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AMC: SOW Summer Spoilers

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I disagree....

I think her and CM both have their best chem with eachother out of everyone they could be paired with. Furthermore its his best chem since... Gillian. her best chem since tammy/Jonathon.

Her and CS both have chem too, but not anything amazing. Tho i wouldnt mind seeing them paired up.

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I thought Madison has some good chemistry with Frankie. I don't see as much between her and Ryan but I'll admit that I don't always pay a lot of attention to Ryan scenes and my hate for him may make me biased in that area.

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I have to agree here, there's nothing but recent friendship chemistry w/ her and CS...when it started out it was contrived. So I won't get into that so much. Her and Cameron have chemistry in spades, she actually makes Ryan tolerable, b/c again her going the Frankie way I'd LOL how he would turn on a girl he chased and fell for and has chemistry w/ for a character that murdered and blackmailed his familylaugh.gif I think we're trying to get away from this and showcase Frankie as no nonsense, loyal and pure, if anyone cheats it will be Randi wonders if when AMC stops the rah rah Scott over JR SL he moves onto Randi.

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I just don't get the Madison thing, I don't think she's particularly got chemistry with one or the other. She's not a character with any real gravitas imo.

And on the subject of Frankie, if he goes from Blandi to Mehdison, I don't think they're doing the Frankie character any favors (quel surprise).

I'd also like to see Angie have a daughter-in-law that she either ADORES or truly cannot STAND, none of this lukewarm stuff. Lukewarm and watered down are boring and I think that's what I'd call Randi and Madison, and those qualities aren't helpful additions to the Hubbard family dynamic. They need to pop to the forefront, not be a family of greyish background support.

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I like the chemistry between Annie and JR and I'm not a Scott and Annie fan but I think this triangle would be more interesting if they didn't retcon Annie and Scott's relationship. Annie was genuinely attracted to Scott but now she just likes him because he's the safe guy? Whatever.

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