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Y&R: Week of June 15-19, 2009

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And P. S. Brothers & Sisters showrunners are (or were) two of the best and mot promising writers that came from that crapfest Charmed, two women who came from academia... But boy, that show, even though it gives me enjoyment, isn't what it was supposed to be when the creator was there.

Turn on the Ignore function and skip my posts.

And by the way, my post doesn't imply that I favour trash over family drama. Quite the opposite. But familial issues & slow-moving, touching, realistic stories, at this point, will not attract your audience.

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True. But there is one family that exist as a big family unit---the Winters when they all appear in the same episode in some sort of a gathering and then they're not seen for two weeks when they have another gathering (a.k.a isolation).

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THERE is the difference between me and you. Cast/Walton/Cooper ARE just sensational right now, the SL is keeping me on the edge of my seat, and Haiduk being so good is a bonus. I feel that if the show has PARTS that are fabulous, then the show is fabulous.... I can ignore the parts that I don't like...I've been doing it for 35 damn years now! You seem to think if only part of the show it's good, then it's crap as a whole. Typical pessimist. You rmeind me of my brother, he HATES the network ID bugs in the corner of the screen, so much so that if a movie he wants to see airs on a network that has one, he'll not watch it. He claims he can't enjoy it unless it's PERFECT. Also reminds me of people who'll throw away an apple with a bruise on the side, instead of eating the other half that's good.

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Where is the difference here? :unsure: The difference might be in the epithet: I wouldn't really call it sensational. The stories these are in.

If I am an idealist and want the whole show to be good, with only possible minor annoyances, then that's my problem.

Oh, please! It's not a part, it's like 95% of this show and more!

But you fell into a trap. Predictably and easily. I am not a frustrated, mean, pessimistic, annoying, "negative" as people here try to depict me. I can totally deal with that because I don't care what those people say. It's actually amusing.

Me wanting a show to be good does not equal me being neurotic, psychotic and frustrated because it's not perfect. Huge difference.

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I don't know why they're prolonging it, I guess there's just no inspiration there left. We've been harping for months that Phick and Shack must end, but it looks as if that won't happen anytime soon.

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