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Y&R: Week of March 22 Discussion

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So, why did they bring Malcolm back anyway and on top of that recast was someone VERY MISCAST?

For what, so he can only make sandwiches on the backburner? Is that how much contempt this writing team has for the audience? It seems like they intentionally pull crap like that to stick it to fans who hate their "writing."

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Would not surprise me. Look at the way they're treating Jill to prop Granny Cooper, the way Cane is shoved down the viewers throats, the lack of any kind of minority presence on this show, recasting Abby with an actress half the age of what the character is supposed to be, the manipulation of history which is supposed to make us buy whatever lame duck plot twist they throw.
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What's even more appalling is exactly the fact that they seem to resent the show so much. When you watch other bad soaps, you know the writers are bad, but you don't usually get this all-permeating sense that they really detest what they're doing and the audience they do it for.

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It's obvious to me that MAB thinks soaps are a joke, so she's writing one like that. It's not supposed to be a show that makes sense, it just supposed to be the usual soapy stuff. But then again, she can't even do that right.

She's been doing the exact opposite of every good soap writing for a year and a half now.

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This is a woman who studied writing and art in school. And you mean to tell me she is so vapid and completely devoid of any sort of creativity or any sort of artistic integrity to have her name attached to such a bad, convoluted show? Maria makes Dena Higley look like Ernest Hemingway. Someone should chuck "The Art of Fiction" at her head at the next fan event.

I understand soaps are a business and you need to sell, sell, sell. But you can sell and also make the most of the format you've been given. Gottlieb and Riche did and they both came from film/tv industry backgrounds and while some may argue they thought they were above soaps, the biggest difference between them and the loons in charge of these shows(and especially Y&R) is that they understood the medium where they worked and always worked to convey something remotely intelligent or heartfelt to their audience.

Where is that Maria? Your audience is smarter than you give them credit for.

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This show is doing very bad things to me. While I should be happy to see all three, I find myself resenting the characters for giving Lily hope that she'll live! Give VIEWERS hope, not the character. Let Neil take Lily's hand and tell her he'll be there with her until the very end... That's the scene I want, as well as the scene where he does hold her hand until the bitter end.

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