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DAYS: Discussion for the month of August

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Those scenes with the dude and Ciara was creepy! I was wondering when the story for Bo's vision of Ciara dropping the bear would start (we first saw Bo having this vision months ago), so I'm glad it's happening now. And it looks Theo saw something, so that's an interesting beat to play.

He's just some kidnapper, but we don't know why he's targeting Ciara or who he's working for. It might have to do with Dean (Nick Stabile) who we saw circling a picture of Hope. Dean is also a cop for the Salem PD.

I think the pacing on DAYS is phenomenal right now. It's nice and slow and it shows that the writers and Gary Tomlin are planning things out. I love it.

Yeah, family interaction is one of the things the show has to work on a bit more. If they do that it's just going to bring DAYS to another level of greatness.

Lucas became a Horton in the mid 90's when it was reveal that Kate and Bill had an affair. Lucas/Chloe got married earlier this year....around February/March...I don't remember exactly.

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It was a great moment. I couldn't stop smiling. Finally, the real Kiriakis heir is back. Phillip, Bo and Brady are pale imitations. I hope that we are getting ruthless Justin sans Adrienne. I love me some bad ass Justin with dimples. The DiMeras are in for a shock.

Wally Kurth has a picture hidden somewhere. The man has barely aged.

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So glad to see Bo/Hope finally on the front burner again. Loving all the scenes with Dean as he watches Bo/Hope while "helping" them. I really hope there's just a bigger agenda than just money.

Victor talked about this brother today and his name is Alex! Alex Kiriakis...my first time EVER hearing that name. I don't even remember reading that name any where.


Even though I'm a Melanie/Nathan fan, I didn't mind Melanie having sex with Philip because (I hope) she will think it was a mistake. I'm thinking long term for Mel/Nathan.

I'm so thinking Arianna's an FBI agent now.

DAYS is so rocking right now. I look forward to the show everyday.

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I just watched Monday and Tuesday's shows. They were good shows but I find the background music very cheesy, cheap, synthetic and distracting. I think the dialogue and acting is good enough on the whole that we don't need bad muzak playing loudly in the background. Its really annoying.

I like the Phillip, Steph, Melanie and Nathan, but I wish the show would develop long term relationships between any of the couples before playing the musical beds drama - it makes it hard to take any coupling seriously otherwise. I love cranky Victor, but calling Stephanie a slut was overkill and stupid - I never saw the writing credits, but i would bet good money it was John Newman writing that script. Mark Hapka is quite a find though - kudos to Marnie Saitta for casting him. I'm glad she stayed on past Ed Scott's firing.

I have to say that Felisha Terrell has a smoking body - that blue bikini she wore was hawt. She's an adequate actress, but she is missing chemistry with Brady. I find it hard to believe she is a drug dealer. She's probably an FBI agent like her brother, so I dunno why they don't tell us already. It would be more interesting if she actually dealt drugs, but this show rarely takes such chances. I have a few questions about her and Rafe's past, that maybe were answered during my hiatus, namely: We know Rafe was in an orphanage growing up, was Arianna as well? Why did they fall out previously? Was it over Emily? What happened to their parents?

Great seeing Wally Kurth again, but I get the impression he will be around for a bit - he was brought on to help Daniel, but Daniel's relying on Brady for help. Plus he's following Bo & Hope around town in the kidnapping and all these cryptic messages about the importance of family, makes me think something long term is up. Maybe they are waiting for Judi Evans to be available before they go there.

Yay, Doc Baker is back - his scenes with Nicole are always a treat. I wish he would stick around and hookup with Nurse Maxine - they would be fun.

Nick Stabile looks great - way better than he ever did on SuBe. I agree with Toups, its great watching him "help" Bo and Hope. I suspect he is the Wes Ramsey of this upcoming sweeps though... Long term speculation: Ciara is rescued, but a wedge is driven between Bo and Hope as Carly convienently returns to town... I hope its more original than that, but we'll see...

Overall there seem to be more stories going on now than a few months ago. While I liked the compact tight feel of the show previously, I also like Sami not eating the show up.

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That's Ken Corday and Brent Nelson for you. LOL They have some good cues but most of their stuff is pretty bad.

I didn't mind Philip/Mel sleeping together but I would've been against Nathan/Steph sleeping together - that would've ruined Nathan for me.

Me too. He's awesome and so does Marnie. I like the actress who's playing one of the kidnappers/Dean's girlfriend. She's pretty hot and it looks like she can act. Anyone know the actress' name?

I'd like to know too.

Yeah, I have my suspicions about Justin....hmm....

I've grown to like him too.

