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AMC: Wednesday, July 1, 2009

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You're acting as if this is brand new! :unsure:

Anyway, I caught the tail end of this episode a little while ago this morning on Soap Net. Denise, Denise, Denise... :rolleyes: When Randi was telling North that the Hubbards have been very good to her, she wags her finger and says "Don't you hurt them!" as if she's chastising a puppy: "Don't you do that!" Why does this show insist on giving Vasi, Turner and MonGRIEF anything more than U/5's is beyond me. They can't emote for anything. But time and time again, they get heavy material to play, while Shannon Kane spends six months in a police uniform saying "Yes, sir." It's chronic with this show. Emma, for instance. The way they write this child, you'd think she was the Holy Grail! Everybody wants her, everybody's trying to protect her, everybody's trying to get information out of her and yet, she's played by a child actress who looks bored to be there. While the little girl who plays Kathy acts her heart out, and we never see her!

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Jesus, I can barely recall what happened yesterday to even comment on it. I'm more jazzed watching Stacey Haiduk on Y&R.

Natalia did seem very vivacious in comparison to most characters lately. I'd like to see more of her, too. I think she and Vasi and CS have nice chemistry. AMC has got her too isolated socially and we don't see her enough OTJ to matter. Were she and Scott ever chem tested? I'd prefer her someone with more on the ball than he. Slim pickins in PV. I don't really see her with JR. Get her dating or in a story with someone. Jesse and Angie shouldn't approve, just like soap should be.

I kind of agree about the Emma actress. She's seemed sort of almost dazed/sedated for a long while. I wanked is as Emma already showing signs of mental illness/depression being CrazyAnnie and Lord Lavery's daughter by way of Terry the Predator. Poor kid.

Little Kathy is a precocious ball of fire and I was even getting a kick out that demon seed storyline where she's was trying to hurt/kill My Newest Mommy KWAK. Now she sees it's all Emma, Emma, Emma. I wonder if some kindergarten set All About Even situation is brewing in the The Littlest Diva set on AMC. Kathy wants that screen time back! :)

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