K Michelle ever.


Joseline: "Comin' up in here looking like a turtle. Back yo ass up!" laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

I love Jos/Karlie catching up! I seriously LOL'd at this exchange -

Jos: "You got rubiezz down der?

Karlie: "Mmm, diamondz"

Jos: "Oh, i got rubiez"

"I got diamondddzzzz-uh!" LOLOLOLOLOLOL laugh.png I rewinded so many times

Jos on Benzino: "First of all why would I smash somebody that ain't got no neck? I need a neck. I need to lick on your neck" laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

The best scene was Stevie J/Mimi. That was just unbelievable when Stevie J was like "You lookin' good" after their intense, negative conversation; then he had the nerve to be like give me a kiss laugh.png Too much! I love it!

Scrappy/Erica/Mama Dee was ridiculous. LOL @ broke ass Scrappy asking for his ring back. You know he just wants it back to sell it! He's pathetic!

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LOL.... That was hilarious as I could never see Joseline sleeping with Benzino's ugly ass. Stevie is a creep and manipulator but at least he is attractive and we've all seen what's "down there". I was like "Awwww" when I saw that Benzino and Stevie are breaking up next week lol.

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