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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 3

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There's no denying that list, LOL.

There is still a fundamental difference. On AMC, there is no parallel for Cooper-Braeden-Scott-Davidson-Davidson-Bregman-St. John, etc. Y&R has still managed to keep most of its core, and to play most of them (not all) front or mid-burner.

But that doesn't detract from your list, which I agree with.

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Yes, as I go through that list, the only one I'm personally satisfied right now (and again, I know I'm an outlier) is Eileen Davidson. No matter what they have put Ashley through since her return, she maintains this ferocity. I have rediscovered by love for Davidson. I have a hard time calling her a "shell".

The problem with Bregman, Scott, Davidson, St. John is that they're not written for...not in a front-burner, driving story way.

Braeden vexes me. He still can steal the show (which I don't mind), but Victor has become soulless. I don't understand what motivates him any more.

Cooper...well...the problem is that Kay has become Jeanne. But I feel like MAYBE we'll get back to some of her core as a damaged, lonely woman....in this Tucker feud. I don't like that she is a big businesswoman now. That doesn't ring true.

The one I'm scratching my head about is Peter Bergman's Jack. Right now he is in a horrible clunker of a story. But somehow I think he's managed to hold onto Jack's throughline (sap for family but not above using them, weird obsession with Jabot, capable of moustache twirling and moist eyes within a single scene) better than almost any of the rest.

Totally, this group could be revitalized. That is why I'm often suggesting cutting the cast in half, so we can concentrate on these folks and the young 'uns in their immediate life circles. I enjoyed the Fisher-Baldwins and even the Scoobies, but I'm ready to let them go if we can deepen the stories for those who remain.

Wanda Acuna was fine, compared to Jennifer Gatti.

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