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Gordon Russell's Work on OLTL

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The show could use a dangerous senior male, someone to topple a character like Todd and humble him a bit, and there is something still very opaque and mysterious about the Tony character to most modern viewers - including me - that still has that Lord mystique. It helps that George Reinholt looks like a werewolf or a lunatic until he opens his mouth. I'd wanted Simon for the role as a change of pace for that great actor. Plus, it would open up a new avenue for romance with Dorian and of course conflict with Dorian and Viki.

I had figured someone could find a torn photo of poor dead little Brian Kendall and not know what it means. Most of the audience would have no idea either at first, but of course TC would.

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Was the initial David/Jenny death done to bring Zas back? I thought that happened when JFP took over. Or did ABC have it planned? I remember that Brynn Thayer said she would come back as Jenny for David's return if they wanted her to, but I guess they didn't.

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I thought it was Jill's doing, to her limited credit. Don't quote me but I believe I read Thayer at the time explaining they thought it was best for the story that David had lost Jenny, and she agreed with the reasoning but wouldn't have minded if Jenny had dug her way out of the snow someday.

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According to Gerry Waggert in the OLTL 40th anniversary book....

"After Guiding Light fired Michael Zaslow because he was suffering from ALS, he returned to One Life, where he had played pianist-turned-secret agent David Renaldi from 1983 to 1986. Zaslow would have returned to OLTL a few months earlier, but he couldn't becuase of his pending lawsuit against P&G. Like Zaslow, David was too now battling ALS. David's wife Jenny (Brynn Thayer) had been killed in an avalanche. While there was talk about bringing Jenny back during Zaslow's final appearances on the show, Thayer declined, not wanting Jenny's return to overshadow Zaslow's story line. Zaslow died in December of that year (1998). As one of his final requests, he asked the producers not to kill off David as well. While Zaslow could not control his own fate, he wanted David to live on, albeit off camera, as a sign of hope for everyone also battling ALS."

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For some reason I remember the deaths happening before JFP, sometime in the middle of the Canton story, because Cassie wanted to contact him about Dorian. Then they learned he was dead and so was Jenny from the avalanche, and I thought there was some blame from Cassie towards Dorian. It's been a long time though, I'm probably wrong.

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I once thought I would have liked to see them doing another spy story with maybe Dorian, Cassie, and some of the younger Cramers like Langston/Markko or Kelly or Andrew or River, following up on what had become of David given his roots in foreign intelligence. But I couldn't think of where it could go; I fear it would end up like the Sebastian/Roger "coda" on GL which mutated into a horrid beast with no ending.

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Incidentally, Soapcentral's bio reminds me that OLTL toyed with pairing Larry and Cathy Craig just before she left.

I think there's also occasionally been an elephant in the room about Larry and Viki over the years, especially the '80s, but I'm unclear as to what was done with it, if anything.

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