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If you enjoy Youtube you'll want to read this


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I didn't put this in politics because I think it is not a partisan issue. This is about a bill that would, if passed, likely gut Youtube and many other basic parts of the Internet you enjoy. It would essentially force the end of anything which anyone might consider infringement.


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Between this, usage caps, and many other things, they're very actively working to take away most of what people enjoy about the Internet in order to make it as crappy and uber-controlled as everything else. Most of all this seems to be about stifling innovation, as that's what everyone fears most.

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Thanks for posting the article, Carl. This would be awful if passed, though I fully expect it to become law.

The Huffington Post didn't say much when it came to speculating whether Obama would sign the bill into law (if it passes Congress). If he vetoes it, then it will be a courageous stance on the president's part. However, if he signs the bill, then there can be little doubt that he is in the pocket of Hollywood executives.

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I hope you're right, but as the article mentioned, Google is in a weak spot. AOL has been a non-factor in years.

I'm just so tired of big business dominating all when that's helped drive the economy into the toilet. If you take away the innovation of the Internet then you take away more of our future economy and competitiveness.

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While I certainly am against this legistation and don't want it to pass, even if it does, I don't see Google allowing Youtube to be threatened or shut down. Same with Facebook. This is essientlly the battle over music all over again, but with Hollywood instead. RIAA eventually realized suing those who downloaded illegal music & insisting music have DRM was a waste of time & not solving the problem. Hollywood will eventually realize it to. People are always going to be 1 or 2 steps a head of studios & Goverments, they might as well just face that.

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Wingwalker... i'd love it if that were true, but the MPAA are just too damn stupid to learn anything. I've learned most on this board are under 30, I don't know if you are... but the MPAA was the primary reason the Video Cassette Recorder didn't hit the the market in 1972/73... it didn't go mainstream until around 1978, and then at a VERY high price. the MPAA fought it tooth and nail, said it would kill the movie industry, with people able to watch movies at home, tape movies off the air, etc. And you see how that turned out. Hopefully, the stma roller of progress will flatten the bastards just like it did in the late 70's. i'm pretty confident it will. the will of the consumer is one hell of an obstacle to overcome.

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