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WikiLeaks Leaks the Documents


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Frankly, if all these 'leaks' were just put out in the open, I think the whole world would feel a whole lot better about everything.

It's all the secrets and 'what if' scenarios that are frightening.

China wants to ditch North Korea and force reunification? Fabulous!

Saudi Arabia wants Iran's leadership toppled? Terrific!

Russia's run by corrupt scum? Surprise!

I say lets put some of these leaks into action, the band aid has been ripped off, let's get some plans in motion!

I'll just add that I think Hillary Clinton has handled this marvellously, the question is why hasn't Obama addressed this publicly? Pathetic. She has taken the lead, she has demonstrated incredible poise and skill. Frankly, it just reiterates what I've felt from day one: Hillary Clinton should have been president.

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ICAM about Hillary! And as a staunch Obama supporter I'm completely underwhelmed with his direction. He seems incapable of making a uniformed decision and moving the country forward while Hillary has demonstrated leadership. I have absolutely no idea what this guy believes in because he never takes a stand for anything. Currently he's looking so ineffective as president all his mantra of hope and change as amounted to a mud puddle. I don't think Democrats stand a chance in 2012 if Obama/Biden is the ticket.

Hillary could stand to get some work done. The jowls and sagging skin is atrocious.

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Hillary IS a leader. Obama is a fabulous public speaker. There's such a difference in practice.

Hillary would do well with a facelift and a lower eye job. After this mess, she should take some time off, do it, declare it and then dramatically boot Obama from the 2012 ticket. Clinton/Gore (and I do mean Tipper!) 2012!

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Although she has refuted the rumors, there's substantiated rumblings she will throw her hat in the ring and with a capable second tier she'll get the nomination. I'm not sure who who will be the perfect candidate; I'll have to give it some thought but it's too bad Colin Powell wants nothing to do with politics. Clinton/Powell would be intriguing.

Obama is a prolific eloquent speaker but the country needs a leader, he has proven he ain't it. Republicans are determined to make him a one term president but it's Democrats and Independents who will make that decision.

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I would never believe Hillary when it comes to running for president, of course she has to deny it...but the internal workings of the Democratic party cannot be pro-Obama 2012, for him to run again would be suicide for the Democratic party unless something truly wonderful happens to the country that can be directly tied to Obama's actions, which isn't going to happen.

Clinton/Powell would be amazing. I wouldn't ever count Colin Powell out...he is a truly great American and I think he is against what he saw in the Bush years enough to run with Hillary. I get shivers thinking about those two together. They'd get sh*t sorted out!

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Apparently, not. This is the second time you are wrong about the leaks. First you found nothing really interesting about them. Yet Hillary finds them to be... Well – treason. Of some sorts. Am I right in interpreting you liking Hillary's handling of the situation excellent because of how she said it and not based on what she said? Because what she did say is the opposite of what you want, no? It would be wonderful if the world could be all rosy, but the reality defeats such wishes at every turn.

Second, the media are trashing Andrew as we speak, many are appalled that someone who is a kind of diplomat and a royal behaved in such an undiplomatic way.

But yes, it will blow over and it will have no effect on anything.

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Nah! I think Hilary would LOVE being president as it would be validation for many reasons. She has grown a lot in the last two years. As a matter of fact I think she's the only person who has been taking internal notes and simply bidding her time.

Her problem in '08 is that she underestimated Obama. She's decent in campaigning and in comparison to his eloquence, everyone came short by default. She failed because she was going up against the "change" machine. She was at her most effective when she called him out on his kumbaya policies and after two years without change, she was right.


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I haven't been "wrong" about the leaks because my comments have been my opinion, nothing I've stated has been factual.

Hillary is treating them as treason because the US government can't have people accepting these leaks as anything but treasonous, it helps distract people from knowing what's actually been said, it puts a scapegoat out there so that instead of all of us going "Wait, so the Saudis want to blow Iran off the face of the earth and we've turned them down through two administrations?" we'll watch CNN for the trial of the Wikileaker.

I think Hillary has handled it excellently both in how she's said it and what she's said. It's all very presidential and authoritative and controlled. She hasn't blinked. Now, that's not to say that I would love for the world to just get going with the truth and get some issues sorted out...but I know that's not how the political world works. Thus, Hillary's behaviour is what I really like to see in a politician. Poise, polish, authority, seriousness and very little bullsh*t.

The media will trash Andrew for a few days, then something else will happen. It'll get spun off and disappear. Andrew has nothing to worry about.

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