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The Hills/The City Thread


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I thought since they both just premiered and are now back to back, Id start a new thread for them. Anyone watch?

The Hills:

Kristin, Kristin, Kristin. What a bitch....and I loved every minute of it! She definetly brought the drama and dindt disapoint. I really like how direct she is and how she doesnt care what anyone thinks

As far as the Audrina drama, Im so on Team Kristin. Audrina and Stephanie looked pathetic. Audrina ended whatever was going on with Justin, so she has no right to be flipping out at Kristin looking at him.

I saw the official cast photos on MTV.com and Stacy has a gallery. So Im guessing she's now a part of the cast

Speaking of which, Im upset that Stephanie and Lo still didnt a spot in the opening. I thought with the show down to 2 of its original girls, they'd be added, but only Kristin was. Anyone notice that they kept Lauren saying the "Previously on" but then followed it up with Kristin doing the voice over

The City

Olivia. What a bitch...and so not in a good way. She was beyond rude, arrogant and just plain nasty to Erin. I couldnt beleive the attitude especially snce she just started the job. If I was Erin, I would have gotten her fired bc that type of behavior is unnacceptable. How dare she?

Roxy. I dont like Whitney's friend. She looks like trouble and Whitney better watch out bc I dont trust her.

What happened to the other Erin? Is she sitll apart of the show

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Oh, kristen. How i love you.

Steohanie & Audrina were apathetic. "girl code?" really? Hunnies, Kristen is NOT your friend. She JUST met you. STFU.

i also hope that she ebats the [!@#$%^&*] out of Jayde later in the season.

Dont watch the city, hate them all, but i did see a scene and i loved what i seen of Olivia. But i cant watch a show about Whitney freakin port. No.

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really? That sucks bc she was fun and bubbly. She helped balance the show out with all the drama going on around her

I dont like Jayde and wouldnt mind seeing her get taken down a peg or 2 but in this case I think Im going to have to be on her side. I couldnt believe Kristin say she still has feelings for Brody (after all these years) and is looking like she's going to go after him next. Thats over the top and it looks like she's playing a game with all these men. If I was in Jayde's position, Id be pissed at her too. At least she has valid reason unlike Audrina

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really? I always thought JB looked like Tom Pelphrey back when he had the hair and the scruff. TP is hot! Plus when Jobby was first on the show, the only other guys were Brody (meh) and Spencer (+ his beard o' pubes). So yeah. JB was a freakin sex god next to those guys.

Kristen is awesome. And so is Olivia Palermo. I remember hearing about her a few years back because some NY society website defamed her, pretended she sent some e-mail she hadn't. She was a social outcast in "high society" for a long while, even after the website was exposed as having set her up. Glad she landed on her feet.

And what's wrong with Whitney Port? She's no brainiac but I kinda like her.

P.S.: Roxy is bad news.

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Does anybody else think the City was choppily/sloppily put together? It just didn't really flow, and I usually love their kind of production (LB, Hills, City).

Supposedly Rachel Zoe twittered that Roxy didn't work for her.

I guess the other original City people are gone as well...? Allie was in that little clip at the beginnng of the party and that was it. And then there was her "boyfriend" that we didn't see. They didn't even have an opening montage besides a little clip of Whitney.

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The City has too many girls; I dont even know who's on the show. They need to have a concrete group on the show and the lack of an opening tells me they dont have that. The premiere did seem to lack the direction that the first season did

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I'm not sure about Olivia either, or her point on the show. There's something that makes me want to like her, but she's so bitchy! Her and Whitney didn't seem to be that close on the first season, so I don't know why they didn't cut her.

Going back to production, they didn't acknowledge DVF at all did they? It just seemed to randomly pick up a few months later and we were supposed to fill in the gaps.

It looks like Kelly lays in to Roxy next week. That should be good. Kelly's a bitch but I really like her.

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Kristin. :wub: She's fun, she's sexy and she's a bitch I can root for. And yay to Kristin narrating.

I want to like Olivia because she's pretty but she's not a fun bitch like Kristin. Instead, she's just rude bitch.

I liked her. :( Why was she fired? Because she didn't bring enough drama or something? I liked her friendship with Whitney and her bangs.


I think Jayde's going to be a great adversary to Kristin. I hope we get to see more of her this season.

Yeah, I miss the original cast and the opening montage! I think the lack of group interaction was the reason why the 1st episode was so choppy like everyone said.

Yeah, I don't get why Olivia is on the show too. If they wanted to focus on her career why not just make a show with her. The City should be about Whitney and her friends - like it was in season 1.

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"That was like, some other problem was going on in her life..."

"Unless I gave it to Justin...(eyes to ceiling) I don't remember..."

Wow. This show is so trashy and fake. And so soapy.

Gotta love how they attempted to elicit some sort of interesting, family side to Kristin by "crossing over" to Laguna Beach and with Kristin saying, "I haven't seen Brody in like, four years." Yeaaaaaa rihhhhhhh. And these characters, despite how completely contrived their situations are and how awful the "dialogue" is, it's a lot like a soap in that, despite the lack of families, there are friendships there and they have these long scenes.

I do think the people in charge have studied serials. The Hills is alot like a soap, minus the choreographed love scenes and the violence.

I do love how Kristin is swallowing this show whole. Kristin is like MTV's Morgan Fairchild or Heather Locklear-esque figure. I really want more confrontation with Audrina and Jade.

And while I think alot of people are into embelishing their troubles and how fake the show is for TV, I think Audrina is like Truman in that she actually does think it's real. The look on her face really says it all. I think she's pathetic enough to believe this is her life.

I could miss it and never look back. But this show is so interesting and bad.

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