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ATWT: July Discussion Thread

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Hmmn....what to say about today????

...it was nice to see Susan. And she got to be smart, testing the eggs' DNA.

...it was funny Emily's dress was the same dress Brooke wore on B&B today (only hers had a white line).

...I figured out Hunter's name must be Hunter Wagner. That's the last name his mother (Aurora Hunter) used on the birth certificate.

...I didn't blame Casey for stopping just short of calling Ali a tramp. She is an ex-porn queen afterall.

...I think Damian and Dusty are stupid. Just a few weeks ago, both of them would have nailed Paul as the culprit, since they both think he's bat chit crazy.

...it was nice to hear about Lucinda, even if we didn't see her.

...tomorrow looks better.

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I kind of tuned out today's show. The good parts were Susan/Larry/Emily/Hunter story. It's nice to see Vets featured in a storyline that is somewhat sane.

Casey sure has been an ass lately. I am so sick of his little baby tantrums.

Never Damian nor Dusty asked what the guy who took the computer looked liked. How dumb is that? NOT even Lily asked..but Lily hasnt always been bright. It's just lazy writing by Pissant and Goutman. I hate that they are wasting Damian in this story. The writers are intent on torturing the audience with a Paul and Meg pairing. I wish they would just pair them already so I can ff their scenes only. Put Damian and Dusty in another story.

The Lucinda mention was nice.

Could Carly being on tomorrow have anything to do with your tomorrow looks better post?...Hehe

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Yes, I think that could be it. I'm gearing myself up for the final push before Maura's leave. :)

And I can't believe how stupid and lazy the Paul/Damian/Dusty stuff is. (and I'm frightfully acclimated to Pissy's lapses in logic, blink and you missed it cross-country flights and coincidences from Hell..) No one can bother to ask for a description, no one can bother to CHECK SECURITY TAPES either. At WW, at the dock, at the Lakeview. UGH. I wish TIIC would just man up and scuttle the entire story, and fire most of the actors. I'd rather listen to Janet screech for the rest of the summer than sit through three men fighting over Meg.

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LOL...I see you Kelly...but even I'll admit, it's funny seeing Paul carefree and whistling as he makes chumps out of the D-twins.

And if I must---I'll sacrifice Janet. In a heartbeat. :lol:

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^^^has she started airing?? I hate DC's website, it takes forEVER to load.

I hate to say it, since I complain about the lack of family interaction sssoooo much...but I rolled my eyes through the Craig/Margo scenes. Like I really needed another of Craig's odes to "just how danged much" he loves Carly. I had to snort at his proclamation that "I think she's really the one." Throughout Craig's LONG history, I can name exactly two women he hasn't proposed to...Diana and Jennifer. There are probably others, but not that many.

I'm glad Rosanna is quite aware of Carly's rapid deterioration. Liked the Ro/Carly/Parker scenes.

I want to like the Casey/Adam stuff. I really do.

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I know what you mean about DC. They had some info on her appearances so I linked there. Here's a direct link to the clip (she did start airing today).

I'm happy some show is taking advantage of her talent, and that ATWT is letting her do it instead of using this as an excuse to fire her. At least Lucinda will hopefully be there next year, to the end of Oakdale.

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They give me these moments....then they rip them away (because you know Paul won't get away with it lol...and that's not even a spoiler, it's a fact of this show. Paul will get caught, Meg will screech, wash, rinse, repeat).

I wanna catch the Ro/Carly stuff on YouTube.

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Ahhh...yes...those "presents". They've kept my paltry hopes alive for Carjack for years. Unfortunately now, I can't buy a Carly/Jack scene that isn't ruined by either GrampaLurch or MamaBootyCiccone.

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The show wasnt half bad today. Either my standards are going down or I just stopped caring ...LOL.

I was shocked that Craig was shown with Margo in the hospital. But where was Kim and Co.?? She must be too busy getting the ratings up for her show and catering to Geneva Swift. No mother in law either?? Where was Lisa??

I also like the whole Ro/Carly and Parker stuff.

I am loving the Casey and Adam scenes.

Again enjoying Larry and Em.

Tomorrow looks like a good one with Carly totally losing it.

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