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This is for the Channel Five UK soap which ran from about 1995 or 1996 to 2005. Little of this is available, aside from Holly Hart's lesbian relationships (available on Girlsngear or something like that) and the infamous scene where the Harts went boom:

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Carl, you know how much I loved this show, from the past discussions in the EE thread. I'm surprised at how little there is of FA available. C5 should rerun it on their sister channel 5*. FYI: the show started in January 1997.

Here's a few opening credits that I hope hasn't been posted elsewhere before.

FA: 1999 open

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rpZCYVxPMsU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

FA: 2002 open

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bDbYEGU7ZX8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

FA: 2005 open - Last ever episode w/ announcer and recap

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qAgqwhT7wiU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Thanks for posting more. I have definitely seen little of this, which is strange, because so many other soaps from this time have everything available. Even outside of Youtube there is little.

I guess the episode I posted must be fairly early on if they are saying "Happy New Year" - unless that meant late 1997?

Maybe you should share your thoughts on the show again in the new thread.

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Carl, that clip you posted isn't from 1997, but I think 2000. Those idents were new to Channel 5 at the time, and Roy is with Claire, and Karen wasn't around pre-2000, so yeah, 2000.

Watching this has made me all nostalgic; I wish I had taped more eps than I did (anything would've been better than just the series finale).

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You're right. I didn't even remember until I started watching the episode. I always think of him as Billy Walker. I guess he also looked different here because he wasn't surrounded by very tall actors.

The first episode was a lot better than I thought it would be. Not fantastic by any means, but solid. I especially enjoyed the Hart mother, even if yanking off that towel was inappropriate. Who would have thought that an entrance like that would lead the man running down the hall to become one of the show's longest-running characters?

I was surprised at the twist involving Duncan Hart. I was sure that the mother's friend was sleeping with the father (Farrington), and then what do you know, she's sleeping with Duncan!

The other Hart sister, the one who wasn't a lesbian, got on my nerves. Was she around when most of the family was killed off?

So what was the conflict between the Hart patriarch and his parents?

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They are Benjy McHugh, Arlo Dean and Gemma (whose last name escapes me).

Benjy was Yasmin's brother; Arlo was taken in by Fern and her husband, as was Gemma. Arlo and Gemma dated for a while - he was always getting into trouble, like drug dealing. Gemma went on to being involved in a triangle with Cameron Davenport and Paul (whose name also escapes me). She was all set to marry Paul, until he found out about her affair with Cameron and dumped her at the altar (I think). Paul and Cameron got into a fight and Paul fell from the roof of a building. This is all a bit vague for me.

Channel 5 did lots of idents like this around that time - they had one for Sunset Beach, and later on one with Sarah Buxton promoting B&B.

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