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Not surprised that 2000 is ranked as the lowest, although the blurb gets it a little wrong here as both the 14 characters exiting and the hospital becoming public happened in 2001 (I think the clinic becoming a public hospital is often conflated with the clinic shifting premises after the liquefaction of the old clinic which did happen in 2000).

Not surprised 2007 is ranked the highest, that set off a ratings renaissance that lasted for about 5 - 6 years.

I thought 1994 was better than 95 or 96 so surprised to see them ranked so highly

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Harpers mental breakdown was well acted and I kinda like the Harper story but Marty as CEO replacement for a few days? Ugh

I think Shorty became quiet uneven. 

Who gives a damn about TK and his long lost sister story? Like seriously? Who?

Damo and his plot was shocking and I never saw that coming. I feel sorry for Desi .

That Viliami/Jojo plot is so boring.

I’m more into HAA right now. Shorty really doesn’t know how to hit the nerves right now. I wouldn’t say it’s a snoozefest but it kinda is

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 

TK's stories have gone through lightning speed so far this year. Hard to believe he had cancer this year. I thought the woman he slept with might end up pregnant (she still could I guess). His sister seems to be there more for a rivalry with Esther and to bother Esther's love life. 

I have a feeling this church is going to be a big part of the Christmas finale - like some kind of suicide cult, I don't know. 

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Yeah of course. I love sharing my thoughts on my favorite shows. 

TK and his cancer story was something I was looking forward too. But just coz the actor stated somewhere last year that he felt bored by his storys and thought about leaving. I really thought this would be like a exit story. But then they bring in some random sister. Ugh

I don’t know. This show has way too many characters without a real story or purpose going on. It’s worse than the 100 characters on General Hospital lol

The 30th Anniversary was kinda dissapointing too. Hell even the 25th anniversary was better. What a shame. Such hype and teasing for nothing really

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I did not realize Desi was actually gone. As is often the case, I finally stopped disliking her so much as she was leaving (I guess because we got much less of the whole "Desi is abusive and horrible but who cares because she's so loveable" routine).


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I‘m quiet split when it comes down to TK‘s character lately. He was one of my well liked ones but he gets on my nerves for a while now.

Marty on the other hand started off annoying and has become one of my favorites right now.

Nicole/Maeve.. I was rooting for them but Maeve has become such an irritating character and what‘s with that kiss with Harper… ugh

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