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Y&R: Week of June 1, 2009

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The ridiculousness in the story beats are starting to show bit by bit. It has it's good and it's bad within storylines and story beats here but the bad is starting to show itself more and more. The greatest thing left of the show is not storylines or ideas (not that anyone said it was), I think by consensus the overall performances and production is what sells the show creatively at this point. Much moreso than even under BB's tenure, At least that's just my opinion......

Not that I call it Passions bad lol. Y&R now (at times) is what one wishes Passions was. These out there storylines with masterful production and performances

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I'm just hoping for a Nick/Billy rivalry down the road and having Billy be the father seems a good way to get there. Part of me wishes Delia didn't exist. At least not right now. I feel like I didn't get enough bang for the buck with that story because I don't give a damn about Lily or any of her men. I wish we had seen more of Chloe and Billy before they ended up co-parents. I feel they've tied Chloe down too soon and for no good reason.

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Y&R is not Passions but there is a danger of Y&R becoming Days-like. You can have crazy stories but only if they're acted & produced with restraint and naturalism. That's why the Chipmunk story failed. Too much scenery chewing and the lighting & editing was all wrong. Way too over the top, especially by the supporting players. Only EO'B seemed to always deliver -- anguished but in a real understated way. The chipmunk voice was ridiculous. It should have been GR's own voice but slightly speeded up or slowed down. I don't like the idea of the story but it would have been okay and maybe even affecting with some restraint. That's the difference between prose and poetry.

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Why would Nick be rivals with Billy or anyone? It's not in his nature. He hates Adam because Adam deserves it but Nick is not the kind to hold a grudge or be competitive. After everything that went down with Jack, Nick still loves him. If Nick is going to have an enemy, I would like it be Phyllis. She could make his life hell in a very good way.

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I can't believe anybody in this thread is even remotely thinking about comparing Y&R to Passions. Come on now. It's one thing to not like the direction a show is taking, to find specific storylines cliche, to say a show has lost its heart, etc. All of these things are valid criticisms. But really? Passions? How soon we forget. I don't know how SEVEN EPISODES of a chipmunk can compare to a full year of hell behind somebody's closet door, or Adrian Zmed's floating head, or an hermaphrodite with the ability to change his gender without anybody noticing.

I wouldn't even say Y&R is in trouble of becoming Days-lite. MAYBE I'd say it's starting to feel like Malone's second run at OLTL a little bit, if I had to compare what's happening on air right now to another soap, historically. But I think the hyperbole's gone a little far when you start saying things like "If I have to suspend disbelief that Sharon and Ashley got pregnant at the same time, then Y&R is in danger of becoming 'Passions'" LOL! Let's get a little perspective here...

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If you are referring to me, I was talking about Ashley believing she is pregnant for six months when she isn't. Is the woman 110 pounds wet? How wouldn't she notice that her stomach is flat. She's been pregnant before, she doesn't know the difference between being 9 months pregnant and not being pregnant?? Why can she walk without wanting to scream that first day or two? How is she going to fail to notice that she's not in pain for weeks after having her child or that her body isn't a bit worse for wear? Why isn't she lactating? Saying this is a storyline out of Passions may be an exaggeration, but it is still ridiculous and insulting to the intelligence of any woman who has had a child (and any man or woman who hasn't, but gives more than a seconds thought to this story). Y&R has always been the most realistic soap. Phelia type stories need to be few and far between.

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That, and the fact that this never ending quad storyline is right out of the JER rulebook. The constant flip-flopping, and the fact that it's been going on for like three years already and there appears to be no end in sight. It's already to the point of who cares anymore? These characters have become caricatures and have lost every ounce of integrity they've ever had by being tied to this ridiculous quad story.

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I realized the other day that it's starting to remind me of Ridge/Brooke/Nick on B&B. :mellow: I do think the quad aspect of it may be wrapping up though. Nick has made his choice. It's hard to imagine him going back on it now.

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It's been going on much longer. Thankfully there has been breathers in between, and the writing for the most part was better.

I don't mind the quad under MAB, because she's corrected a lot of the mistakes. I think if LML didn't make them so insufferable, Morrow tried more, and Michelle didn't become so lazy, then things wouldn't have been so bad.

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At least that story had breaks, and it not like it's really going on at the moment, and the characters weren't ruined or totally unsympathetic.


MAB has made them insufferable too, especially Nick. I don't know why she keeps this story going without any real breaks. It's way too much, and has been dragged out and juiced for all its worth months ago. It's time for the story to progress, and for these characters to move on to different and more important matters, away from each other.

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