Nick does look good, and he looks comfortable in this role. He was so stiff when he was playing Fox on Passions. It was like he didn't know what to do. Yeah, right now, it does look like it's just a short term role since we found out today Dean's motives for hating Hope. It doesn't look like he's working for someone.

Actually, that's how I want it to play out. For Bo/Hope to break up, I think it needs to be about their children - I thought they should've broke up when Zach died, it would've been the perfect opportunity.

Bo having that vision of Ciara getting shot! If that actually comes true. :o

It doesn't look like he's working for someone. Dean hates Hope because he feels she's getting preferential treatment and that's why he didn't get the detective position. I think there was another reason too but I forget..I'll have to rewatch that scene.

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I don't know if I would be against Nathan/Steph sleeping together - it would really depend on how it builds up to it. If its an insta-hookup, then I agree it would ruin Nathan, but if its a slow buildup to a budding romance, then I could buy it.

Her name is Nikki DeLoach and she starred with JKJ on North Shore on FOX. She is generally blonde, but she is hotter as a brunette I think. And yeah, she's a good actress.

His motivation for hating Hope is a bit shaky - I was kinda dissapointed. Its totally understandable why someone could believe they could take on the Salem PD since they are the worst police department in the world, but still... there must be better ways for revenge. Its as if he isn't even interested in the money, which is fishy.

I don't mind Bo & Hope breaking up - it could add new life to the characters (although they are both doing sterling work - can you imagine if this were Sami & Rafe? vomit), however I'm not interested in a triangle. All the years of Billie Reed and even Patrick Lockhart makes the prospect of a triangle SL for Bo and Hope sound so tedious imho.

I was wrong about yesterday's script writer - Cydney Kelley wrote it, not John Newman - color me suprised.

Was it just me or did Roman sound old and croaky (risking the chance of being called ageist). I wonder if Josh Taylor has been sick. He hasn't been on much (not that I'm complaining...)

Lucas was a snore today. I didn't really feel for him in his Chloe monologue. On the otherhand, Kate and Daniel were excellent, even if they are having the same conversation again lol. I don't why people think Kate has gone off her rocker by doing this - its nothing she hasn't done before i.e. framing someone for murder (Sami in 1999 for Franco's murder), and reacting badly to rejection (Coronation massacre anyone?)

Today was another good episode. The show seems to be building up again. I thought it was superb from February to June (to about the point when Grace died) and then summer was awful. I'm really getting into it again.

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Yeah, that's what I meant, if Nathan/Steph hooked up now, it would ruin Nathan. As a Nathan/Mel fan, I'm interested in seeing how Mel reacts to sleeping with Philip, if she regrets it or not.

It's Nikki DeLoach?! Wow, I totally didn't recognize her as a brunette....also I haven't seen her in anything since North Shore. Now I really want her to stay! LOL She also reminds me of Stacie Mistysyn (Caitlyn on Degrassi).

ITA but I'm still enjoying this storyline so I'm willing to let it slide a bit.

But those triangles were always one-sided, except for Billie/Bo/Hope in the mid 90's, and you had someone trying to break the couple up. To have an "ultimate triangle," there has to be true feelings (which Bo does with Hope and Carly) and there has to be no bad guy (Carly trying to break up Bo/Hope or Hope trying to break up Bo/Carly). I'm very interested to see how this plays out.

I've been saying this since the beginning of this storyline, Kate MAKES this storyline interesting. And I agree that this is totally in Kate's character.

I think DAYS has been really good since March. I even didn't mind the "slow weeks" this summer. But I can totally see the show building up to a HUGE fall and November sweeps. I can't wait.

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Woah that last scene in today's ep was really good. Bo ripping the phone out of Hope's hand and then going off on the kidnapper, threatening them and promising to hunt them down. Also Hope going nuts over Bo's actions. And Dean squirming in his seat - I can't say this enough, I just love the cut-aways to Dean.

Kiriakis vs Dimera scenes are always good. Loved EJ telling Victor that if anyone hurt any of his kids, they will die a slow painful death.

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Aw man, Brenda's dead. :( Nikki DeLoach gave a great performance today. She really impressed me. I don't remember her being this good on 'North Shore.' I knew this was probably going to be a short term role but I was hoping, somehow, the role was expand to a long term one. Nikki's hot and she could act. If Y&R ever decides to recast Heather, I think Nikki would be perfect for the role!

So Ciara's been found and Dean hasn't been exposed. I wonder what his next plan is. I'm really enjoying him as a villain....and a villain who's not here just for a weeks. I hope he stays for many more months. DAYS needs a new villain and Dean's pretty awesome.

Anyone know when Lindsay Hartley's first air date is?

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