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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of June 29,2009

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I haven't seen today's eppy yet but I'm wondering if him coming back has something to do with the Parkinson's disease that Nina's concerned about, don't know, but I am just guessing. I like Phillip Chancellor and find this a very good storyline its plausible men have left women for decades, there is an old school saying from the 50's

he went to empty the garbage and never came back sometimes it was cigarettes or a loaf of bread...it has happened to many women so I'm just rolling with it because I was/am a huge Nina, Phillip fan also the actors who portray them

and right now my daytime isn't allowing me that old excitement I use to get esp. on cliffhanger Fridays. And it was dramatic when I saw the clip him stepping out...I think they wrote it like that for the "dramatic" effect. The clip I saw had some awesome acting for me...I enjoyed it. No drama is 100% but I liket his storyline its different and I give them kudos for "trying something new" it may or maynot suceed but at least they are trying to offer something fresher than the stale redundancy I get on so many other soaps.

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I don't think any mother deserves this, no matter how much the show may put her down. She wasn't a great mother but she did love her son. If anyone deserves it of the group, it's Katherine, since she killed Phillip II, probably on purpose. Even then I don't think Katherine deserves it.

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Dude, Ashley had a miscarriage with no fetus nor any physical symptoms indicating a miscarriage or of even bruises from falling down the stairs.

If Heather were to come beating down the Chancellor door to arrest Cane and Phillip or any other form of logic were to come of this, I'd as soon see Victor in a hot-pink tutu practicing plies. It would make sense for Cane to be imprisoned for this. Not Phillip, though, since he gets the pass in soap opera rules because he came back from the dead LMAO.

I think Phillip came back because, and obviously I'm fanwanking here, when Cane told him that Nina was asking questions, he also told Phillip that she was hounding him to help her son find out if he had Huntington's disease. So he felt like he had an obligation to help his family out now that his son is in danger of dying from this illness.

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How many holes become too many holes to the point where they can no longer be excused? This whole storyline, as Mark pointed out, requires the audience to suspend too much disbelief, and for more holes to be apparent, it doesn't make me hopeful or enjoy what I'm getting, especially when the actor at the center of this storyline sucks ass so far.

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