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Ugh, Y&R adding MORE characters

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Anyone mind telling me why this crap is necessary when they can't even write for half of the cast and many popular characters haven't had stories in a year, or in two years? What is this s.hit?!!

And I'd prefer they'd not recast Malcolm. They KNOW they CAN'T write for African American characters. I have no faith in this return.

And as for the rich guy, is he even needed? I mean really? They couldn't have plucked a back-burner character and given them story instead?

If there's one thing this regime has failed massively at is establishing new characters.

God, Y&R is awful and everything a bad soap is. Sigh.

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Why is Malcolm coming back?! It's not like there are any black females to pair him with. And we KNOW they have no intentions of bringing Drucilla back. And they're not doing any gay story ever.

Maverick billionaire? Someone please let Maria know that was so last year!

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I read this on Daytime Confidential, I'm thinking it'll have to be a newcomer, Terrell Tilford could have possibly done it had he not booked OLTL. Once upon a time, I had a feeling that Marcus Patrick would assume this role someday, but I think it's safe to say that that won't be happening. (OT: Couldn't you totally see Lawrence St. Victor playing Marcus on B&B should Texas Battle leave?)

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Could they be trying to get rid of Krisoff(ms) St. John. I hope it isn't somebody that bland, boring, & unintertesting like CKLily. They shouldn't write people to fit how CK plays Lily.

Wasn't there another Remy before Lawrence St. Victor? I really don't like Lawrence St. Victor. He look way older then the people who playing Donna & Justin then Texas does.

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Lamman Rucker needs to be Malcolm. But it'll be a joke. He'll have limited screentime after a big opening story, little in the love department and they won't honor his history with Olivia and Phyllis (his good friend). And hell no his son Nate won't be returning! No way they'd bring on a second twentysomething...well a second BLACK one. And I'm sure this can't be good for Kristoff either.

What worries me more though is the rumor that the recasted role Gina Tognoni is up for is Diane. First of all, Diane is supposed to be in her late 40s at best...how old is Tognoni? You can't go from wanting her for Victoria to making her Diane. That is insane. So you're telling me Heather Tom or Amelia Heinle could be Diane replacements? If that rumor becomes true then they have truly lost it. Just bring back Alex Donnelly or even Susan Walters if you have to.

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