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OLTL: Discussion for the week November 16

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ICAM, DeeeDee. I wonder if the new biological connection between Rex and Jess will shift the dynamic between the two sisters. Some time ago I'd blogged about that possibility. It should be used as a plot point to reignite that old rivalry (the love-hate thing that Jess and Nat have had going for a while). Rex was the only person Natalie could ever truly count on and now she may be 'losing' him, to some degree, to Jess. Jess has always had Clint, Bo, Asa, Viki, and her brothers. Roxy, Rex and Jared were the only three people in Nat's life she didn't have to share with Jessica. Now Jared is dead, Rex is Jess' bio brother (which shouldn't matter, but it will) and Nat rarely sees Roxy. Nat tried to remove Jess from the Buchanan clan, Tessica nearly killed Nat on a couple of occasions. Nat tried to hurt Jess with the news about Chloe, and later changed her mind.

The only thing Stacy and Gigi have between them is a lust for Rex, one I understand less and less as the show goes on!

Give me the Buchanan sisters any day of the week.

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I think they ruined that potential story by already driving Rex so far away from Natalie. He is rarely interested in her life. She cares about him but it seems forced now when he notices her. I still remember how completely uninterested he was when she disappeared last year.

Unless JPL improves and the writing improves for Rex I think he's going to automatically drag any story down.

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I hope you folks are already bracing yourselves for Kim and Clint makeout scenes (Kint/Clim/Klit??), who doesn't see where this is going...

And I hope the girl playing Kim is taking her vitamins and doing her chin-ups, because I predict HBS, and even ES, destroying her in confrontation scenes. For some reason, I imagine Dorian rooting for Kim, a young schemer dupin' the Buke and making Viki and Nora eat their little hearts out.

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Todd's done the best he can.

Just look at his life. His original soulmate, Marty, was taken from him by that whole gang rape misunderstanding, which was mostly Powell's fault anyway, since Powell is the truly evil one. Then Blair tricked him into marriage and out popped some brat who is never happy. Then Todd met his true soulmate, Tea, who understands him and loves him, and gave him this wonderful daughter who is so much like him.

Todd was so weighed down by the desperate golddigger and her mouthy brats, but after Marty helped him find love again last year, he's gone from strength to strength with Tea.

All he needs is a chance, and he will never do wrong by Tea or his daughter.

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It is pissing me off that this Mitch storyline is going to be turned into a John storyline. WTF did that happen??

PLEASE give me more Viki and Mitch in scenes together. Their scene today was short but damn it was good. The chemistry between Viki/Mitch is that twisted but great kind of chemistry and I want to see MORE. I feel so bad for Charlie, and it doesn't look good, he is going to be hitting that bottle again, but I think he might have some help from Mitch getting there. :(

Can't believe I am going to admit this but I am interested in the Clint/Kim thing coming, but could they at least leave Stacy out of the mix.

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Ok this is my favorite post in a very long time. Sadly, if I didn't know you from around here, and I saw this post on some other board (which shall remain nameless), I'd think it was entirely genuine. You captured the essence of the perfect Todd seen only by the few.

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Another great episode. This show is really on fire. Loved the Charlie/Viki/Mitch scenes today. Brian Kerwin has to be one of the finest male actors I've seen in daytime in a long time. He possesses such a natural almost real like quality that you forget your watching an actor. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds for him and Viki. I hope we can expect to see more of them now.

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