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Sandra Bullock files for divorce


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Apparently she and Jesse James had been working for years to adopt a child from New Orleans, and they got him in January. They were going to wait until after the Oscars to announce the news, and then...you know the rest.

She's going to raise the baby boy as a single parent.


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She had him sign a prenup, so hopefully she won't have to.

I feel sorry for his daughter, as Sandra made such an effort to be close to her. I guess they will still be close but it will never be the same.

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Ha, just had a "Right on!" then "Oh my! :o " moment with that news. I think she needs to take a couple more months of deep breaths before she goes adopting a kid. Do it for yourself, do it for the kid. As it stands, the kid will for the rest of his/her life be related to this fiasco. And kids can be cruel: "My mom says your mom only adopted you to make herself feel better because she got cheated on by her Nazi husband. The Nazi husband who would have been your dad. But he's not your dad. You don't even have a dad." You know what I'm sayin'?

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Apparently she and Jesse had been working on adopting a child for years, and had actually gotten him in January, before all the crap hit the fan. I guess that may be why she's going forward.

I can imagine a lot of criticism from the usual media suspects talking about how she's setting a bad example as a single parent, and how dare a celebrity adopt a child, and so on.

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Nice, really nice <_<

I know I care because she's a great woman who didn't deserve any of this. Your smartass comments are not necessary either


Another article

Bullock is divorcing James, adopting baby

Bullock says she's "sad and scared" over split, excited about her newborn son, Louis

By Frazier Moore, Associated Press


Sandra Bullock has filed for divorce from her husband, Jesse James, and is adopting a baby boy as a single parent, a story posted Wednesday on People magazine's website.

"Yes, I have filed for divorce," the 45-year-old Oscar-winning actress said in an interview with People. "I'm sad and I am scared."

Bullock and James, 41, began the adoption process four years ago, the report said, and brought 3 1/2-month-old Louis Bardo Bullock home in January but decided to keep the news to themselves until after the Academy Awards.

In the interview, Bullock said she is savoring her new maternal status.

"You wake up, you feed, you burp, you play, you do laundry," she said. "I'm still in that stage where I'm just amazed with him and at life."

"All I said when I met him was, 'Oh, there you are.' It was like he had always been a part of our lives."

The baby, called Louie, is named after jazz great Louis Armstrong, who had particularly touched her with his signature song, "What a Wonderful World," said Bullock. The child was born in New Orleans, a city where Bullock and James had both spent time after Katrina.

Bullock said she got the call that a baby might be available for adoption during what she described as "the media craziness of the awards season."

Deciding to shield Louis from that turmoil, she kept his existence a secret from all but a few trusted associates and loved ones. Her life (and his) became an ongoing process of secrecy and diversion.

"Just the doctors' visits were filled with decoys and dark cars," she said. "People that I had worked with for years couldn't understand why I wouldn't let them into my house for (Oscar ceremony gown) fittings."

James and Bullock separated in March after five years of marriage, following reports that James had been unfaithful.

Bullock won the Oscar for best actress for her role in the blockbuster hit "The Blind Side," on March 7. Within days of her win, the cheating allegations became public and Bullock went into seclusion.

The motorcycle mogul publicly apologized to Bullock and his children, Sunny, 6; Jesse Jr., 12; and Chandler, 15. He recently returned home after a 30-day stay in a treatment facility where he sought help for "personal issues," the People story said.

When asked about whether James had cheated, Bullock said she "had no idea about anything."

"I did the only thing I could do, and that was to pack enough clothes to live on, get all of Louis' things and get out of town. My main concern was Louis."

When asked whether James will have any formal parenting role, she replied: "I will be adopting as a single parent. Anything else will be taken day by day."

Of her relationship with James' three children, Bullock said, "I don't want to know what life is like without those kids. ... Whatever we need to do, in the healthiest way, we are going to be co-parenting."

Looking ahead to life without James, Bullock said, "I really don't know how our paths will intersect in the future, but the father I have known Jesse to be with all the kids is one that I hope Louis can experience one day, no matter how Jesse and I go on with our lives."

News of the adoption quickly seized the attention of fans of Bullock and fellow celebrities alike.

On Wednesday morning's "Live! With Regis and Kelly," host Regis Philbin held up a copy of People magazine, which shows Bullock smiling at her baby son as she holds him aloft.

"It's not very easy to adopt a baby," Philbin said.

He's cute, chirped co-host Kelly Ripa.

"Lucky little guy, too," said Philbin.

And on Twitter, early entries saluted the new mother: "Sandra Bullock is a true role model," posted judyavanness. "True grace under pressure."

"Good for Sandy! Soo cute! The best love is from your child!" declared LScott17.

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