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AMC: Thursday, July 23, 2009

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Yes, but not a big part of today, imo.

Boring episode today for me.

Annie said some things to Ryan I loved hearing coming out of my screen, though. Including a dis for endangering Emma the night of the murder by dropping his daughter off at Chandler Mansion for a booty call with Kendall. Ryan got in his own bit of truthing on Annie (minus the certainty of her guilt in murdering Stuart).

Zach: Bark, Bark, Bark, Barking orders to all in his path. Then a little lamb of tenderness with Emma. *rolls eyes* I was glad Emma held out on him.

Watching the parade of selfish nimwits go by, little wonder Emma is out-smarting them all thus far.

Liza went over a line I didn't like. No problem with her questioning the kid under a court-supervised setting if it came down to it (after all a woman's very life is on the line). But all these commando raid interrogations have got to stop. The kid is already o-v-e-r insofar as getting court-acceptable testimony. May we please move on?

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Did Brot really say 'dickwad'??? Who again was the script writer today???

I'm totally Team Annie. She's the only good thing going on this show nowadays. Are the writers really wanting us to side with the rest of the cast...? I'm rather bored and really annoyed lately with Liza, Erica, Kendall, Zach, Ryan, Jesse... I definitely don't side with them, and I'm definitely not rooting for them...

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I'm getting a little interested only because I'm thinking that Annie didn't shoot Stuart... I'm thinking that Adam was so hopped up on the drugs that David had pumped into his system, which caused extreme paranoia, causing Adam to arm himself or his protection and accidentally shooting his brother. I'm thinking that Adam doesn't remember because of this drug, and that his memories of that night is slowly coming back to him. If I'm right who is guilty? Adam for shooting his twin, or, David for ordering the drug to be administered to Adam, which caused the hallucinations and paranoia? Annie is guilty of hiding what she knows, and telling her daughter to never tell what she saw.

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Pratt seems to like Annie, so the others are probably being damaged to make her more sympathetic. I just wish they wouldn't have gone with Adam/Annie, I don't buy that relationship.

And yes, I do believe Adam killed Stuart. This would be someone's idea of some great shocking twist.

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I think taking what was once a moving brother relationship and turning it into a drugged up Adam accidentally killing his twin would cast a pall over the character, especially since, like most other stories on here, it would never be seriously addressed or dealt with. It would just hang in the background while Adam is a prop for Annie, or Erica, or is further phased into the background. I also think when they keep doing these stunts to try to shock people, there's less and less left which matters. Everything becomes disposable.

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IA with you if the outcome is not seriously addressed. If done right the reveal could give DC a winning s/l worthy of his talents. However, it just may be wishful thinking on my part that this could be an Emmy worthy performance for AC, and not a ticket to off-screen oblivion.

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AMC needs to get to the end of the who killed Stuart storyline? It's too obvious that it's Annie, so it's probably not her, but Emma who accidentally killed Stuart. I wish it was Annie, that psycho has over-stayed her welcome and needs to be written off pronto. I do love Melissa Claire Egan's acting and wish for another role on another day or night-time show.

I want the old Tad back, I'm sick of the stupidness of the head-injured Tad, he's more like he was now, but I want him fully back. And please get an awesome haircut Michael E. Knight.

It's time for JR Martinez(Brot) to go. AMC needs to axe Beth Ehlers(Taylor) if Taylor & Tad don't work. I am wanting Tad with Liza. I'm liking Jamie Luner as Liza more and more, but still think she should've been cast as Skye instead.

AMC please update your opening----Kendall, Zach, Tad, Krystal especially need new pics. Jill Larson(Opal), Daniel Kennedy(Pete) should be put back into the opening.

AMC really needs to bring back Jamie Martin, he's sorely missed imho. Joe & Ruth need more prominence. Sign Lee Meriwether(Ruth) to a long-term deal. Also AMC should bring back Tara, maybe Karen Lyn Gorney.

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