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AMC: Tuesday, 6/2/09

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I'll go back and forth between both in my commentary! :lol:

But, yeah, the dialogue as a whole for this episode was basically jumping to mega conclusions.

OMG! I LOVE IT! :lol:

And wasn't there a scene a couple years ago, either with Ambyr or MonGRIEF where Colby was asking Marian if Liza had called and Marian was trying to make up excuses as to why Liza HADN'T called? So, yeah, I always assumed that Liza would've been in contact with Marian when it came to Colby. Only an idiot would think "Hey! I'll obscond with this man's child for years without a trace, and then expect him to give her my letters once she finds his way back to him!"

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its so stupid and obviously plot driven writing. There were so many holes in Liza's story.I really cant imagine her just mailing those letters to the mansion and assuming Adam would give them to Colby. The fact that she even mentioned this in her letters makes it even dumber that she didnt then try and use Marion to contact Colby (which she should have done from the getgo) All these years I assumed Colby talkd to her on the phone and visited her when she was off screen. Guess not.

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Vincent Irizarry shines for me when David is obviously guilty, but is lying so convincingly, and Irizarry is fully committing to that lie as he would any genuinely honest line of dialogue, because THAT makes David just pathological (like at the ethics hearing with Angie/Jake). But otherwise, his whole bitter schtick wears thin with me.

So many actors will half-commit to SHOW the audience that they're lying, but I'm more fascinated when they commit to it so much, and it's scripted that the audience KNOWS it's a lie, but the actor just makes us question what we know. Sarah Brown is another that does this with her original Carly and now Claudia.

David's drunken tirade didn't do it for me...

"JR's a DRUNK! Okay, I'm drunk right NOW, but JR's a real drunk!" (I'm paraphrasing)

David, buddy, if every time your life goes south, you get wasted... maybe you need to look into a 12-step program. It's hard for characters to use addiction as a moral platform when David has gotten wasted SEVERAL times to deal with his emotions, yet still targets JR through his alcoholism and constantly tampers with peoples' medication, and Krystal was popping pills like junior mints, yet worrying about Little A's safety around boozing JR. And after FOUR children who have had issues with liquor, Adam still won't do away with his liquor stash right there in the parlor? At least keep it in the safe!

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