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More Newbies Headed To Y&R?

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Surely that isn't true about a 7 figure salary. That's ridiculous. I mean NONE of the actors they list would get that kind of money.

Why does the show need two tycoons? Is William Russ only short term?

What is Jack there for if not for this type of storyline?

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ABC Daytime is about as fond of interracial relationships now as they were back then.

I'll be surprised if Debbi and Darnell are still on the show next year.

It's sad what has been done to Jack. I have visions of Peter Bergman going all Ghost Whisperer and chatting with Terry Lester about it.

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Oooh :huh: , I like Bill Devane, but I think that's a baaad idea. They might get a few months out of him like Joan Van Ark, but just like Joan, he's not the kind of actor who's comfortable just bangin' out scenes and being denied second takes... I would predict problems, particularly with the latter.

I don't know WHAT their thinking is here, but for starters, unless you're Brad and Angelina or the kids from Twilight, people who aren't already soap fans are most likely not going to flock to daytime to keep up with you. James Franco fans will check him out on GH, but will they stay? It's cool to see stars from '80s primetime on soaps, it tickles your nostalgia button or whatever, and in many cases they are in fact good actors, but that doesn't exactly translate to "must see television". You are NEVER gonna bring a large primetime audience to daytime, and no, making your show look like Knots Landing: Back to the Cul-de-Sac is not going to change that. And like with any primetime show, it's story, not casting, that gets people talking and recommending shows to their friends. Many of the most popular shows in recent history have been cast with sorta- and unknowns. Some fans might be *slightly* impressed by some of their favorite primetime stars on soaps, but soap fans (the only people who TPTB really need to be focusing on impressing) would be just as happy, even happier, with the hiring of old favorite daytime stars who've been off the map.

And besides all that, this casting is just terribly transparent and manipulative, whoever Victor's "replacements" are have their work cut out for them. I use this word a lot, but finesse is something that soap writers are seriously lacking these days. A Bill Bell or a Harding Lemay would masterfully reposition the show and might even make you go, "Victor who?" (I'm exaggerating, but you know what I mean.) There's going to be a lot of eyerolling and teeth sucking when Victor's gone and these rent-a-moguls move in.

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It makes me think that these are 3 and 6 month contracts. Y&R might be following GH's example of bringing in well known actors to play short term roles in mystery or business stories. It is a way to save money, jump start stories and get PR.

As I said before, it will never come to that with PB. He has been fired before. He knows that the show goes on without you, no matter how popular you are with fans. Like MS, he will take his pay cut quietly and be happy to have the job. He probably took it already.

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